Question about recovery time after gallbladder surgery



  • pinkroseacct
    I had mine removed on August 22. I ended up in the ER the night before following a day of severe nausea where I couldn't get out of bed. The PA asked what surgeon I wanted (small city) and then I was admitted to a room upstairs. Normally at this hospital laproscopic gallbladder removal is done in day surgery, but I was taken to a resident floor and then used the main OR (aka the big OR). Surgery was around 3pm - hardest part was no food or drink at all - I so wanted water - so they bolused me with saline and potassium. After the surgery I took some time to wake up and had respiratory therapy on hand, so I ended up spending a second night - I did have the option of going home, but felt better staying. By that night I was walking to the bathroom with help, and the next day I was discharged. I am now 6 days post op. I feel totally lazy. I spend most of my day sitting in front of the computer or reading. I want to be out and doing stuff! Dishes, laundry, playing with the new kittens in the barn. Pain levels are constantly decreasing - I am on Percocet and have a prescription for up to 12 a day - I take 1 at night and no pain killers during the day. If I have a good day today and don't overdo it, I think that I'm trying a half pill tonight. I went shopping last night and that basically exhausted me - 3 stores and a restaurant. I am eating very small meals - all low fat/non fat, but have no appetite - I'm eating to heal. My first real meal was last night at Applebees - I had a house salad and chicken freshcado - and felt fine. I'm not a weight lifter and even doing traditional exercise is hard for me - I'm more of a clean the house and call it exercise kind of person, so I'm not sure how exercise would hurt me or help me. I do agree wholeheartedly with other comments that we all heal at our own rates and we need to figure out for each of us what is right - there is no perfect recovery timeline! Good luck to all of you!
  • Jack196200
    I am so glad to have found this thread. I had my lap procedure 5 days ago (last Thursday, 8/28) and, like so many others here, was led to believe I'd be up and around "in no time." I really wasn't prepared for the amount of discomfort I'd have in my upper back/shoulders - especially on the left side - I'm told this is from the gas they used during surgery. When I take a deep breath it really bothers me, especially after I eat. I woke up the Sat. morning after my procedure in such discomfort that I contacted the on-call surgeon twice. I have a high pain tolerance and it really didn't feel the way the surgeon predicted it would feel. There were no surgery complications; I've never had a gall bladder attack but when two pretty good-sized stones were found "by accident" on an ultrasound, it was recommended that I go ahead and have the procedure and avoid the very high probability that I would have problems in the future. So basically I walked into the procedure feeling okay, and came out hurting! :-) It's very comforting to know that there are others who weren't feeling up to snuff within the first week like the docs said! I normally walk about 5 miles a day and I can't imagine doing that any time soon. I'm going back to work in a week; I'll be fine since I have a computer job and don't have to be running around every day...but I'll need the full seven days ahead to rest at home and take it slow. I wish someone at the hospital had given me more information like taking Gas-X to help with the gas pain (I found this out after the fact when some friends shared their experiences with me). Also, the on-call surgeon said that acid reflux was also very common after surgery and to start using Gaviscon when I ate to minimize the discomfort. Both the Gas-X and Gaviscon seemed to help pretty quickly. Taking it slow and listening to your own body really does seem to be the best advice. The "week-to-10-days" recovery time I was told just doesn't seem realistic to me - I'm now expecting it to be more like about 3-4 weeks.
  • JudyRolling
    Just had surgery on Sept. 15' 2014' am having pain in the upper back all the way across the back, hard to lay or sit. Also pain over surgery sight. Doctor said to walk when I felt able, did go down on the treadmill for 30mins, two days in a row, a mistake as I got the bad back pain even worse. Way too soon to consider exercising yet. Checked on line to see what problems on recovery and found this site. Is good to know others are having recovery problems and that I am not alone. Think the Dr.s are sometimes telling patients the recovery will be easy. NOT!!!! I am very active, walking 5 miles a day, lifting weights 3x's a week and gardening hard, thought this would help with a faster recovery, bet it will be 4 weeks at least to get back to normal. I am also having trouble eating foods, gas and heartburn, started taking Rolaids, seems to help, also backed off the regular diet and am eating bland again. Wonder how long this will last. Will have to be patient I guess. Good luck to you all and thanks for the info.. No surgery is easy and everyone seems to be different on recovery times.
  • Tonib810
    Eat thin for Life or anybody that could give me some suggestions!

    When you said you picked up your 20+ pound grandson and it was a mistake canyou tell me the symptoms you had? I am 2 weeks post op for laproscopic gallbladder and today not thinking I picked up my granddaughter and early in evening I got an achiness in my right side it was render to touch my ribcage and when I walked just with the right foot it ached. I called surgeons office and they said it just sounded like I strained something, but should be fine just take an easy this weekend and take Tylenol or Motrin as needed. Is this something I should worry getting a hernia or could I have damaged something? My incisions look good they are not raised or swollen. Just wanted some input on this if ANYONE could comment I would greatly appreciate it. It is making me a nervous wreck!! Thanks so much