Weekend eating?

Does anyone else struggle with how much to eat on the weekends? During the week, I sit at a desk all day long..and don't burn many calories. I'm eating 1200 + my exercise calories. On the weekends I get out of my regular routine. I rarely sit down and rarely take time to eat lunch. I usually eat something right away in the morning and then have little bits here and there throughout the day and then a late supper. I don't usually exercise on the weekends..but I am on my feet housecleaning, shopping, doing laundry, running up stairs, etc. I rarely take the time to log on the weekends...which I know needs to change. However, how do I know what my caloric intake should be on these days? When I've tried sticking to 1200...it just doesn't cut it. Any advice would be so very much appreciated. Thank you.


  • Cradle2GraveWVU
    I'm having the same problem. During the week I have a structured schedule so staying under my limit isn't a problem. During the weekend I enter grazing mode and can't seem to stay full. I'm trying to find food that tends to stay with you longer and low cal snack to help curb my hunger. I'll post what I find in the next day or so.
  • MFR1974
    MFR1974 Posts: 92
    Thanks! I'm considering calculating my BMR for just the weekend and switching it to a higher calorie goal for these two days. Maybe I'd be more app to log and feel better about it if I could eat more and still stick to my goal. I think I would go from "sedentary" to "active" from week to weekend. Its hard trying to figure out how much more I can safely eat on the weekends and still keep on the losing track! I'm thinking I'll go from 1200 during the week to 1500 on the weekends...before an official exercise. I'm at a plateau right now..and it is so frustrating try to break through it! I'm about 20lbs from my goal (and I have extra skin in my tummy area) so I'm probably closer to my goal than I even realize when you consider how much that weighs.