Does Sex count as exercise?

autumntia Posts: 72 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Yeah so I have not been adding "it" to my exercise totals but of course there are times where you break out in a nice sweat from sex...has anyone added it as an exercise?


  • tiger87lilly
    tiger87lilly Posts: 139 Member
  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    its the best form of exercise!
  • MrsH06
    MrsH06 Posts: 159
    I am so glad you posted this! I didn't even think about adding that as exercise! So if you burn enough during sex you can have the bowl of ice cream too!! lol
  • stmaurice
    stmaurice Posts: 6 Member
    I guess you could always wear a heart rate monitor on your chest and figure out your caloric loss that way... but that's not really sexy...
  • aunfire82
    aunfire82 Posts: 30 Member
    :smile: I have been counting sex! But I just put it under general aerobics.. I haven't found an actual category for it yet. Does anyone have suggestions?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    A good romp is worth 50-100 cals :)
  • aunfire82
    aunfire82 Posts: 30 Member
    Or just get a HRM for your wrist.
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    just wear your hrm next time so you know what you burned :)
  • REman
    REman Posts: 48 Member
    What I consider exercise is any measurable amount of time in which your heart rate elevates beyond your standard every day heart rate, so I would definitely consider sex an exercise...I just wouldn't recommend wearing a heart rate monitor or updating your My Fitness Pal diary until afterward.
  • My husband actually looked it up on the said you burn approx. 90 calories...:smile: He offered to EXERCISE with me any time!!
  • yes its exercise, and you can count it, i also find when i do i have it more often.and it gives you more motivation to get more energetic with it. I also call it by a different name on my planner and i think others do too. extra bed making etc...
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    Sure!! HRM or just under aerobics......
  • debruhf
    debruhf Posts: 196 Member's my 2 cents on exercise: If you were doing it when you were overweight and it didn't help you lose weight/become fit, then I don't count it now. Same goes for cleaning, etc.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Depends how much you had to pay for it
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Honestly, my boyfriend wore an HRM once during sex (I haven't yet) and it really wasn't a significant burn of calories. On top of that, I don't count normal activity in to exercise.
  • Try the Calorie Counter at and you can find how many you burned. And remember, the longer you make it last, the better the burn and the pleasure...
  • If it's a regular part of your lifestyle, I wouldn't count it. Also, it's going to vary on how active you are, so it's not really a reliable calorie burn without a hrm on.
  • ha ha! wondered the same last night, someone told me 150 cals for a 30 min 'work out'

  • I teach anatomy and physiology, and I get this question about once every two years.

    1) Effective aerobic excercise raises your heart rate to a working rate and sustains it for at least 20 to 30 minutes... And to have lasting benfit, it's something you do at leat 3 times a week.

    2) The typical romantic session is done in under 15 minutes.. and that is for 20-somethings... Just go back and read the original Kinsey report. (and the cuddle and play time does not count ;) )

    ..... Now lets add in age, relationship status, etc.... You can do the math.

    No.. sex does not count as the kind of "excercise" you need for manging your weight.

    On the other hand, being in shape certainly makes for better romantic relationships.
  • autumntia
    autumntia Posts: 72 Member
    I teach anatomy and physiology, and I get this question about once every two years.

    1) Effective aerobic excercise raises your heart rate to a working rate and sustains it for at least 20 to 30 minutes... And to have lasting benfit, it's something you do at leat 3 times a week.

    2) The typical romantic session is done in under 15 minutes.. and that is for 20-somethings... Just go back and read the original Kinsey report. (and the cuddle and play time does not count ;) )

    ..... Now lets add in age, relationship status, etc.... You can do the math.

    No.. sex does not count as the kind of "excercise" you need for manging your weight.

    On the other hand, being in shape certainly makes for better romantic relationships.
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