Intro and Question!

I've strugged with weight all my life so I finally said enough is enough... I've tried many times in the past and failed miserably but now that I have started Zumba I am LOVING working out! I watch what I eat and make sure I stay under my calorie count!

I hope to see results by my 32nd birthday (April 4th) and keep on going after that so I can have my first bikini summer in forever!

My question is that myfitnesspal app on my iPod touch doesn't have Zumba (sad face) so I have been using Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern... which I know isn't accurate but I don't know what else to use... any suggestions?

Maybe myfitnesspal can add Zumba? LOL

I did the 20 Minute Express workout today and using this it said I burned 159 calories... I would like to find something accurate as possible! :)

Thanks for any and all input and good luck!


  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    the best and most accurate way is to use a heart rate monitor. GL!
  • imperfectlyhere
    WELCOME:) I haven't started working out but do love zumba:) I am waiting till after we move just working on eating...i am 32 and struggling with my weight.
  • wennysan
    Spacecase76 ~ Cool! Thank you... I will pick one up today!

    Imperfectlyhere ~ Good luck to you! I am loving Zumba... I know I need to do more than just that (I have P90X as well but am not yet ready to do that LOL) but the best thing I have is a support system and encouragement!
  • mdeshotels
    mdeshotels Posts: 5 Member
    I agree heart rate monitor with calorie counter is best. I have been using a Polar. It allows me to see exactly how much I use. Even if Zumba was added, it is still only an average. Your personal amount could be more or less. I have been working out with a friend and we both have monitors. She is very fit and I am not. I burn more calories due to many different reasons, size, being unfit, etc. If u look on the Internet u can find some good deals. Keep on working out! It is a wonderful habit to have :-)
  • wennysan
    Mdeshotels ~ Thank you for your input! I am def getting a monitor today... I am ocd and would like to know how much I actually burn LOL... I agree, it's a wonderful habit and I refuse to keep the horrible habits I have had... 2011 is my year!
  • athena40
    I use an pedometer with calorie count on it. its from life fitness / active step its called i just started using it today.
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been doing Zumba for 2 weeks now and I love it. I was using a heart rate monitor but due to the fact that I sweat so much, my strap kept coming unhooked so I've had to estimate the number of calories. I know it's probably a lot less than what I actually burn but I would rather underestimate than overestimate.

    I've purchased a sports bra that I can attach my transmitter to so hopefully that will arrive some time this week. As far as your question goes about adding Zumba to the database, it probably won't happen. The term Zumba, as well as some other fitness programs such as P90X are copyrighted so in order to technically use it in anything public, it's got to get the approval from the company.
  • wennysan
    athena40 ~ I got one today! It's from VIA Heart and measures total steps, distance, calories burned and pulse

    lucky48 ~ I went ahead and added Zumba to my exercises and will just change the calories burned daily... today was only 107... I thought it would def be more than that for the 20-Min Express lol but I am sure it will change each exercise... I'm excited! Mine has a clip on it, it stayed on my pants through all of that so hopefully it won't come off when I amp it up!