Need answers.... Thrive -- Le-Vel


I have been approached to try the new deal by Le-vel (Thrive). They say it is a nutrition lifestyle deal not a fad diet. Said to be full of daily nutrients in a patch worn on your arm.

Anyone have any suggestions? Good or bad...

Just wondering as it seems difficult to get all my nutrition in my food.



  • In my personal experience it was not worth it. I know some people that have said it is amazing. I felt a slight increase in energy at best and I have had other vitamins that worked better, plus I felt really stupid wearing patch. I hope that helps.
  • Awful. Search my reviews by my name. I won;t repost, but I just took this stuff. Horrible.
  • neym
    neym Posts: 3 Member
    Dont do it! Dangerous product packed full of stimulants.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
  • meeshellee
    meeshellee Posts: 7 Member
    I have had great results with it actually. reduces my appetite and gives me lots of energy. I have several nurse friends that are thrive promoters and I have received the green light from my doctor to take it. Just my two cents.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    It's NOT needed for weight loss. It DOESN'T work unless there's a calorie deficit.................and calorie deficit is FREE. That just means eating less than you burn.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    A woman on General Weight Loss just posted her experience with Thrive:
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    evileen99 wrote: »
    A woman on General Weight Loss just posted her experience with Thrive:

    Oh, you got it first! I was going to post that also. FWIW, I have a woman at my gym approach me about Thrive also. Must be the latest thing.
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    The "Thrive W" Experience
    Day 1
    Monday, September 26, 2016
    I received my 3 day sample pack of Thrive.
    I slept good last night, at least until I woke up at 3:30 and was wide awake.
    I dragged myself out of bed at 3:48 and went to the bathroom, grabbed my usual
    cup of coffee -- yes, I know you are not supposed to drink any "extra" caffeine
    while taking this, but I am not giving up my first cup of coffee of the day. Besides,
    there is, according the reports I've read, only 1 cup of coffee worth of caffeine in Thrive
    and my body is used to more caffeine than that.

    I took my first Thrive capsule at 4:00 am with 8 ounces of Unsweetened Almond Milk.
    My only issue was that it felt like the capsule got stuck in my throat, so I drank my
    coffee and then grabbed my 20 ounce bottle of water. Still have that "pill stuck"
    feeling, but it has nothing to do with the capsule in general, I have had this happen
    in the past with other pills.

    As per instructions I mixed one packet of Thrive W with 8 ounces of liquid, in my case
    Unsweetened Almond Milk. I then put half of it in the refrigerator and per MY
    instructions drank the other half - I did however ADD some fiber to the drink, there is
    not enough fiber in it for my dietary needs. Not the best tasting stuff I've had for
    "Breakfast", but certainly not the worst either, I personally prefer a chocolate type
    drink over a ….not quite vanilla flavor.

    I then waited 15 minutes, although it doesn't say you have to, and placed the Thrive
    patch behind my right shoulder. (The patch is not packed with anything other than Foreslean for weight loss)

    So far so good.

    My plans for the day include walking on my tread-climber for 30 minutes and going to
    work cleaning 4 houses, I have help with that so all total for that is about 5 hours of
    cleaning where I am actually moving.

    My usual breakfast and lunch consist of 8 oz Unsweetened Almond Milk,
    33 grams of Natures Bounty Optimal Solutions Chocolate Protein Shake, and
    7 grams of Rite Aid multihealth fiber supplement all blended together. I also take a
    multitude of supplements along with my blood pressure pill in the mornings.

    Enzymatic Therapy - Pearls Ic Probiotics, 1 pearl capsule
    Generic - Lisinopril, 10 mg
    Finest Nutrition - Zinc - High Potency (Immune Health), 1 tablet
    Spring Valley - Biotin, 1000 mcg
    Spring Valley - Magnesium, 250 mg/1 capsule
    Spring Valley - Natural Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil 1000mg/450mg Omega-3, 1 Softgel
    Viactiv - Calcium Plus D Soft Chews, Caramel, 1 Chew
    One A Day - Vitacraves Healthy Metabolism Support, 2 gummies

    Of course the only thing I'll be taking while doing Thrive are the first 2 on the list

    I got home from work and I was starving, bacon (left overs) and an egg sandwich.
    Tired and ready for bed at 7:00 pm, more than likely because I was up so early. I managed
    to stay awake until about 8:30, but gave in because I was starting to get a headache.

    The "Thrive W" Experience
    Day 2
    Tuesday, September 27, 2016

    Up and out of bed at 4:30, 30 minutes before the alarm went off. Slept well until about
    12:30 and then up to use the bathroom, tossed and turned a bit after that, but I think it was
    because it was a bit too warm.
    At 5:00 am I took my Thrive Capsule and changed my Thrive patch, I put the new patch on
    my left shoulder for today and drank my Thrive "shake" at 5:40.
    It has an even worse vanilla flavor when allowed to sit over night, I am going to have to chug
    tomorrow's full dose in order to get it down without gagging. (Note: flavor is a personal
    choice, but if you don't like vanilla then you won't like this) I did not manage to get on the
    tread-climber yesterday and that would have helped with the calorie count. I will manage it
    today however as we have only 2 cleanings and I will be home by 1:30.
    Plans are never set in stone! The week got messed around so I didn't get home until 4:30,
    no tread-climber again today. Took a shower, made dinner, I am still waiting for that extra
    burst of energy that I am supposed to be getting from Thrive, as I am still ready to fall
    asleep around 8:00 pm. PS: over my calorie goal to day too....munching not under control.

    The "Thrive W" Experience
    Day 3
    Wednesday, September 28, 2016

    Tossed and turned after I got into bed until about midnight, funny how I can fall asleep at
    the drop of a hat on my couch, but get upstairs and poof all that's gone. Finally fell asleep
    around 11:00 and slept through til 5:00 am. Today is the last day of my Thrive experience
    and also the first full dose of the Thrive capsules and "shake" mix, God I am dreading
    drinking that stuff. Why am I still doing it if it tastes that bad? Because I decided to see it
    through and give it a fair shake to see if I felt any different in the 3 days, but to be honest
    even if I felt that much better I could never make myself choke down this stuff every day for
    who knows how long. Like I said before, taste is a personal preference.
    So far I have yet to feel the jittery feeling that I have read that some people get, so
    apparently my 3 cups of coffee a day is not upsetting the balance of caffeine.
    Today I took my Thrive capsules at 5:30 am and will shortly drink my Thrive "shake" at 6:00.
    The Thrive patch is on my calf muscle on the side of my leg, Chiropractor appointment
    later and I don't want him to accidentally dislodge the patch.

    The "Thrive W" Experience
    Day 4
    Thursday, September 29, 2016

    Okay, so my final analysis....Thrive has made very little difference in how I feel, my energy
    level, and certainly not my appetite. All of this could actually be attributed to the fact that I
    have already been on a vitamin regimen and have been eating healthy for quite some time.
    I regularly drink 3-4 cups of coffee per day so the caffeine jolt that I have heard about did
    not bother me in the least. My sleep pattern has not changed in the least either. I have also
    read about this "crash" that happens when you stop the Thrive experience...I will give it a day
    or two and see how that goes.

    Saturday, October 1, 2016 -- I can report that I did not have any "crash" after I stopped
    using Thrive.

    Good thing this was a free 3 day trial, I personally wouldn't waste my money on it.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    @marm1962 I think it's interesting what your experience is, but all these posts you are commenting on are old. This one was from 2014, another was from January 2015. I hope you'll continue to share your experience as the topic comes up, but reviving old threads to post your experience isn't necessarily helpful.
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    my apologies, when I posted I wasn't paying attention to the dates.