Eating after Bariatric Surgery.....New Life

:drinker: As I've continued my weight loss journey since June 12th when I had Bariatric surgery, I have discovered that food serves an entirely different purpose in my life and as a result have lost 70 lbs to date :love: So...... training my brain not to trigger a thought of hunger when stressed has been my new life challenge:smile: This site and its tracking facility has made my journey a little easier.........Any members have bariatric surgery, and if so, what have your successes and challenges been so far....I look forward to all feedback and comments :flowerforyou:


  • Hi there! I just had bariatric surgery on August 11th and have lost over 30 pounds since starting my pre-op liquid diet on August 1st. It has been a tough few weeks. The worst part has been feeling so weak and having to take crushed pills three times a day (yuck!). But I just keep looking at how much better (and longer) my life is going to be as I get healthier. And I know that eating in a more thoughtful manner and exercising regularly will help set my children up for positive lifelong habits. Bariatric surgery is definitely not the "easy way out" that many think it is. It is a tool once other tools have been exhausted. I'm proud of myself and anyone who chooses this journey.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hi there! I've never had surgery, but congratulations on your New lifestyle :-) keep up the good work :-)
  • original_mami
    original_mami Posts: 35 Member
    Hello! my name is Michelle and I'm on that same journey. I'm currently on my liquid diet and I'm doing good so far. I've made a group for members to join that have had a WLS or is starting or looking for information about it. Please come join my group and share your story with us! My group name is Weight loss Surgery WLS hope to see you there!
  • I had my sleeve surgery on July 29th. I lost 44 lbs pre-surgery by using My Fitness Pal and logging EVERYTHING I ate. Since my surgery, I'm down another 33 lbs -- a total of 78 lbs so far. Woot Woot! I feel great. I never feel hungry anymore. In fact, I have to watch the clock and eat at certain times or I"d go all day with out eating, and that's not good. My relationship with food has changed. I was always an emotional eater. Not any more -- so far. But I know that I can never become complacent or "comfortable." Great to meet you all here! Congratulations on your successes!!!!