

  • lgriffithschall
    lgriffithschall Posts: 28 Member
    Good luck...it's tough to make changes at first, but stick with it because it gets easier as you settle into a new way of looking at food. ...and, this is one time in your life when it's good to be selfish - make yourself a priority not an afterthought :-)
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Good for you at least you know what you want and are not copping out with WLS...
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    It's tough but one step at a times. As I slowly lose weight I'm learning so many new things. Find something about it that makes you happy. For me it's the new recipes i'm discovering and the numbers I'm processing.

    Feel free to add me to. I'm over a 100lbs overweight and the journey should be made with friends :)
  • JordanMK_
    JordanMK_ Posts: 54 Member
    As as person on a journey to lose 170 pounds I can only tell you that it's never too late. Set yourself some goals, don't be hasty. This will be hard and will take atleast a year of discipline but every small step is a step closer to your goal!
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    My advice: Don’t try a bunch of whacky diets, cleanses, water fasts… Find something that burns calories without too much pain. I think an elliptical is the best calorie burner, as long as you increment up and do not stay at the same pace / level too long. Sit ups would take 12,000 years to burn the same calories . Set up your diary, weigh your food, and eat under the allotment.
    I have dropped 40 lbs in 2 months just doing this. 5 other people I know have joined MFP due to my success, and all of them are seeing awesome progress - doing this same thing. Once you find your rhythm, its not that bad, and the scale will be your motivation when you start seeing the weight dropping off.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Wow! You're really pretty from your profile picture, but I know exactly how you feel. This fat person is not ME and I hate how people can't see that. Keep strong and each inch/lb lost is an inch/lb that you don't have to lose. Take the small victories and learn how to love yourself. :smile: You have to with the battles to win the war.
  • kkelley46
    Slow and steady wins the race until you reach your goals, even if it takes 6 mos to a year.

    If you have an off day, it is OK. Life happens. Get back to it the very next day or the very next meal. Also, don't give up on logging your food - that is a big help - even if you go over your calories, keep logging! Lastly, a little exercise goes a long way. Walk, go up the stairs, park your car farther away, or if you can do longer exercise try 30 minutes a few times per week and work up from there. Stay strong and consistent and you WILL lose the fat suit and transform into the healthy suit. Cheers to that! :)
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS!! Feel free to friend request me! We can do it together!
  • mimitvass
    mimitvass Posts: 21 Member
    add me girl! Im in the same boat!
  • bluespidermonkey
    bluespidermonkey Posts: 21 Member
    I feel just like you. I have been fat ever since i was a teenager and i am sick of it. My weight has just gone up and up and i am the heaviest i have even been right now. I have tried and failed a lot in the past, this time i am determined!!!!

    I need some friends to help me along the way too. Happy if anyone wants a buddy! :)

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!