Team UK- Northern Numpties vs Southern Softies Week 1 result

Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Here we are, boys and girls....


Award for greatest number of pounds lost for Week 1 goes to.........elfward and James501 for the Southern Softies, each of whom lost a humongous 8lbs. El pipped James in the percentage loss stakes, with a massive 5.26% of her bodyweight lost!

Congratulations also to dilemmadale86 and marymoonpigUK for being the biggest Northern Numpty losers in pounds and percentage of bodyweight respectively (7lbs and 3.75%).

Team results: The 23 members of the Northern Numpties weighed in at 4015.2lbs at the start, and lost a total of 53.7lbs or 1.34% of the team's weight.
The 29 members of the Southern Softies weighed in at 5232.2lbs at the start and lost a total of 62 lbs, or 1.18% of the team's weight.......

Therefore, the week 1 team victory goes to..... THE NORTHERN NUMPTIES!!!!!!!!!



  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    woohoo! well done everyone! :D
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Boooooo!! lol :bigsmile:

    Seriously though, well done everyone :drinker:
  • savagegirl
    savagegirl Posts: 33 Member
    Hoorah for us Northerners!! But well done James and Elfward! 8 pounds! like how??? LOL.
  • What's this all about? Can I join? I'm a Northern Numpty from Lincolnshire! :laugh:
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    I think my weight loss was mainly water! I'm afraid I don't think next week will be half as impressive - I went off the rails a bit on Friday night after my weigh-in, though am back on track now.

    Well done to the Northern Numpties - come on Southern Softies!
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    btw, my ticker only shows 6lb loss as I signed up way back in October on my iphone, and before spending 2 weeks eating and drinking over Christmas!! I only really started using MFP in January, and it's been a real help. Thanks everyone!
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I think my weight loss was mainly water! I'm afraid I don't think next week will be half as impressive - I went off the rails a bit on Friday night after my weigh-in, though am back on track now.

    Well done to the Northern Numpties - come on Southern Softies!

    If you lost that every week El, I'd get you referred to the eating disorders clinic! Congrats anyway :)
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Big round of applause for EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think anyone gained?
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    For anyone wanting to join, please SEND ME A MESSAGE (post it somewhere or put it in your status updates by all means, but you are unlikely to make it to the results table unless I've a message in my inbox).


    1. Your starting weight for the challenge and the date it was taken on.

    2. Your weigh day (it doesn't matter what day you weigh on, but stick to the same one for the challenge so that each week's results reflect 7 days of team effort)

    3. The Team you want to be on, and your location, if you don't mind people knowing. If you have no emotional preference as to north or south, use the Watford Gap test- NN6 7UZ is the postcode for Watford Gap Services on the M1. Put it into google maps and see if you are north or south of it!

    If you add your team to your signature, people will realise that you've joined and we will all get to know each other quicker- mates and opposition...

    Each week on your weigh day or as near as possible, send me a message to my inbox with your updated weight and I'll add it to the table.

    Results showing weights, losses and percentage weight loss for each team will be published each Saturday if possible, as long as everyone has given me their weights by midday on Sat. If anyone is late, the results will be delayed.

    Have fun, and lets see who are the biggest losers!
  • vladikavkaz
    vladikavkaz Posts: 137 Member
    Well done all. Just opens the door for us softies to storm the second week!

    I've put a pound on since yesterday though, so the big numbers may not be coming from me!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Us Southern Softies are just warming up!!

    Well done to you Northerners!!

    Ros thanks so much for doing this!
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Rosy, this is brilliant!!! Thanks you so much for setting it up, it really is a great idea!!! :love: :love:

    Big well done to all my fellow Northern Numties, my contribution was a disapoining 1/2 an lb :grumble: , but am keeping everything crossed for a better weight loss this week!!!

    Good luck everyone for the week ahead..... Lets do this!!!

    :heart: :heart:
  • Oddelly
    Oddelly Posts: 29
    Well done everyone! Though I swore the softies were going to do it this week.

    Warning that the next week (my weigh in days are tuesday) won't be so good (sorry southers!) but I will try and make it up week 3 :)
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Woohoo!!! Northern Numpties ROCK!!! :drinker: Excellent job Rosy - ta v much!!! Tis v much appreciated x
    Award for greatest number of pounds lost for Week 1 goes to.........elfward and James501 for the Southern Softies, each of whom lost a humongous 8lbs. El pipped James in the percentage loss stakes, with a massive 5.26% of her bodyweight lost!

    Congratulations also to dilemmadale86 and marymoonpigUK for being the biggest Northern Numpty losers in pounds and percentage of bodyweight respectively (7lbs and 3.75%).

    Well done to everyone for the excellent weight-losses this week, now lets keep up the good work!!
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Everyone, well done indeed ! This really is perfect motivation. Good healthy competition.
  • WOW well done northerners!! also southerners you did amazing too!! hats off to rosy for putting a great table togther!! wow you really went to alot of trouble :D i can't wait for week two
  • Well done everybody!!!
  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    Wooo hoooo, go numpties!!!

    Rosy you've done a fantastic job with the tables and statistics. You are FABULOUS :flowerforyou:
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    get in!!!! biggest loser.

    8lbs was huge but i'll be happy with 1lb this week. good start to my weight loss though and well doen to everyone else.

    well done to the northerners for their win though. no bitterness from me just yet.

    come on my southern team lets smash them next week. I'm far to competitive to lose 2 weeks in a row xxx
  • Whooo well done to everyone for doing so incredibly well! And thanks to Rosy for putting that table together - I didn't even know my percentage loss so that was interesting :smile:

    Come on Southern Softies, we can do it next week!!
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