New Insanity Thread



  • mekflari
    mekflari Posts: 11
    @LizzieLemon14 welcome to the madness :laugh:
    Being sore the first week is normal I remember I could barley walk the first 2-3 days but durnig the workouts when my muscules got warm it didn't hurt so if its just soreness you don't have to be worried about it, it should go away completley by the end of the second week.

    I'm not from the US so I'm not drinking Shakeology or the Results and recovery formula. I do have whey protein. In month 1 I only drank it after the workout and now I drink it before bed too.

    Good luck with your first week, it gets only better from here! :wink:

    @wjelly Congrats on another finished day!! :smile:
  • Do any of you do extra exercises after your cardio recovery DVD? I understand the day off for your body to recover, but I don't necessarily understand the cardio recovery.
  • oykumceren
    oykumceren Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone :)
    I am newbie here, I think I can find the motivation that I'm looking for. Anyway I have just started Insanity and today is my 2 day. But I have lots of pain all over my body. However I am trying to keep on the program and I jump rope. I need to lose approximately 50 pounds.
  • nicoletteamber
    nicoletteamber Posts: 57 Member
    Ah it's so awesome to hear everyone kicking butt. It's definitely challenging. I'm already worn out after the warm ups it seems. I remember after the fit test on day 1 and then after 2 day, I was so sore I just about threw in the towel and do something else. However, thanks to lots of support on here I'm on week 4 right now, starting to get pretty nervous for month 2. I didn't lose any weight really or body fat the first 2 weeks but it's coming off now. I also upped my calories I'm eating to 1500, sticking to the 40% protein, 40% fat, 20% carbs with my food, and added the gym 3 X a week for weight lifting. That has helped me increase my progress dramatically!!! I find that if I don't do insanity first thing when I wake up it's like pulling teeth to do it. I have to get it over with first thing to stay motivated. As far as recovery, since I do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, I always have a whey protein shake and egg whites after. On days I do the gym I do a protein shake after that work out too, on days off I use my 2nd protein shake as a before bed time snack.

    Keep going everyone!!!!! Stay strong!!!!! INSANITTTYYYYYYYYY is definitely insane.... haha
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hey everyone, there's a super old Insanity thread out there for the program and results pictures. I thought I'd start a new one and make some friends who do insanity. I started week 3 of it yesterday and just repeated the fit test, did better but a lot to strive for still. What's everyone's caloric intake with insanity? I wear a hrm and burn anywhere from 300-500. I tried the "magical" 1200 calories for weight loss and I lost weight but no body fat % so I'm pretty sure I just lost some muscle because I made the mistake of being too low. This week I'm sticking to 1400-1500 calories. I used to weight lift all the time but fell off the wagon back in May. Insanity isn't really helping me get some of those muscles back so I started augmenting it with the gym 2-3X a week. Any thoughts on that?

    Love to talk to any insanity folks help keep each other accountable to finish out the program!!!!!

    i always just ate the number of calories that the formula in the nutrition guide said to eat and i did well.

    i would also do a full body routine 2-3 times a week at the gym. i would not expect to add much mass, but the important thing is it will help you retain the mass you do have.

    i think people put a little to much emphasis on muscle size when all they really want is to look athletic.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    what are your plans once insanity is over?
  • mekflari
    mekflari Posts: 11
    I've been thinking about Asylum vol 1 but I also might do a hybrid of T25 and Insanity cause I have both at home right now. I'm not sure yet.
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    @lizzielemon14 I do the recovery stuff a good way to give those muscles a good stretch, I think in month 2 there is an option to do a different workout. I'm guessing you're thinking I'm not going to burn many calories doing the recovery workout and that's probably true, if you want to fit something else extra in then I dont see why not, I've done weights and abs stuff in between on certain days.

    @oykumceren just keep at it, it's gonna be tough but you can do it!

    @nicoletteambe glad to hear your doing so well :smile:

    Day 21 done (ok I know it was a rest day) :bigsmile:
  • Louise3180
    Louise3180 Posts: 7 Member
    Day 21 done (ok I know it was a rest day) :bigsmile:

    21 days is great! I have just completed the first week - a huge achievement for me as I never stick to anything! I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow (although a little concerned I won't want to start again the following day).

    I have also started to consider the effect my rather poor diet will have on all of this, and whether it is worth the effort if I am not eating right. I have always had a poor diet and whilst I am full of good intentions, I never stick to healthy eating.

    Anyway, well done everyone - keep up the good work!
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    Day 21 done (ok I know it was a rest day) :bigsmile:

    21 days is great! I have just completed the first week - a huge achievement for me as I never stick to anything! I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow (although a little concerned I won't want to start again the following day).

    I have also started to consider the effect my rather poor diet will have on all of this, and whether it is worth the effort if I am not eating right. I have always had a poor diet and whilst I am full of good intentions, I never stick to healthy eating.

    Anyway, well done everyone - keep up the good work!

    Thanks, found it really tough this evening, literally had no energy And struggled throughout. I'm going to try doing the workout a little later from now on because coming in straight from work after my cycle commute and giving myself half hour then starting insanity is killing my legs.

    I noticed you are concerned about your poor diet although your logging is showing your doing ok hitting calorie targets. I'm a very clean eater but don't get yourself down because you've had a pizza or something similar as long as you keep everything within the range you have set yourself then I wouldn't worry. Maybe going forward and something to think about is the actual breakdown of what's being consumed with regards to carbs, protein etc

    Anyway day 22 done (although it feels like 21.5) grrrr :frown:
  • Louise3180
    Louise3180 Posts: 7 Member
    I am already dreading tomorrow, after having a rest day today, as my legs are atill aching. Can't imagine how yours must feel with all the cycling you do as well. Hopefully giving yourself more of a break will help. Well done on doing day 22 though, it is so easy to just give up. You are almost halfway through now :drinker:

    Yeah, my diet isn't great - very little nutritious food. Am trying to do one thing at a time though otherwise I just give up as try to change too much at once, and once I fail at one thing I give up on everything. I would love to eat clean eventually though. One step at a time...
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    Agree small changes are the key, slowly slowly etc

    I have to say to you and the others doing insanity in this thread or that have done in the past have my admiration because this is the toughest thing fitness wise I have ever done.

    I hope we can all help and motivate each other to reach the end, certainly thinking about others going through this at the same time is inspiring :smile:

    Bring on day 23!!!!
  • mekflari
    mekflari Posts: 11
    Finally got back on track today!!! Day 45 checked... guys when you get to that max interval plyo... OH.MY.GOOOOD I have no words for that one I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow... but felt so good after :drinker:

    @Louise3180 I think it's always worth it nutrition or no nutrition, some workout is better for you than no workout at all isn't it? And its an INSANE workout so you're doing great!!

    @wjelly the day after rest day is always a killer one congrats for getting trough!

    LETS GOOOOO till the end :bigsmile:
  • 108victorian
    108victorian Posts: 22 Member
    New to this site. But, have been reading the threads via THE Google ;) Gives a boost, fo' sho.

    I'm looking forward to 2nd month. Good to hear someone loving the hurt. I'm beginning recovery week tomorrow. My body is tired but happy with me, though my feet burn like hell-fire. Like seriously, I've run ultra marathons before and my feet didn't burn like this. It is insane!

    I can't say my body has transformed all that much, but I don't follow the nutritional plan, I just bust my butt hard, blow off the steam, feel the endorphin, and know that my body, mind, and heart are lovin' it. My hip flexors are super strong now, and I can tell with persistence, this program will make some serious body overhaul. Thank goodness, middle age spread is mean.
  • oykumceren
    oykumceren Posts: 3 Member
    Today was my 4th day. I did cardio recovery but it was hard :D Yesterday I did cardio power and resistance but at the end I was looking somewhere to lie.For all that I felt good.
    Keep on going :)
  • syedab928
    syedab928 Posts: 1 Member
    i am 225lbs and 5ft and i want to try out insanity but dont know if its worth the money for me considering am not very fit and am worried that it may not help if i cant do half the excercises. Has anyone else weighing over 200lbs tried it and if so how was it?
  • shemosaid
    shemosaid Posts: 3 Member
    hey everyone , im in day 23 Insanity , i was complaining about not losing weight but just my shape is changing, so started to google the problem and found this website. I've only been logging my meals for 4 days but my god i didnt eat balanced food at all. i thought i was being careful but now im realising i was a mess. im trying hard to stay within the 1200 diet they recommended and hope to see results on the scale soon. I was really down during week 3, honestly now that i know that there are alot of ppl working their butts ..its encouraging to go on.:happy:
  • 108victorian
    108victorian Posts: 22 Member
    i am 225lbs and 5ft and i want to try out insanity but dont know if its worth the money for me considering am not very fit and am worried that it may not help if i cant do half the excercises. Has anyone else weighing over 200lbs tried it and if so how was it?

    I am fairly strong, like bull, but in the recent past I've topped at ~200lbs (I think, I don't DO scales). And I carry it all in my gut (sigh, to only have a booty). Nonetheless, when midlife started adding weight with my regular fairly healthy lifestyle, I bought the Insanity program with great intentions. It took 2 years and a bazillion false starts to finally be able to handle the stress of the exercises. But, because I had the Insanity program, I was able to sporadically do the workout and get my body used to the movements. Now I'm starting month 2, and my body feels tired but awesome.

    Will you see dramatic results like all the advertisements? probably not. Then again, I make beer for a living so I'm not following the nutrition program (life is meant to be lived and honestly, I love food, that's why I exercise). I lose motivation at times when I wake up super sore and try on those pair of pants that make me look like a stuffed sausage only to realize that I still look like a stuffed sausage in them. But, change is happening. Real good change. And I'm totally hooked on the program. It's a relatively small commitment for long term betterment of physical and mental health. I'm happy I splurged on the program.
  • mekflari
    mekflari Posts: 11
    Yep definetly very sore today everywhere but in my legs...which I find weird after Plyo day (?) .. guess I don't get sore there anymore :).
    Recovery today was not very recoverly, it hurt. No pain no gain, that's what they say and I'm gonna stick to it. :frown:

    @syedab928 I've seen so many different thoughts on this and I think by the end of the day only you can know if you're able to get trough it or not. It's about the state of mind one is in I guess. You can moderate the moves, it's not about getting it just as they do it, it's about doing your best. I still moderate some moves for example there are some "side push ups" that I can't even do half of one so I do the normal push the beggining I didn't even do that I did push ups on my knees and I improved with time mainly because I was ... still am ... determined to push trough it.
    There are workouts like "Focus T25" out there that have a person moderating the moves in the video especially for beginners. If I knew this before I started insanity I'd probably go with that cause I went from couch to high (max) interval training, but now after a couple of weeks and a fitness level higher than ever I regret nothing. Look it up maybe you'll find that it might suit you more.
    My point is... ask yourself how much can you take and how much are you willing to give, everyone is different and everyone knows their body and mind best.

    @shemosaid I feel you I didn't start losing weight until recovery week I WAS SO FRUSTRATED :grumble:. Apparently my body got really affraid of what the hell was going on and decided to store all the water and possibly fat too and it was building muscule which is heavier than fat :bigsmile:. My shape changed I lost sooooo many inches but the scale was just not my friend....don't give it too much attention.

    @108victorian I'm excited for you to reach month 2 to see somebody else doing those max interval trainings too :).

    Happy to see there's more and more of us here it gives me so much motivation :flowerforyou:

    PS: found this blog that has "Detailed Workout Reviews" of all the workouts and I think only people who are doing it can fully understand these reviews... I laughed so hard :laugh: :laugh:
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    Glad to see you back on track @mekflari and nice to see you're still pushing play @oykumceren

    @syedab298 I'm not sure if I was going from no exercise straight into insanity I could stick at it, sure the commercials have all of us thinking WOW! I want to look like that when in reality the people in the workouts are extremely fit.

    It is a really tough program and it would be easy for someone to give up, I have come close to doing that on several occasions especially yesterday. You will need to summon strength and have a very strong willpower.

    Personally I would suggest taking a look at a great youtube channel called HASfit, brilliant workouts on there and somewhere that you can prepare yourself for insanity. I highly recommend there 30 minute kickboxing workout, a good one for testing your stamina to see if you're ready. I'd like to wish you the best of luck with your journey.

    @shemosaid 1200 calories sound like far to little calories to me, I don't know what others think and I'm not an expert but I guess if it's working for you and you've got as far as day 23 then alls good. Well done! :bigsmile:

    @108victorian good job on getting to month two and welcome to MFP, yeah we're all hurting but loving it.

    Day 23 for me and a much better one for me, I had to give the cycle commute a miss and it paid off with a great workout tonight. I love cycling to work but I'm going to have a rethink especially how I approach month 2, maybe just cycle in on my recovery days (Tuesday) and when I can do the workout really late (Friday) is what I'm thinking.

    Keep pushing play ya'll :laugh: