
Its day 14 .. ONLY DAY 14 !!!!!!! I have lost 8.5 lbs.. but this morning I ate 4 count them 4 scrabbled eggs and 6 pieces of turkey bacon. I dont even know why I did that !! UGhh I'm sooo mad at myself. Is it possible to make that up throughout the day or did I just waste my day ??



  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    No I dont think so...Pretty much all protein... :wink:
  • ingeborgv
    ingeborgv Posts: 175 Member
    Of course you can make it up. Get a really tough workout in! Log it all, and watch what you eat for the rest of the day. You'll be fine. :-)
  • mommyfirst77
    It will all balance out!!! You are doing great do NOT give up! We all have our slip ups!
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Count it as Breakfast and lunch.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    You were probably just really hungry. If you're over eating on healthy food, I don't think you should beat yourself up over it. You're body probably needed it.

    I wouldn't call that a bad breakfast at all. Just eat a little lighter than normal for the rest of the day, and stop beating yourself up over it! =)
  • lilmouse2000
    I don't think bad day won't make too much of an impact, just get back on track tomorrow. You're doing great!!!!:smile:
  • Boozer_100
    Boozer_100 Posts: 2 Member
    forget that day count tomorrow and start again
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    No. Just count the calories and make up for it during the day. At the end of the day it all comes down to calories consumed - calories burned. That's the one fact of weight loss.
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    Get exercising! It'll help you feel like you've done something towards fixing your "mistake"
  • quansc
    quansc Posts: 80 Member
    Not at all. With working out and watching what you eat for the rest of the day, you should still be ok. One meal won't make or break you. Good luck.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    You can totally make it up. And . . . at least it is low on carbs. Just call it brunch, have a couple snacks today and a light dinner. Your body may be telling you it needs more food. 8.5 pounds in two weeks is a lot. You want to be careful you aren't setting yourself up. When I deny myself, I completely cave later. Instead, I eat within my calories, exercise to earn more calories to eat, and don't feel the ravenous urges I have felt on other restrictive diets. Hang in there.
  • Liblil7
    You're doing great! Don't let this set you back. Remember that everything you ate was pure essential building block for muscle mass. True, you may have sacrificed your day in terms of calories, but you fed your body with vital nutrients.

    Now...get back on the wagon and lift some weights today!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Dont worry, I have done this since the last week in Oct and Los 3 pounds only.
  • ZacFields
    ZacFields Posts: 62 Member
    Oh you'll be fine. So you ate around 600 calories for breakfast. That's not a huge deal.

    Even assuming your daily goal is 1,200 calories and you didn't exercise at all today, you can still eat 300 calories for lunch and dinner. Best bet though would be to go outside and go for a walk for about 30 minutes or an hour. You'll drop 200-400 calories that way.

    Good luck!
  • ndetlefsen
    ndetlefsen Posts: 33 Member
    Who cares. You are doing great. Get back on the wagon and you'll be fine!!!
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    javamom is bang on with her advice. I've also noticed that if I don't get enough calories one day, I binge the next. Slow and steady!
  • RGonVSH
    RGonVSH Posts: 44 Member
    If what I read is correct, and I believe it is, calories in minus calories out is the key. You did eat a lot of protein, but I am pretty sure the basic idea behind weight loss is still based on expending more calories than you take in.
  • sarahlauren18
    sarahlauren18 Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you .. I guess MFP is great as a constant reminder to keep going but these past 2 weeks feel like an eternity and I'm just getting impatient LOL .. I have 42 more pounds to lose so I've got a long way ahead of me :( I'm just having a blah day, I defintiley need a good workout.

    Thank you everyone for the support !!!!
  • Pip_K_W
    Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
    At the weekends I normally have 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites, gives me more than just than just 1 egg but with less calories!
    Don't count the rest of the day off, just watch what you eat and if you go over then don't get disheartened.
    Well done on the weight loss too :0) x
    STR0NGisSEXY Posts: 128 Member
    it's okay to go a little over every once in a while, it confuses your metabolism and gives it a little jolt. You won't gain back several pounds from one meal (especially when your picks were healthy you just overindulged a little) just try to get in a workout, and make good choices the rest of the day.

    Never beat yourself up over one meal, just learn what you might have been able to do differently (listen to your body pick up the cues) and move on. Nothing is lost!
