Has anyone tried Calorie Shifting?

I posted this a few days ago, but didn't get a response from anyone who has tried it......

Since joining this website, I have been looking more and more online to find good ideas to keep me motivated.

I recently was reading about Calorie Shifting. The purpose of the program is to reprogram your metabolism and get you to your maximum fat burning potential.

Anyone who tried this process have any feedback?

I want the good, the bad, and the ugly. :-)


  • LosingTheInches
    I am not really sure what calorie shifting means? Is that when you change the amount of calories you eat different days?
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    never did it with calories but i did with carbs and protein micros
  • LonnaRox
    LonnaRox Posts: 38 Member
    I've had great success with calorie shifting. In fact, over the years it has been the only thing to consistently work for me. What is your calorie schedule like?
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    What is it?
  • kate1398
    I was on a program that did just that...one week lets say you would follow the 1320 calories per day and then change it up the next week say following a 1500 calorie per day week. It is suppose to keep your metabolism working constantly because it doesn't give your body a chance to get used to the same thing so it's supposed to be more effective at losing fat. Also having a cheat day once a week works too by replacing two meals (out of 5) for that day and be able to eat what you are say craving so you don't get off track. You just can allow yourself to go hog wild of course, lol
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I've done it but didn't know it had a name till now! lol I make it a habit of changing up my calorie intake every couple days...having up to 1500 every other day or something like that. It seems to work seeing as I've lost weight.
    It's funny to hear this is a "big thing" now (I just read about it online when I saw this post). I did it about 4 years ago when I first tried to lose weight (didn't keep it off that time) and I'm doing it again now.
  • laspgh
    laspgh Posts: 4 Member
    What is Calorie Shifting? How did you do it with your carbs and proteins???:smile: you have been successful so far...do you do anything to motivate yourself?
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    BUMP -- this sounds interesting.
  • rori_74
    rori_74 Posts: 111 Member
  • blueeyeddragon2115
    I follow this every day. I dont schedule what my shift will be but if say one day i'm not that hungry and i don't eat much, i don't. then i the next day i know to up my intake... For example yesterday i ate about 900 calories and today i am shooting for about 1500. Its difficult for me but i know it works. When i am following my diet correctly i lose anywhere from 2-5 lbs a week. Depending on the week and how well i have had less calorie days.
  • jazzhottie
    I've seen several different versions of Calorie shifting. There are so many different ways to do it. Basically it is where you fluctuate your daily caloric intake to trick your body into fat burning mode.

    I've seen a two day shift. This is where you shift your calorie intake every two days. So say your daily intake was 1300 calories. Then two days you would do 1100 calories per day, then the next two days you would do 1500 calories per day. You keep your metabolism guessing about how much it is going to recieve, and it keeps it in fat burning mode. This helps you not to plateau.

    Ive seen one day shifts, where you shift your calories every day. One day getting more calories than the next. So using the example above if you daily intake was 1300 calories you would intake 1100 one day and then 1500 the next.

    I've also seen week long calorie shifts. So one week you would take in 1100 daily the next week you would take in 1500 daily.

    I don't know how many of these are proven to work, which is why I posted this... :happy:
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    I have heard of it and tried it a few times*. What I did was take two days a month to eat whatever I wanted (never back to back), spaced out. It's suppose to reset your metabolism. All I know is I never hit a wall in losing weight and never gained from it. The ONLY thing I had trouble with was every time I stopped dieting and fell off the wagon was due to that one time I had a "break" and couldn't get back to eating healthy the next day or the next day and so forth.

    So, it can be a great tool and also a destructive one. It takes a great deal of will power after the first month or two!!! I've finally figured out that I can't. Though, that is just me!

    *Read "Eating for Life"- he suggests a "cheat day" every week just for the reasons you are taking about. Resetting your metabolism. Good luck!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I haven't done it according to any specific schedule or program. But having hit a plateau awhile back that I just hadn't been able to break through, after lots of reading and researching online and on these boards I did two things this last week. I was really random with my calories each day, going up and down each day just kind of based on how I felt through the day. And I also started eating almost all of my exercise calories as well. I still left a buffer on my calories, since I don't have an HRM and use the machine calories (though, I always enter age and weight to try to get as close as possible).

    And today, I recorded my first loss in over a month. It was just a pound, but it was still a loss. So needless to say, I'm going to be continuing with both to see if I can kill these last few pounds. :D
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Is this what some people call zig zagging on here? If it is then if you search you will see a few post up here. You can connect with others that eat the way you do.
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    This is very interesting. I've never heard of it before but might be interested in trying it! Is there a name for the plan?
  • heatherw7

    might have to try, i have hardly been losing at all.
  • keta6atl
    I have done it with the macros......shifted protein and carbs......it does work...
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    I'm fascinated now. I googled it and here's a link. Just copy & paste http://ifitandhealthy.com/calorie-shifting-diet/
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    I found some really good info on Calorie Shifting here: http://www.ehow.com/how_4452835_shifting-plan-lose-weight-real.html