HELP--- I am so careful all day.....

I am so calorie concious all day when I am working, but the second I get home, or doing whatever after work, I get into junk and alcohol........... its really sabotoging my efforts...... i have gained almost 25 pounds of what I had lost a few years ago, since last september. I cant stop night bingeing!


  • paultucker1007
    paultucker1007 Posts: 37 Member
    Er, thanks?
  • Kari121869
    Kari121869 Posts: 180 Member
    Perhaps you need to get all that junk and alcohol OUT of your house?? At least until you can 'not' ingest it when it's there...
    I did that for about 2 months - now if it's there i'm not so 'urged' to eat/drink it.. unless it's Ruffles plain chips - those are my nemisis lol..
  • wbyfan
    wbyfan Posts: 3 Member
    I find it best not to have that junk in the house. Can't be tempted if it is not around.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Simple - just bring all the junk and alcohol to work, and eat better when you get home.

    That'll be $10, thanks
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I would suggest AA first. Once you are able to get a handle on that, it will help with the other aspects of your life.
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    I am so calorie concious all day when I am working, but the second I get home, or doing whatever after work, I get into junk and alcohol........... its really sabotoging my efforts...... i have gained almost 25 pounds of what I had lost a few years ago, since last september. I cant stop night bingeing!

    I can relate, I used to have a beer or more every night (the average calories for one bottle is 120). First I removed it from my house for about a month and then slowly started reintroducing it back but in moderation. I only have one if I have one at all or I'm make myself a simple cocktail, lately it's been a Gin and Tonic (which is about 105 calories, the way I make it). I had to constantly tell myself this is a treat and I can't treat myself every day otherwise it's not a treat it's a habit.

    As for the junk food, you have two options you can 1)get it out of the house and get better/healthier snacks and/or 2) portion the serving size out into baggies/containers. I bought a bag of sweet onion maui chips a few weeks ago (140 calories a serving) and I weighed out each serving and put it into sandwich bags. It helps me because I still get my snacking in and I don't feel guilty for finishing half the bag before I realize it.

    You can do it you just have to moderate yourself. Best of luck!
  • tyb03
    tyb03 Posts: 52 Member
    I have found myself in a similar situation. The previous posts are exactly what I'd advise: don't have unhealthy choices in your home! I now hold off on purchasing alcohol or engaging in consuming alcohol until weekends. Even then, I'm careful of how much I drink and/or what I 'm choosing to drink. As far as unhealthy junk food, etc. I no longer purchase it. When I grocery shop, I make sure to include healthy items as snacks (I love to eat snacks). If I am choosing outside of my healthy snacks, it's usually for other members of the family. If it's in the house and I have a craving, I reach for an alternate healthy choice. You get used to it. It's a LIFESTYLE. Over time, you commit and it becomes routine to mke healthy choices. I can now go to McD's and simply get a yogurt parfait with my coffee.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I find it best not to have that junk in the house. Can't be tempted if it is not around.

    Strong number 1 post.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I agree with others...get that stuff out of your house so it's not there to tempt you. You might be able to slowly incorporate some things back into your household later but it doesn't sound like you are at that point currently.

    My thought here is that it may be your breakfast, lunch, and/or any daytime snacks are TOO "calorie conscious" which is causing you to feel deprived/hungry/etc and "binge" a bit in the evenings. I have experienced that too. If I eat a lunch that is too small, I'm really hungry and sometimes a bit annoyed during the afternoon and when I get off work my first instinct is "we should just go out because I am not in the mood to cook!" which sets me up for failure or at the very least, an unnecessary challenge to overcome. While everyone's different, I find that a lunch of at least 400 cal leaves me satisfied, especially if it includes plenty of protein and some "good fats".

    Is your job stressful? It's also likely that the "eat and drink all the things" response when coming home at the end of a day is related to work stresses. I have no idea if that is accurate for you, OP. Do you have the same experience on weekends/days off? It might help to identify specific sources of stress...then try to cope in other ways. But I still think incorporating plenty of calories from protein and fats into your daytime meals will help!
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    Get rid of the junk food and booze in your house, or learn self control. Problem solved :bigsmile: