What???? I can eat carbs????

Hello everyone! My name is Asalene Taylor-Williams and I am recently really getting serious about my weight loss...mainly about how to keep it off. In the past when I'd lost weight, I was under the impression that my body was carb sensitive and I needed to completely cut out all of my carbs. I found that in doing that, I did lose the weight and I lost it fast!!! Of course that made me feel great, but it was so tough trying to make sure that I stayed far away from my breads, pastas, potatoes, etc. (especially because I'm cooking for my husband and son also). In cutting out my carbs, I realized that as soon as I started to put them back into my body, just as fast as the weight came off, it came back on just as quick. Suddenly, the feeling of discouragement hit and I went back on the road to eating whatever. This, of course, caused me to gain more weight. The last couple of weeks, I decided to try a few different routes to see if they'd work for me. I said that for one week, I'd try the soup diet and then the next week, something else. My husband just looked at me and shook his head. This was all until, last Sunday, as I was logging in my food and exercise that I saw an advertisement for Yoplait Light and Fat-Free yogurt. Being a lover of their brand and the many delicious flavors that they have, I decided to take a look at their "Yoplait" challenge for weight loss. It seemed to be very simple. Twice a day, you have a yogurt (100 calories, 0g fat), a piece of fruit, and a grain. One of their sample meals, was a yogurt, an apple, and a bowl of cereal. To me, that's a lot of food, but it's something that'll definitely fill you up. I've been having my yogurt, a bowl of cheerios (Great Value brand) with a banana sliced up in it. I switch it up a little from day to day and then, for dinner, of course, have something sensible. I started 6 days ago and weighed 214.6. As of this morning, the scale read 208.6!!! I have never been happier with my food choices. It made me feel so good to know that I can eat carbs and still lose weight. As a matter of fact, I've changed any carbs that we eat into whole wheat and whole grain items. That way, none of us are feeling deprived. We're also not eating any white foods. Oh, and I make sure that I try to get a minimum of 30 min. of walking or other exercise in daily. This plan is great and I felt that it was my duty to share it with all of you just in case you were trying to find something new. Prayers are with each and every one of us on our weight loss journey and our healthy new lifestyle!!!!


  • MeganJo
    MeganJo Posts: 69
    The key to eating carbs is to make sure you eat COMPLEX carbs not simple carbs. Complex carbs include any fruit or veggie, whole wheat/grain breads, pastas etc. This also includes oatmeal, barley, bran, wheatgerm & many others. The biggest thing is to make sure you pair a complex carb with a protein at every meal, protein doesn't mean you are constantly eating meat or tofu. Proteins include beans, quinoa, ezekiel breads & many other foods. When you pair a complex carb with a protein your body is able to metabolize your foods in a more efficient way (energy instead of turning to fat).
  • VintageBeauty
    In early 2004 after the birth of my youngest son I decided to go low carb. I lost 44.2 pounds in eight weeks!!!! It was amazing.. but I got so sick of not eating carbs. The minute I tasted real sugar again, there was no going back for me. I love the idea of the low carb diet, but its so hard for me to stick to. I am glad you are alot more happy with your new way of eating!! Good luck to you!
  • astaylor2
    Thank you so much Megan!!! I knew that something just wasn't right before when I was told that I couldn't eat fruits because of their natural sugars. I will definitely take your tips and put them to good use. Thanks! =)
  • astaylor2
    Thank you and good luck to you, as well!!! Congratulations on your accomplishments thus far. Yes, the low carb was hard to stick to and that's why I knew that I had to go another route. We'll make it though!!! =)
  • lordofultima
    I cycle in and out carbs, so I get 3-4 days of low carb, but then one day is an explosion of carbs and is quite a treat. I also don't eat a lot of fruit due to sugar, but that's just me.
  • rossi032971
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking out the time to post. I too also felt that my body was carb sensitive. No one could tell me any different - because it worked and I actually lost 40 lbs using the low card method. And the thought of eating anything with carbs literally freaks me out. What was and is so disappointing to me is that my desire is to really make a lifestyle change, and I don't see low carb eating as a part of my life. So instead of seeing the success, I feel defeated. I feel as though I am always one hamburger away from gaining all of my weight back. So I've introduced carbs back into my life, and it really appears that I can not lose any weight. I am 5' 1' and weigh 125.....SINCE SEPTEMBER 2010 (give or take 1lb or 2 daily). It's January 23rd and I still weigh 125 lbs. I will be 40 in March and I really would like to lose 10 more pounds. I don't know what strategy to use.....please help! The clock is ticking.

    Oh back to the original post....thanks for giving me another strategy and hope to balance carbs with health eating!
  • astaylor2
    Thank you! I won't overindulge on fruit either. I just have to make sure that I get all of my necessary fiber.