I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym



  • I started weight training almost ten years ago, and I am a committed gym rat now! I think it is very normal to feel intimidated and self-conscious when you start. I was for sure! But you start with adding some basic moves to your routine, and learn as you go, and if you stick with it you get comfortable and stop feeling like everyone is staring at you! :-)

    I love weight training! :-)
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Get it girls. I can squat more than my 220 lb boyfriend and he brags about that to people. Benching is another story, a sad story :sad: but I keep at it even though it feels impossible sometimes.

    I can bench 40 lbs and that's it. I have am not good balancing the bar. I need to spend more time on the bench to get better. :grumble:

    How's your form? I find arching my back so that just my lats and butt are touching the bench allows me to lift a lot more weight than I thought I was capable of. I figured this out by watching videos of 130 pound powerlifting women benching 300 lbs.
  • BellaGettinFit
    BellaGettinFit Posts: 113 Member
    i used to feel so silly doing free weights at the gym
  • Please excuse me but I have not read everybody's post or reply's but I used to work in a gym so here's my take on things.......

    .First of all a lot of guys will feel intimidated by the girls who have the brass to walk into the free weights area

    . Secondly they will also feel intimidated if you walk in and start squatting like a mean machine or doing any kind of technical exercise not only with perfect technique and full range of movement but also with some weight on.

    .Thirdly to reach your goal you should be prepared to do what ever it takes - Which is more than chest and biceps lol, more than half the guys in the free weights area will be wearing track suit or jogging bottoms - there is a reason for that lol!

    .If you have a good body and feel a bit intimidated in that way with young men looking at you my advice would be to square up to them in front of everybody and ask them if they want a picture, tell them your only willing to do this as an exchange deal...... For example if you have a good rack or nice bum tell um you'll do a pic exchange for there quads lol, Then watch there face deflate like a led zepplin.

    The guys who look good probably do so as they put a lot of time in and train correctly - unless there on juice of course but if they are training properly and have a full look about them there vanity will overpower watching you lol

    You could also wear some loose clothing and ditch the make-up, Speaking from personal preference I always had and still have time for the girls with no make up, Its not a fashion show, You don't care about the blonde on the Cross trainer who is caked up in make-up updating updating to facebook and instagram every five minutes in between wiping every little drop of sweat away as god forbid it could make her make up run!

    Train properly you will attract attention but the right kind from people in the know, People will approach you and start correcting your technique, you can then build up a rapport and maybe even get a quality training partner.

    Just my take on things and yes I am looking for somebody as committed as me in the Leicestershire area lol. That's the UK! - But I have a passport and a sports holdall so can travel!

    Keep it real, Train Hard and UP THERE'S lol!!!
  • ebitnet
    ebitnet Posts: 4
    I love lifting and I've been doing free weight exercises for about 35yrs at this point. I think it's amazing to see women lifting as well. At our college gym, there are always 3-8 women in the free weight section.

    My advice is that if you are new to free weights, men or women,...get a trainer to teach you the correct forms and to keep you motivated. I can't stress form enough. You can seriously injure yourself if you do not use the correct form for each exercise. Weight training is not just bench-pressing or dead-lifting as much as you can.
  • CLM1227
    CLM1227 Posts: 61 Member
    I have never been intimidated to enter the gym room because "girls don't go there."

    I've been intimidated from a general lack of knowledge, my personal goals, and body image issues (something that has kept me out of the gym, too).

    My personal goals are not to be a body builder. Personally, I don't get why women want to be body builders, but each her own. But weight machines have seized to provide any benefit to my workouts to where I don't get stronger on the appropriate weight and still can't do the next weight. I've seen more improvements in my physique & strength and felt like I was accomplishing something learning to do free weights.

    I have no desire to do heavy lifting, I have no desire to enter the swimsuit competition, I'm not cross-fit or whatever. I just want increased strength and a stronger metabolism. I want to be FIT.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member

    Great post. I am usually the only female in the free weights area. There has been the odd occasion when the men are outnumbered...or I am the only person in the free weights area!

    I think there is a lot of stigma around the FWA. Women seem to be scared to set foot in it; almost as if all the men will suddently turn round and throw them out! I used to be one of those women - the FWA was unknown territory and I wouldn't go near it...

    ...Now I'm never out of it. I'm usually in the gym about 1hr each time - about 45mins of that is spent lifting with the fella's.

    Most men honestly don't care who is in the FWA, they are just concentrating on what they're doing and couldn't care less about anyone else. As a female, I do get the odd glance from guys but I take it as a compliment!
  • horseswinelife
    horseswinelife Posts: 52 Member
    I loved this post!

    I just started with a trainer on Monday and he took me straight to the free weights. I was completely intimidated! It doesn't help that on his off time, he is a drill sergeant.... Anyway - Once my legs stop shaking I'll be back in the free weight section trying it again. I just hope it doesn't take me as long to recover!
  • hurricanelena
    hurricanelena Posts: 83 Member
    I will echo the sentiments that this is a great thread!

    I've found the intimidation factor has depended on the particular gym that I'm at. Rather than take the "easy" PE class in high school I did weight lifting, which was taught by this little old lady who could out lift us all, lol. There were two girls in the class including myself, and the teacher told me that I was intimating the guys because I could out bench most of them, which goes over really well at 16/17. I did sports in high school and college and the coaches were always good about cross training, but it was less intimidating because I was with my teammates and my college was rather small so I had no problems there. It wasn't until I started going to "public" gyms that I faced the funny looks. I've also seen more than a few guys pick up weights, look at me, and then pick up heavier weights. But the gym(s) that I go to are run by the local hospital network so there are a wide variety of people and the free weights are not just "gym rat" looking people, but all shapes/sizes/ages, which is great!
  • Bodybuilding. Com can help you out with how to properly lift and different types of
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    IN for freeweights!

    I've been working out with a trainer for a couple of months, learning good form and have now started spending much more of my gym time in the weight room, doing SL 5x5. I love it! I've had a few funny looks from guys who seem a bit surprised to see a woman old enough to be their mother in the squat rack, but I just grin at them... They soon go back to what they were doing! :bigsmile:
  • captain_abigail
    captain_abigail Posts: 6 Member
    I don't know what's the big deal about being a woman in the weights room actually. I never feel intimidated. I've never got bad stares, I just got some compliments:)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I started at the gym a couple weeks ago. I've been lifting in my home gym for 2 or 3 years now. I was just scared/turned off by the gym and working out in public in general. I love group dance classes, but solo workouts make me super self-conscious. Well, at the gym, I'm working with a personal trainer, and I was literally the only woman in the lifting section. I felt special, and was glad my trainer was there.

    This weekend I am going to workout lifting by myself for the first time. It's a little nerve racking, but when I workout there, I am just in my own little world. I hardly even look at other people. I know the routine, and I am excited to try it by myself. I have seen other women in that part of the gym at busier times, though. (They lift crazy heavy sometimes! I am working up to that.) :happy:
  • jrhanna84
    jrhanna84 Posts: 66 Member
    In for the Free weights and myth busting! Personally, I love being in the Free weight section. I've been working with a trainer for almost a year now and I've made serious gains on my lifts. For example, when we last tested I deadlifted 225#, that's an increase of 100#'s since I started. There is a group of really great guys at my gym who are super helpful and very courteous.
  • We need to maintain our body fit by doing proper regular excercise and we need to take proper diet with more nutritions,proteins,etc,.
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    I have an appointment with a trainer tonight to show me around the free weight section. I'm still nervous though. This post has helped me though.
  • kimmijo88
    kimmijo88 Posts: 24 Member
    I found that the most of the men in my gym, actually want to help you, and i ended up having them help me to train!
    Dont be nervous! ladies!
  • I'm been going to the free weights section for several weeks now, and I have to be honest - sometimes I still get a little nervous when I notice on I'm the only woman over there. But just like it's easier for me to go over if there is a woman there already, I think it's easier for other woman to come over as well.

    In particular, I feel very lucky because the guys there have never made me feel "rushed" just because there is a shortage of equipment, etc. They will bug each other but tend to let the women have their space and have whatever they want. But that might just be a Texas thing. I go to a Gold's Gym.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Whenever some dude drops the weights really abruptly (and almost always needlessly) does anyone else want to call them an attention *kitten*? Maybe it's just me.

    Certain times of the day at my gym are better than others at the weight room. Sometimes some of the guys develop a real staring problem when a woman is in the weight section. Not severe enough to be to be something you report to management, just enough to make you wish they would grow the hell up.
  • Limeycat
    Limeycat Posts: 249 Member
    In particular, I feel very lucky because the guys there have never made me feel "rushed" just because there is a shortage of equipment, etc. They will bug each other but tend to let the women have their space and have whatever they want. But that might just be a Texas thing. I go to a Gold's Gym.

    Two days running I've had guys ask me how long I'm going to be in the squat rack. Very tempted to say 'as long as it takes' but each time I've smiled and said how many sets I have left and how long I'll be. First chap grunted, stalked off, paced around the rack looking grumpy and impatient, so I deliberately gave myself a slightly longer rest between sets. Second chap backed off, went and did something else and thanked me when I shouted him over after quickly finishing. Behaviour breeds behaviour....