Chia seeds.



  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    "Over a 12-week period, we did not see a change in appetite or weight loss" in study participants who consumed chia seeds, says researcher David Nieman, DrPH, a professor at Appalachian State University in North Carolina. "Our study showed no reduction in body weight, body fat and no improvement in traditional cardiovascular markers from 50 grams of chia per day.”

    Maybe because it is 70 calories for a teeny tiny tablespoon. Guys, calories are MUCH better spent on some real, tasty food rather than these seends.

    So don't eat them then. No one stated "OMG!!!!11!!! THESE WILL TOTALLY MAKE YOU SKINNY LIKE TOMORROW!"

    Some like them for taste, some like them for fiber, some like them for texture. All of which have nothing to do with YOUR individual weight loss journey.

    ^ so much this. no one here was touting them as magic weight loss seeds. my change in diet had an impact on.. well, regularity, and fiber helps me a lot with that. the fiber i get from this for the calories is worth it.
  • kapzilla
    kapzilla Posts: 84 Member
    While I do appreciate the information, you'll see that I stated that I bought them to increase fiber. But now that I know there's a bunch of awesome nutrients, I'm even happier with my purchase.

    I'm really interested to see more studies on the heart health benefits now.
    "Over a 12-week period, we did not see a change in appetite or weight loss" in study participants who consumed chia seeds, says researcher David Nieman, DrPH, a professor at Appalachian State University in North Carolina. "Our study showed no reduction in body weight, body fat and no improvement in traditional cardiovascular markers from 50 grams of chia per day.”

    Maybe because it is 70 calories for a teeny tiny tablespoon. Guys, calories are MUCH better spent on some real, tasty food rather than these seends.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Pleased to see this thread - I bought some yesterday after my naturopath recommended them and instantly saw a difference.

    Had them for dinner (with strawberries and yoghurt - we'd had a big lunch) and was full and satisfied when normally I'm a night snacker. Had them again for breakfast with yoghurt and cereal and normaly I'm starving by my break at 11 after eating breakfast at 7 and again, I was (and still am, at 12 noon) feeling full and satisfied. 70 calories well spent IMO....

    Naturopath did warn against eating them by the spoonful as they then soak up the moisture in your stomach and dehydrate you - plus you're meant to drink extra water with them.

    I'm intrigued to keep going with them now - love the meatball idea and thinking it'd be a great way to thicken up things in the slow cooker
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    A couple TBSP in a small mason jar with a TBSP of my home made cocoa mix, and a half cup of coconut milk. Best pudding's like chocolate-tapioca. YUM!
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I rubbed them into my scalp to get chia hair.