HELP! Weight loss


So I've been working out practically every day since last year. My diet has been up and down along the way, but the recent months it's been quite alright, with occasional cheat days. The problem is that I'm not seeing ANY results AT ALL. As I said I try to workout at least six days a week and on top of that a, as good as I can do it diet since I'm living at home with the rest of my family.. Why do I get the feeling that I look even bigger than before? It's really visible hence I've got "progress" pictures to prove. One time It have happened that I feel better, tighter in my skin, but then the next week it's back to normal.

All of this is really getting my motivation to the bottom. But what am I doing wrong? Do I have to go on a super. super strict diet? I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong… Advice appreciated!


  • rainrain83
    rainrain83 Posts: 82 Member
    i would try to
    use a scale that measures muscle, fat & water weight
    weigh in once a week
    Take measurements once a week.
    that way if you feel the same or even stay the same weight
    you will see that you might have put on muscle or lost

    also get an item of goal clothing (not ridiculously small)
    but at least a size down and try this on everyweek
    you will then be able to tell for sure if nothing is happening.

    then if nothing really is happening you will need
    to think of what you need to change perhaps a different
    type of exercise or a change to the amount of calories
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    When you say that as good as you can you diet, how many calories are you consuming?

    Are you counting or just guessing?

    Do you log everything you eat?
  • BarbaraGrunow
    BarbaraGrunow Posts: 1 Member
    Are you tracking every day? What are you going over on? Fat? Carbs? Those are big ones! What type of workout are you doing? Is this an increase from what you were doing before you started to diet? I personally like the 21 day fix workout. 60 seconds of work, 20 seconds rest. Continue that for 30 minutes to get your heart rate up. I hope this helps, hang in there!:bigsmile:
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    open up your diary so we can see what your eating. Are you logging everyithing and weighing accurately? If not, how do you know how many calories you are eating. Start with that
  • ikearch
    ikearch Posts: 32 Member
    Dieting takes a lot of discipline and research. I recommend a higher fiber diet (sweet potatoes, cherry tomatoes, grapes, flaxseed, cauliflower, broccoli) and 8oz or more chicken breast or salmon/day. Allow time for the diet to "take hold," as it's something you might not be used to and your stomach will need to adjust with.
    I always start off drinking 20oz water before eating to ensure I don't over-eat. When it comes to exercising, what are you doing? I'd recommend high-intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio (running fast for a minute, resting a minute). It can take time to get to a certain time goal but it will come.
    -Depending on your weight, try keeping around 1800 calories
    -Sweat hard with HIIT (10-15 minutes of it, not including "down time")
    -Drink plenty of water
    -Remember why you're doing this, set realistic goals and have fun!
  • sherikadingga
    sherikadingga Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I have the same problem.i m a 29 yo female 49 kg.i be been on a 800 calorie diet for last two weeks most of the days it's around 750 and I did 1000 calorie workouts 5times a week.(I m using a heart rate monitor to count calories I m burning)I never cheat and aware of every single calorie I m taking in what's wrong with if you can I need to loose nother 6 kg for my goal weight.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    Hi I have the same problem.i m a 29 yo female 49 kg.i be been on a 800 calorie diet for last two weeks most of the days it's around 750 and I did 1000 calorie workouts 5times a week.(I m using a heart rate monitor to count calories I m burning)I never cheat and aware of every single calorie I m taking in what's wrong with if you can I need to loose nother 6 kg for my goal weight.

    a) Unless you are 5'3" or less you are already underweight and do not need to lose any more.
    b) it generally takes more than 2 weeks to get resualts
    c) you are not eating enough
    d) you should be eating your exercise calories back
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I would advise taking charge of your intake, tracking would be a start, and even with the restrictions of eating with others regularly, focus on the things you can take in hand yourself. For example, you can always control what you eat for breakfast I find, lunch too usually, then it just comes to ensuring you don't let evening meals run away with your intake. Unless you're tracking its difficult to get a handle on what you're actaully putting into your body, unless you have a pretty good idea of the nutritional contents of your foods (I do myself, after many years of attempted dieting in one form or another). Even if you just decide to do it for two weeks to see what your typical diet looks like in terms of calories, protein, fat and carbs, you will be armed with valuable information that might help diagnose where the problem areas in your weight loss are.

    If you really don't want to track your intake, then I would say to focus on eating good proteins, fats, fibre-rich foods when you eat, as these will often fill you quite quickly. Complex carbs are fine, but when trying to lose weight I would keep any carbs to a more moderate amount, as it will help you to be full more easily on what you do eat, and thus help you keep to the plan. Of course it goes without saying, at least from my point of view, that if you want to lose weight you shall have to get a handle on simple carbs, added sugar, and alcohol in your diet, and taper back what you take in of these, at least when you are focussing on losing weight.

    Good luck with your diet, and don't forget food is only one component, even if a vital one from the point of needing to maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight. Exercise is very good, and something you sound like you have in hand, but I would try not to overdo it also. Recovery is important, and sleep too also.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    By the way, you don't mention what sort of working out you're doing, but if high intensity cardio, it often pays to mix it up, ie have high days and low days. If resistance training, rest is essential, as your body needs time to recover, otherwise you're just continually breaking down your muscle without giving it a chance to recover and grow back stronger.

    You shouldn't have to work so hard with exercise to make any level of progress at all, so rather than up your level of workouts, looking at your diet and intake will be where the greatest dividends lay.
  • EvelinaWes
    Hey, thanks so much for all the respons, I'll try to answer all you've said when I get home from work so that you get a clearer picture of what's going on!
  • EvelinaWes
    So, here's the thing: I eat around 1500-1800 calories each day. It's a variated diet with occasional treats, some days more than others, but over all I try to keep it as clean as possible. I've until a few weeks ago been working out with Insanity, T25 and Body Revolution, but have now decided to continue with else things such as pilates, yoga and long distance running.

    The workout programs didn't really give me anything in my opinion, I still look the same? Yes, I do measure myself every other week, and yes I've lost some inches around my waist but when I look at my progress pictures I cannot see it. I'm stuck without results as of right now. Everyone I turn to tell me different things, some say to eat more calories and some say to eat less, a calorie deficit, but what's the right thing to do?
    - I think I should add that I'm not looking for WEIGHT loss in particular, as in weight on the scale, but visible weight inches and such.

    X thanks for the help so far.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Can you make your diary public?
  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    Exercising will not compensate for a poor diet. Starting eating at a deficit and you will see results.
  • jhudson6375
    Have you considered changing your workout times? I found if I do cardio in the am and lift with light to medium high intensity weight training in the evening, the fat melts quicker. When I do cardio, it's not HIT but a slow to medium grinding bike or stair stepper. I always push 3 sets of 20 reps when lifting. I focus solely on 5-6 meals a day with protein my focus and everything else just fits in. I don't count carbs but I make sure to have a combo of fast and slow each meal. Hope I could help. Good Luck!
  • jhudson6375
    Exercising will not compensate for a poor diet. Starting eating at a deficit and you will see results.

    Concur... 100%

  • EvelinaWes
    Actually now when I come to think of it I dropped a few pounds back when I did cardio in the am and weights in pm. My diet is good but not good enough it seems. I've never quite understood how to create a calorie deficit, does anyone mind explaining? Thanks