Net calories - so confused!

imacrafty Posts: 11
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I've read some prior threads on this topic and I still can't figure this out.
Here are my stats:

Weight - 132
Goal weight - 128
Height - 5' 2"

Average daily burned calories: 2,000 - 2,100

How many calories can I eat per day?

If you can help out - I REALLY appreciate it!!!! :happy:


  • I took a look at my goals for myself. If the system says that you burn approximately 2000 calories a day just to exist, then if you consume fewer calories, you will lose weight.

    For myself I have to consume approximately 500 calories less than what I burn each day just existing and that allows me to lose approximately 1 pound per week.

    I hope this helps you understand it a little better.
  • Just pay attention to your NET. I've read that some people do not eat calories awarded back after exercise, which is not accurate. The bottom line is if you have set your goals the program gives you the number of calories you are allowed each day. For instance if that target allowance is 1,000 calories and you eat 1,000 calories you are on track for meeting your goal. Now if you exercised and burned off 500 calories you have two options: 1) you can consume up to an additional 500 calories and still break even for the day and stay on track to attain your goal or 2) you can consume part of the extra 500 or none of them and then you are actually ahead of pace to hit your goal that day! Personally, I usually count the calories I burn from exercise in my total that I can consume for the day. Based on my goals, I have approximately 1200 calories I can consume per day but I usually burn between 400 and 600 calories during my workouts which actually means I have a maximum of 1600 to 1800 calories per day. I certainly don't have to use them all but I can. I think it is important to not be in a hurry to get to a goal, pace yourself and do it smartly :) Hope this helps.
  • Like Kbarker69 said...for healthy weightloss about 500 less than what your everyday burn's say to "just exist" your caloric requirement is 2200....than eat approx 1700...also..if you exercise you want to include those cals in the everyday total. So....if you req 2200...and burn about 250 a day exercising than the NEW total is 1950...make sense?
  • Thanks you guys for your input. :) Appreciate it.
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