Coping with thyroid cancer and weight gain

Hey everyone, I'm a 32 yr old mom, wife, and student. I've used myfitnesspal on and off for a couple years but I'm new to the community. A few months ago I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had my thyroid removed. I'm still trying to get my meds adjusted which I know can take a while. My dr just upped my synthroid because I was severely hypothyroid last week when I had my labs done. I'm not sure if it's my lack of thyroid or lack of will power (or a combination of both) but so far I have gained 10 lbs. I've always done a pretty good job of maintaining my weight but lately I feel like I have lost control of my body. I've been depressed about my diagnosis and junk food has been a huge comfort. I know I'm spiraling out of control and need to get a grip but I'm just having a hard time. I start each day with the intention of counting my calories and each day I am raiding the kitchen by 2pm. I'm stressed out, scared, depressed and I don't know anyone who can relate to what I'm going through. I just want to get my life back.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and I lost weight just like everybody else—by logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    The advice in this post worked for me:

    MFP has two thyroid groups:
  • redcoat37
    redcoat37 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi jleigh...I had thyroid cancer too and a total thyroidectomy. Or experience is completely different from all other thyroid conditions because we are on Suppression Therapy to keep the cancer away. Our TSH must be kept between 0.01 and 0.2 and the highest. There is no playing with meds to see what we feel good at and because of that we are hyperthyroid. You would think you'd lose weight, but I've gained 30 in 4 years. Our suppression therapy mimics leptin resistance....make sure you read Mary Shoman's books and she has an excellent Facebook site for all thyroid disorders. Don't let your small weight gain go is hard to get it off. We have to work harder than people with no thyroid issues.
  • redcoat37
    redcoat37 Posts: 4 Member
    editorgrrl thanks for the heads up on the thyroid would be nice to belong to a group of like minded ladies!
  • hey Jleigh, I too have recently had my thryroid removed and in the process of waiting for RAI etc gained ten pounds. MY weight would not budge a few weeks ago and I found myself depressed trying to maintain my weight or starve myself to lose weight. I knew intellectually that once the thyroid hormone was reintroduced to my system and got to the right level there was a good chance I would lose some of this weight again that I had put on. Well two weeks ago my tsh was back to 0.2 and glad to say that is what is happening. Two pounds gone with eight to go. I know this is a frightening and scary time for you too, do not beat yourself up over a few pounds. Just know in your head it will be alright and work to that goal when the time is right. Good luck. cheri
  • Mlosborne70
    Mlosborne70 Posts: 5 Member
    I am new to MFP an have Hoshi.. I used the links found in this post that would be right for me, but I can't post , I have to join the group. How is this done?

    Thank you .. ;o)
  • I just had a total thyroidectomy two weeks ago after over 20 years of hypo then recently turning hyper (possible graves, for sure a large tumor!). I have heard from some folks that there are issues with eating certain types of carbs with you have no thyroid - anyone know if that is smoke and mirrors? Glad to see folks on the "other side" of surgery!
  • Hello everyone. I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer and Hashimoto's in June of 2011. Before I was diagnosed, I'd successfully lost 114 lbs. In the month right after surgery, regardless of what I ate, I dropped another 10 lbs. But then shortly after that, the pounds started sneaking on, a little at a time, until I finally realized a few months ago, that I'd gained back 90lbs of the 114 I'd lost before I got sick. So I decided it was time to fight. I was fighting the cancer, this was going to be a battle just the same. So almost two months ago, I made some dietary changes. Then I went in for my annual cancer recheck. Three new baby tumors were found. All snuggling my parathyroid. Too small to biopsy, not enough info to think of surgery. Just a six month waiting game with new meds to see if they shrink. So I did some research, made some even bigger dietary changes and joined MFP.

    I don't know if my tumors have shrunk any....but I have, a little anyway. It's the first positive momentum I've had, so I'm holding onto it for dear life. I get frustrated when the scale is slow to move, but I'm hanging in there.

    Hashi's sucks...Thyroid cancer sucks...being overweight sucks. But a good life is worth fighting for. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm really glad I found this board with others that understand the struggles of losing weight with this disease.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    I can relate to being scared and depressed. I'm at the not sure stage, biopsy this week. I try and stay positive, take it one day at a time. You've come to the right place, you can do this.:flowerforyou:
  • digee101
    digee101 Posts: 13
    I am a bit over a year post total thyroidectomy for papillary cancer. I just had my thyrogen stimulation test and am waiting to see what my results are. I was recently switched from just synthroid to synthroid plus a small dose of cytomel. My level of TSH are very suppressed to keep the cancer away. I am having trouble losing weight, but have not really gained either... stalling despite exercise and counting, measuring etc. I feel that I am holding water.

    Us ThyCa patients need to stick together.
  • digee101
    digee101 Posts: 13
    editorgrrl thanks for the heads up on the thyroid would be nice to belong to a group of like minded ladies!

    Count me in! I am a little over a year post total thyroidectomy.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Right lobe removed in 2005 due to cancer. Happy to say, clear ultrasound every year since then :smile:
    I know it's scary and overwhelming now, but it does get better. Once your meds even out, losing weight will be the same for you as everyone else. I ended up losing 90lbs after a suitable recovery time from surgery and am now back on MFP to lose my baby weight.

    One thing my endocrinologist told me which I found weird at the time but now take comfort in, thyroid cancer is one of the most treatable cancers. Chances are once it's dealt with, you will never have to deal with it again.

    Good luck!