what do your kids do to stay active?



  • mnmorneau
    Can an Old person jump in here and tell you something fun. My children are probably pretty close to some of your ages ( 20- 30') and some of the most fun times I remember as a family is when we went out volksmarching. I would pack a snack ( healthy of course) and we always did the 3 miles and we stopped and played in streams, looked at petroglyphs, messed with bugs, even made up cadences. It is a great way to exercise and spend family time and learn alot about things in the area. When my daughter was little like 4 or 5 we had to come up with some fun things and take lots of rest breaks but it was great. We did these till they became involved with organized sports. To this day they still mention different places we went. I only took them on ones that I thought they would enjoy and I did the others by myself. My daughter still does then with me when she is in town or we go vacationing and do one to see the area. Just for what it's worth from an old timer.:smile:
  • cwunderlich
    cwunderlich Posts: 35 Member
    I have three boys. The oldest (13) and the middle (almost 11) have their 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. In addition to taking two classes during the week, they help teach the lower belts. My youngest (almost 7) has his Blue Stripe. He is working
    towards his black belt. When not doing tkd, they like to do wii fit, and elliptical. My middle child also plays intermural basketball during the week, and also plays basketball at school on Saturdays.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    It is almost embarassing to list it all out...My oldest has to be forced to stop one thing before we can let her try another. She will be 10 in 8 weeks...our 8 year old daughter might not be as active as she is if not for wanting to make sure that she gets every chance her older sister gets..The 6 year old daughter also has to have limits put on her or she would do everything...the 3 year old son has his things too...ok are you all ready for this

    10 year old daughter...volleyball - games twice a week (only 30 minutes long) and 1 practice a week for about 1 hour.
    swim team - 2-3 practices a week for an hour to an hour and a half depending on the night
    judo with the whole family at least 2 hours a week sometimes 3-4 hours depending on Vball schedule
    Irish dance - practice on Fridays...just during the school year...all three girls dance for different durations during the 2 1/2 hour practice time...depends on the dances being worked on...sometimes the oldest dances a little sometmes a lot.
    When I go for a run when she is home she likes to go with me for the first mile or two..I will run a 1/2 mile loo by the ouse until she/they are tired...after the last kids drops off I will go finish my distance !0 year old ran a 5K with me last summer...the others are waiting their turn and are mad they didn't get to do it yet. The older two did a kids' triathlon last summer...all three girs will probably do it this summer (very short distances and we push fun and effort over performance)

    8 year old daughter
    well same as above minus Vball...she isn't old enough yet...she will not be required to play....She usually swims an extra practice though

    6 year old Daughter ...she does 2 nights of gymnastics for 2 hours a night...she is being groomed to be a team athlete...which we don't know how we feel about that as she is already making sacrifices ...she wants to swim in a big bad way but we don't think it would be responsible to have her do two nights of gymnastics (in which they do P90X sometimes...and two nights of swim too on top of Irish Dance and judo....This one likes to run with me too. This kid is as strong as an ox is a natural athlete. She sems to believe if her older sisters can do something then she should naturally be able to do it as well the first time...and she can. She is a stud. She likes to do push ups and situps on commercials.

    3 year old son...he is a 3 year old boy so that in itself means crazy activity but he almost always finds my 2 lb weights and does videos with me ...he does a swim class and a sports and agility class at our gymnastics gym. He is a judo player too...he hs been in the dojo since I was pregnant with him and he is a big enough 3 year old that out sensei actually needs him in class to give a little 5 year old a partner...

    They have all played soccer...have done gymnastcs at some poiint, aren't allowed in the house in the summer (well they are but we prefer to have them outside)...so are always on blades or bikes or flipping like acrobats on the swing set. When I run in the forest preserves hubby and I alternate between who is rnning and who plays iwth the kids so they get a lot of hiking in too.