Opened Diary-Looking For Your Advice!

Hi Everyone!

I just opened my diary to public, in hopes you all can scan maybe my last week or so and give me your feedback.

My personal goal and what I am attempting: to lose weight

Things you may want to know or will ask:

SW: 221
CW: 216
GW: 135

Female, 5'3, desk job
Exercise everyday 30-60 mins ( usually walking )

I went from a lifestyle of: NO exercise, huge sugary drinks everyday, fast food etc...
Also, have PCOS. I am not on any certain medication for that other than a BC pill to trigger monthly, you know whats.

Not really frustrated or anything, just looking to get advice from you all of things I can switch up or do to be successfull at weight loss.

Today's diary is pre-logged, as its still early. So that most likely wont be my final enteries for today, will be a little higher.

DISCLAIMER: I do have my calorie goal set at 1200, but dont follow that. I set it there and usually aim for 1500 or so.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for all your help and support!


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    If you're losing weight, you're already on the right path!
  • miniwheatxoxo
    Yes, losing-but a little slow. I know the PCOS has a factor. But I seem to stuggle getting past the 5lbs lost mark. Sounds goofy I know.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    I'm glad to see you eat peanut butter! :wink: maybe try for some more protein but most important is you are feeling satisfied and not deprived at the end of the day. Good luck!
  • miniwheatxoxo
    Yes, I love me some peanut butter. Defintely will add more protein, and maybe less carbs. Thanks!
  • JoJoLtd
    JoJoLtd Posts: 11 Member
    There's a lot of pizza and other carb-heavy food in your diet, your macro ratios are not geared towards weight-loss when you're barely getting 10% of your calories from protein.
    Shoot for a 40/30/30 C/P/F ratio and start a solid exercise regime, including lifting weights, walking isn't enough.

    I am also 5'3" with PCOS and a solid diet and exercise regime keeps me effortlessly at 120lbs, eating 1800-2000 cals or so a day with the right macro ratios.
  • miniwheatxoxo
    There's a lot of pizza and other carb-heavy food in your diet, your macro ratios are not geared towards weight-loss when you're barely getting 10% of your calories from protein.
    Shoot for a 40/30/30 C/P/F ratio and start a solid exercise regime, including lifting weights, walking isn't enough.

    I am also 5'3" with PCOS and a solid diet and exercise regime keeps me effortlessly at 120lbs, eating 1800-2000 cals or so a day with the right macro ratios.

    Thanks for this ^ Great advice!
  • reemer884
    reemer884 Posts: 11 Member
    I would try and balance your meals a little bit more. It's not all about the calorie count. Keeping your body fueled throughout the day will benefit you more in weight loss and general health.

    Choose one serving of protein and one serving of healthy carbs (fruit, sweet potato, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, etc.) and then add some veggies.

    This will keep blood sugar in check which helps with the PCOS also (from what I've read).

    I stick with foods that I know I can keep handy without too much effort: apples, bananas, berries, oatmeal, tuna, instant brown rice, chicken sausage, sweet potatoes, cooked shrimp, lowfat cheese sticks.

    Good luck!
  • miniwheatxoxo
    I would try and balance your meals a little bit more. It's not all about the calorie count. Keeping your body fueled throughout the day will benefit you more in weight loss and general health.

    Choose one serving of protein and one serving of healthy carbs (fruit, sweet potato, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, etc.) and then add some veggies.

    This will keep blood sugar in check which helps with the PCOS also (from what I've read).

    I stick with foods that I know I can keep handy without too much effort: apples, bananas, berries, oatmeal, tuna, instant brown rice, chicken sausage, sweet potatoes, cooked shrimp, lowfat cheese sticks.

    Good luck!

    ^Thanks. Good idea. I get caught up trying to manage calories, I forget the rest. Will be making more effort to cut carbs and add protein for balanced meals!!!
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Weigh everything. I know you're prelogging but it doesn't look like you rely on weight. The banana could be 80 or 125. They're not all the same size. Same for other fruits, veggies. Its not as significant on the peach but every bit adds up.

    Be wary of generic or homemade entries unless you made them and know the content to be correct. You can't know your sloppy joe meat is 212 calories if you're just using a random generic entry? The recipe builder is easy to use, and again: go by weight. What you fit into a 1/2 cup will be different every time.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Weigh everything, and I agree that 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat is a great balance for losing weight. After that, just eat what you want to stay in those macros, pretty much.
  • miniwheatxoxo
    Weigh everything, and I agree that 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat is a great balance for losing weight. After that, just eat what you want to stay in those macros, pretty much.

    When you guys weigh food to stay within macros like 40/30/30 c/p/ you pre-log to make sure you are set for the day?

    I find it diffcult to gage these things unless I pre-log.

    Like prepping meals on Sunday?

    Also, dumb question. How to you gage the 40/30/30 on MFP? Is there somewhere on the daily food logscreen that shows percentages?
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    you are eating to little. You need to consume 1300-1400 calories a day at a minimum, if you want to see results.

  • miniwheatxoxo
    you are eating to little. You need to consume 1300-1400 calories a day at a minimum, if you want to see results.


    I am consuming more than 1200.... as I said above I am not finished logging today, but I havent had a day under 1300 calories.
  • lynnmariedwyer
    lynnmariedwyer Posts: 3 Member
    the only place I could find to adjust the % ratios is in the applications on tablets or phones - when i use my laptop, I can't seem to find that feature to change. I think it is part of the app, not the website ?
  • miniwheatxoxo
    the only place I could find to adjust the % ratios is in the applications on tablets or phones - when i use my laptop, I can't seem to find that feature to change. I think it is part of the app, not the website ?

    Yes, I have the same problem. And I only get notifcations on my phone, not computer. guess, I am forced to do it the old fashioned was. MATH?
  • reemer884
    reemer884 Posts: 11 Member
    To adjust your % on macros:

    Go to "My Home" --> Goals---> Change Goals ---> Custom

    I don't always pre-log unless I know I have a splurge coming up and I want to be really good the rest of the day.

    If you are loyal to logging each day you'll figure out how to make adjustments for the next day.

    Here are some other tips that i use to keep me in check without pre-logging:

    -Balance good carbs and protein at each meal (this helps with blood sugar and will help you not go overboard on one or the other)
    -Divide the daily number of cals by the number of meals you are eating. Eating more frequently and having smaller meals works for me.
    -Eat clean and whole foods as much as possible.
    -Eat foods that are easy to track (boiled eggs, pouch of tuna, oatmeal packets)
    -Go back and read previous logs. Think about what you would change and what worked. For example, I aim for 300 cals per meal (6 meals/day) and I know that 2 hardboiled eggs and a cup of oatmeal is close to that in calorie count and has a good balance of carb and protein. I always keep those foods handy just in case.
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    Pre-logging is very helpful for me.

    Lunch is always a bit of a wild-card for me since I tend to go out with the guys from the office. When I put in my breakfast, I usually go ahead and enter what I plan to have for dinner and snacks. This helps me to see what my options are for lunch.
  • miniwheatxoxo
    To adjust your % on macros:

    Go to "My Home" --> Goals---> Change Goals ---> Custom

    I don't always pre-log unless I know I have a splurge coming up and I want to be really good the rest of the day.

    If you are loyal to logging each day you'll figure out how to make adjustments for the next day.

    Here are some other tips that i use to keep me in check without pre-logging:

    -Balance good carbs and protein at each meal (this helps with blood sugar and will help you not go overboard on one or the other)
    -Divide the daily number of cals by the number of meals you are eating. Eating more frequently and having smaller meals works for me.
    -Eat clean and whole foods as much as possible.
    -Eat foods that are easy to track (boiled eggs, pouch of tuna, oatmeal packets)
    -Go back and read previous logs. Think about what you would change and what worked. For example, I aim for 300 cals per meal (6 meals/day) and I know that 2 hardboiled eggs and a cup of oatmeal is close to that in calorie count and has a good balance of carb and protein. I always keep those foods handy just in case.

  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Other people have mentioned this, but do you weigh your food? I'm a little confused about some of your entries -- 1.6 slices of bread? Unless you're weighing it, how do you know that's not 1.5 slices, or 1.7?

    Also, it's always better to log the individual components of your meals, so if you're having toast with butter, you should enter the bread and the butter as separate entries (instead of finding a "buttered toast" entry).
  • miniwheatxoxo
    Other people have mentioned this, but do you weigh your food? I'm a little confused about some of your entries -- 1.6 slices of bread? Unless you're weighing it, how do you know that's not 1.5 slices, or 1.7?

    Also, it's always better to log the individual components of your meals, so if you're having toast with butter, you should enter the bread and the butter as separate entries (instead of finding a "buttered toast" entry).

    Good point, and great feedback. Will be working on logging foods more carefully. :smile:

    I kind of had this attitude of, "better than what I was doing". I need to step it up and buy a food scale!