When should people notice?

Hey everyone, I started my diet when I was 155 and now I'm 146. I admit I'm kinda short(about 5ft) :D and I was wondering when do people start noticing that your losing weight? I asked my family but they were like ya.. U do need a little more tho. I feel like they are just say ya to compliment me. But when I ask other people as well they say no we can barely tell the difference. I thought 9 pounds was a lot. Anyways what do u guys think?


  • desidieter
    desidieter Posts: 195
    It depends on what you're losing - if just pounds - is it fat that you're losing? Or water weight? In my experience, no one could really tell a difference until I started losing inches. And the only way I've been able to lose inches is through strength training. Do you only do cardio? Or do you incorporate strength training into your routine as well?
  • livingforjesus90
    I don't lift. I do jumping jacks, sit ups, cardio, and walking. But only sometimes.
  • desidieter
    desidieter Posts: 195
    I would recommend some strength training to help firm up and define your muscles, which will be helpful for you while you're losing fat. If you've never weight lifted before, you can always start with basic body weight exercises. There are lots of free resources on YouTube or Pinterest on how to get started with basic strength/weight training. Then, as you get more comfortable, consider adding free weights to your routines.
  • livingforjesus90
    I never thought I would lift. But I will try
  • desidieter
    desidieter Posts: 195
    You don't have to lift heavy weights. And initially, you don't even have to use weights at all. Bodyweight exercises can be really effective in helping you tone up! Like I said, as you get comfortable and find yourself needing more of a challenge, add in some weights and increase the weights accordingly.
  • iceycoldhot
    iceycoldhot Posts: 72 Member
    I honestly have no clue.

    I went from around 160 lbs to now 137 lbs in about 9 months. No one has mentioned anything about it to me. Which is kind of crazy because you'd assume it was a big enough weight loss to notice. I certainly have noticed it but no one has said anything otherwise.
  • desidieter
    desidieter Posts: 195
    I honestly have no clue.

    I went from around 160 lbs to now 137 lbs in about 9 months. No one has mentioned anything about it to me. Which is kind of crazy because you'd assume it was a big enough weight loss to notice. I certainly have noticed it but no one has said anything otherwise.

    I think sometimes people are afraid to say anything because they're not sure the person will take it. The last thing someone ones to do is have their compliment be taken as an insult, and unfortunately, that does happen. The important thing about weight loss is how it makes YOU feel. If you feel great and strong and healthy, than that's way more important than what anyone else thinks. :)
  • desidieter
    desidieter Posts: 195
    I honestly have no clue.

    I went from around 160 lbs to now 137 lbs in about 9 months. No one has mentioned anything about it to me. Which is kind of crazy because you'd assume it was a big enough weight loss to notice. I certainly have noticed it but no one has said anything otherwise.

    I think sometimes people are afraid to say anything because they're not sure how the person will take it. The last thing someone wants to do is have their compliment be taken as an insult, and unfortunately, that does happen. The important thing about weight loss is how it makes YOU feel. If you feel great and strong and healthy, than that's way more important than what anyone else thinks. :)
  • livingforjesus90
    Yes I think she's right about people don't wanna say anything because they don't know how u will take it. But that's a lot of weight u lost there :) good job
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Usually around 10-15 pounds, unless someone is very heavy, then 10-15 pounds wouldn't look like very much. I think it also depends on where they lose it from.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    First 20-25lbs I was just blurting out to everyone & everyone that I'd lost weight.

    53lbs down & everyone now mentions it - I had a "holy sh@t" when I saw the guy who works in the garage near my workplace when I walked in the other day. People hold nothing back in asking A) How much I've lost & B) What I've done to lose it.
  • KatieKansan
    KatieKansan Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5'10 and no one really noticed I was losing weight until I had lost around 15 pounds.. Keep going though don't let that discourage you! They will notice soon!
  • livingforjesus90
    Haha it's great when people notice huh
  • LovelyLisa1000
    LovelyLisa1000 Posts: 10 Member
    That is so funny! I lost 13 lbs and nobody ever said anything. Then I lost 2 more pounds and people started noticing. The people I would see every day did not notice, but those that I ran into that I hadn't seen in awhile gave rave compliments. And then I put on a few pounds and I was happy nobody noticed!
  • sakuya3834
    sakuya3834 Posts: 116 Member
    I've lost 31 lbs and no one outside of the people I live with have noticed.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    They'll notice. And they'll comment.

    Don't worry. It's coming!
  • faithnfitnesss
    faithnfitnesss Posts: 94 Member
    Hey there!! I tell this to a lot of people I help get back on track with their nutrition and weight loss:


    Keep going!!!!