Critique my Meal Plan!

Hello all - I'm a 22 yr old female 5'5". I lift weights and do cardio most days of the week, sometimes 1 rest day depending how I feel. I am shooting for 1600 cal per day to cut remaining fat (this was suggested to me). Eat pretty much the same foods every day but looking for advice on what I'm eating and if you have any other ideas to incorporate

2 scrambled eggs - 140 cal
1 tbsp. salsa - 10 cal
2 fish oil pills - 35 cal
1 cup chocolate fiber one cereal - 100 cal
1/2 cup almond milk - 15 cal

10 am
PB&J - 145 cal
(I use pb2, 45 cal sara lee bread, and sugar free jam)

Light string cheese - 50 cal

4 oz skinless boneless chicken - 110 cal
frozen veggies - 45 cal

4 pm
1 cup plain greek yogurt chobani - 130 cal

then I save the remaining calories for dinner.. I like to snack so I try to save quite a few calories for night time, in which case I will have a little pizza, or a tuna sandwich, or skinny cow ice cream sandwich. if I'm cutting fat is the not to 'healthy' food going to hurt sustaining my muscle while trying to cut fat?


  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    that's only 60g protein, if that. The number of calories (1600) sounds good, but there's no need to regulate what you eat so strictly. For lifting weights you need way more protein than that, like double at least, in order to sustain your lean mass.

    Concentrate on getting 1600 calories and at least 120g protein per day. I don't care where you get it from, but if you hit that you should be fine on all counts, and your fat loss will not be hampered.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    I have been getting between 100-128 every day. One day I got 137.. but I make sure I get 100 at the least
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    The low protein comment may have overlooked the detail that this does not include your dinner/night snacks.

    Calories in vs calories out. Weigh everything, log everything. (Even condiments, cooking oils, etc.) Even weigh the bread slices - they're usually 10-20% over in my experience. Be at a reasonable deficit. Eat the foods you want, making an effort to get enough protein, whole grains, fruits & veggies, healthy fats.

    Consistency and honesty is key. Good luck. :)
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    All you really need to be work on is getting more protein into your diet! This can be fixed easily :)
  • mastone99
    mastone99 Posts: 20 Member
    Seems like you're eating a lot of bread, too. My wellness coach suggested I cut back on the bread because I was eating only about 1500 calories and still not losing. She said I should also increase my protein.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I have been getting between 100-128 every day. One day I got 137.. but I make sure I get 100 at the least

    Then you are good. Assuming you are weighing and measuring accurately, there's no need to change anything.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Meal plans really don't mean much. It's your totals for the day that matter, not the types of foods. So long as you are getting in adequate protein and fats and you stick to your calorie goal, whatever you eat will be just fine. That said I always try to get AT LEAST 2 servings of fruits and 3 of vegetables.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    Alrighty, yeah measuring and weighing everything. and i know, bread is a weakness of mine for sure, that's why i only buy sara lee 45 cal 100% whole wheat bread, low calories and 6 g of protein :)