Looking for the real me

ddnfo Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am Diane and I am looking forward to finding me agian.
I have just put myself aside for the last 2 years.
I am tired of not fitting in my clothes.
I want to feel good about myself again..
I want to meet others that are wanting to loose weight and hope you can give me good advise.
So lets all join together and get the ball rolling....
Feel free to comment or advise me or just be-friend me.
Good luck to you ...:wink:


  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome. This is a great place to help on this weight loss journey we are on. Friend me if you wish.
  • I am right there with you! That's the whole story behind my user name, "Brand New Mia" - I am finding myself :) We can do it, together!

    Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • ddnfo
    ddnfo Posts: 2
    Thank you for your note.... I have 60# to loose..I will absolutely add you as a friend... you do the same .. I have worked out 1 hour on my wii fit... and watching and counting calories... this is so new to me... keep on praying ... Good luck to you too and I will keep in touch... your new friend Diane
  • We can do it ladies! Reading your profiles, I feel so the same. Embarassed to see family and friends, yep, wanting to find self, yep. Lets all do this together. so nice to not hide in the shadow, afraid of failure. Thanks for your openness, feel free to friend me!
  • dreamjo
    dreamjo Posts: 104 Member
    Hi Diane,

    Good luck and welcome to the site! I am new here too and know how you feel about getting back to feeling good about yourself again. Self-confidence can make all the difference in your outlook on life and I think that coming together with people with similar goals helps a long way on this journey to healthy living.

    Nice to meet you!
  • i am looking forward to getting fit..... i have an three year and now i am ready for me to fit in my old chothes that i have save. just know that friends have help in the past. just need some friend to keep up with my help...
    good luck and have fun:blushing: :happy:
  • Welcome Diane!!!

    Congratulations on getting back to you, you've come to the right place. :)

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