


  • ibme64
    ibme64 Posts: 4 Member
    I had a morning this past week were i ate 1105 calories by 6:30 am, yes that's right 6:30 am. and it was 1/4 gal of ice cream, carmel syrup and nuts.... w/alittle excercise and watching what i did for the rest of the day i was still able to be ok for the day and to my amazement i still lost 2.8 lbs this week ~ i'm learning that when i screw up to not beat myself up too bad and just get back on track the next meal and yes ask myself why did i do it but then move on.
  • sarahlauren18
    sarahlauren18 Posts: 128 Member
    I have learned so much here.. I have been eating 1500 calories a day because I normally burn about 300 - 400 with excerise. I definitely am I not trying to deprieve myself BUT after I ate that I felt soo full I think it gave me a flash back to how I used to eat before and I didnt like that feeling. It felt like I caved in.. after work I really need a vigorous workout. Cardio on P90x maybe.. until then I stick to my water and banana I brought for a snack !!!

    Thanx again for the support and advice !!!! XOXOX
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    First off, don't obsess over your "error." The worst thing about worrying about food is that it makes you think about food all that much more, throws unneccessary guilt on yourself, etc.

    Just try to stick to your calorie limit most days, and don't crush yourself for a 1-day slipup. If this happens once every couple of weeks (or maybe once a week) but doesn't happen once every couple days, you're doing fine.

    I just started a "diet" counting calories myself, about 6 days ago, had 1 "over the limit" day so far, made myself avoid obsessing, moved on. I'm playing it a little loose, allowing myself wiggle room, mainly because knowing exactly how many calories you need per day, given exercise variations, to maintain some steady healthy weightloss is not an exact science. For myself, I know 3000 calories is ridiculously bad, 800 calories equally so, but if I am in the 1800-2200 range, I think I'm fine. Once I get more active (I am going to gently ramp up, starting today, coincidentally), I get to have more caloric intake!

    If you are really unable to get over it, do a little more exercise than you usually do, then don't worry if you go over your calorie limit a bit today.
  • ChelleBelle1
    ChelleBelle1 Posts: 34 Member
    It's all in how you handle the rest of the day. In the past, this is where I have stumbled. If I ate more than I probably should have at one sitting, I have decided I blew the day and went overboard all day long. This derailed me many times. I have learned that one meal is only that- ONE MEAL. It is not the end of the world, and as long as you get right back to it, it is no big deal. And, besides every now and then you need to allow yourself to splurge a little. Making yourself feel deprived all the time is a recipe for disaster.

    Also, set mini-goals for yourself. If you are focused on the big goal, it will feel overwhelming and you will constantly wonder if you can ever get there. Break it down into smaller goals so that you can see it, and feel the accomplishment when you get there.

    Good luck with your goals! You can do it!
  • Madsin
    Madsin Posts: 17
    If you really like your scrambled egg try something like Egg Beaters or Lucerne Best Of The Egg. For 1/4 cup which make plenty of scrambled egg it is only 30 calories in stead of 70-90 for just one egg. But don't beat yourself up your just getting going. Always remember it took you a long time to put on weight it will talk a while to take it of so be patient,:smile:
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I agree with so many others calories in.....calories out. Get in an exercise today if it makes you feel better. I think maybe your body was needing some added protein which is needed in building muscles. Its not like you ate 1/2 cheesecake so don't beat yourself up. Today was suppose to be my off day but my hubby wanted My homemade Green Chili Omelets for breakfast. After I plugged in my numbers and added my coffee I was like wow the was a calorie splurge. After over 1 1/2 hrs. of playing Just Dance 2 with my boys I am back on track. The fact that you are taking "your splurge" serious enough to post says a lot about your weight loss commitment and that says a lot.
  • sarahlummus626
    I think thats a great tip!! and also a great way to look at it about the weight loss it took me 6 years and two children to get a little heavier and it will take a while to get back in shape too :) thanks :)
    Thats not bad. Calorie wise yes. But you've lost 8.5 pounds in 14 days that's incredible. Mind me asking how you did it?
  • sarahlauren18
    sarahlauren18 Posts: 128 Member
    Devoted 2 ... I started this process on January 1st HOWEVR I didnt start working out until January 8th so thats the day I kinda go by. My biggest change in the NEW lifestyle is exercise. I exercise everyday for atleast 40 minutes to the point of exhuastion and working up a sweat!! I dont half *kitten* my workouts. I alternate right now between the elliptical and P90x.. and everyday I do crunches at least 5 reps if 50 on my stay ball . With watching my calories and eating healthy, no pop, no junk I was able to see the lbs come off but its a constant daily thing.

    This website has been a HUGE help. I am soo glad I found it. I've had 2 babies in the past 2 years so my body is ready for this change :)
  • jennygurumi
    Think of your success! :heart: You have accomplished so much.