Cheat Days

So I'm wondering how many of you have a cheat day. How often do you have one and how is that working for you as far as weight loss?


  • peggyalex
    peggyalex Posts: 174 Member
    I usually have a cheat day every Sunday or Saturday depending what I have going on on the weekends. But lately that hasn't seemed to be working so great for me so I am not sure what Im going to do now. I have lost 45 lbs to date and have found it much harder to lose past that point. I really think it is important to have a day that u can eat what u like but in moderation. Good luck!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I find cheat days needed. They help boost your metabolism slighty

    Your body will adapt to the 1200 calories a day and many experience a plateau

    About once a week I have a cheat meal. Going slightly over my maintence caloires and it keeps my metabolism a fat burning machine!

    Kinda confuses your system a bit :] and a cheat meal keeps you motivated! its hard to stick with someone when you deprive yourself of all those treats all the time :]
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I never have cheat days, but I will have a cheat meal, if that's what you want to call it. I always plan for a larger than average meal so that I still don't go over on calories.

    Personally, I think it's all about balance. If you're dying for something, plan for it and then you won't feel guilty or deprived. I think an entire cheat day is a bad idea, as you can easily eat way too much and possibly ruin what you've already accomplished.
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    This is great feedback. I'm having a hard time reaching my 1200 calories for the day. I have given serious consideration to a cheat meal once a week.
  • Sarean
    Sarean Posts: 77
    I agree with the idea of cheat meals. I've had one a week since I started and I've still lost each week.

    I think it's important that we listen to our bodies and sometimes my body tells me that I need Moravian sugar cookies and sleepy time tea for dinner. I count it and move on.
  • WJO1867
    Hi there, I find when i diet and do not allow myself a cheat day, as soon as i lose the weight and start the so called regular eating habits, i endulge in all the foods i never had during the diet. This time i'm changing my eating habits, not dieting. Everyone will tell you you can't completely deprive yourself of the foods you love. Have a cheat day once a week and eat whatever you love. If you are eating healthy and increasing activity you can lose 2-3 lbs a week. So if you gain one back on cheat day you can't consider it a failure. You need to look at it as you are covering all of your requirements. Giving yourself the one day of enjoying what you crave, will help you stay on track. I find the longer i'm eating healthy, the less crazy i go on cheat day. You get where greasy food just doesn't taste as good anymore. Then cheat days adjust to suit your new cravings. This works for me, good luck.
  • MrsFoster18
    MrsFoster18 Posts: 125 Member
    I like to have a cheat meal every now and then..not an entire day. I would feel guilty if I did an entire day!
  • peach0913
    peach0913 Posts: 14 Member
    I try to have a cheat day either Saturday or Sunday and treat myself to a night out on the weekend.
  • nholloman
    nholloman Posts: 16 Member
    I don't really have a cheat day but I do tend to eat a little more on the I guess that sort of counts :)
  • csquaredsmom
    I don't necessarily have a cheat day. I try to allow myself one meal a week that I can eat what I want....especially if I'm going out to eat. However, if I don't have something special going on that week, I also don't have a cheat meal just because I haven't had one that week. I think it's important for me to be able to go out and have what I want and not feel guilty about it once in a while. I've lost about 45 pounds but just recently joined MFP because I was struggling to get back on track after Christmas. I had about a month long cheat meal!!!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I don't have a planned cheat day. If it's a special occasion, I will allow myself to indulge, but I think doing that even once a week can be really detrimental to your success, especially if you don't count your calories.
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    I am on here to lose weight from my last pregnancy (my daughter is 8 months old). I'm not someone who has been a yo-yo dieter, just always needed to work hard to lose the pregnancy weight. That being said, everytime I've lost my pregnancy pounds (usually 40-60 pounds) I've ALWAYS had one cheat day a week. Personally, I think it's way too hard/nearly impossible to stick to such a low calorie intake without knowing that once a week you can have an extra glass of wine, or a piece of cheesecake. Everytime I've lost weight I've allowed myself a full cheat seriously eat whatever I want all day long. And, I've always lost 1-2 pounds a week and met my goals. But, I also workout hard and stick very, very close to my daily calorie the other 6 days of the week. I'm not someone who loses weight easily. I have to work very hard at it but giving myself a cheat day has never hindered my weight loss. Once I meat my goal weight I then eat very strict M-F and then eat more of what I want on the weekends. The problem is I always end up getting pregnant again and gaining another 60 pounds. HA! not really, I have 3 kids, and we're done! =) I truly believe that if you don't allow yourself one cheat day a week, it's so much easier to fall off the wagon and feel like your'e getting jipped! Hope this helps!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I generally have a "cheat meal" Friday evenings. But it really not a cheat, I account for the calories. I just make sure that I have worked out to be able to do it. If I do go over I just chalk it up to another day and don't beat myself up over it.... that is what has brought me to where I am now.

    I look forward to my little cheat every week. I make sure it is a day or two after weigh in day so that by the time weigh in day rolls around again the scale won't show it (hopefully).
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    I generally have a "cheat meal" Friday evenings. But it really not a cheat, I account for the calories. I just make sure that I have worked out to be able to do it. If I do go over I just chalk it up to another day and don't beat myself up over it.... that is what has brought me to where I am now.

    I look forward to my little cheat every week. I make sure it is a day or two after weigh in day so that by the time weigh in day rolls around again the scale won't show it (hopefully).

    I like the idea of working out so I can have a cheat meal.
  • RosieGB33nz
    Hi, my husband says its ok to have a cheat day once a week cause the body gets use to the healthy stuff so you need to shock it to get the metabolism going again. I dont know if this is correct, it makes in theory but im worried i will do it and end up back to square one. I did do it this weekend and still lost weight so its a positive to the idea, will trial it next week and see if there are any results :)
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    If I really want something like a chocolate bar or pack of crisps I have been trying to earn it through exercise but I have noticed at least once a week I seem to have a very hungry day and end up going over my calories. I've only been on here for approx 3 weeks and I've been losing weight, so it doesn't seem to have been too detrimental :happy:
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    I have to say that in the past I've been on my plan for weeks then went out for a steak dinner and was pleasantly surprised the next morning by a 3lb loss. So it does make sense that you are shocking the metabolism. Plus I'm more satisfied and can continue with my regular plan.
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    I love the input from every one. Experience speaks volumes!
  • chris808
    Calling it a cheat day implies a failure or loss of control which feels like the wrong mindset to be in. If you go over then you go over, in reality it's just another day. The main thing is to be generally working within the guidelines, keeping up regular cardio and feeling good! If it's working and you're heading in the right direction then individual days aren't really that important I don't think. Don't beat yourself up over it.

    I ate an entire pack of freshly baked triple chocolate cookies on Friday - no point in eating cookies unless you get really nice ones you'll enjoy! What's changed is that I might have done that every day a while back, now I'll just do it when I feel like indulging a bit, and like you say if I feel I've 'earned' it. It's not a cheat day, it's a treat day!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Giving yourself the one day of enjoying what you crave, will help you stay on track. I find the longer i'm eating healthy, the less crazy i go on cheat day. You get where greasy food just doesn't taste as good anymore. Then cheat days adjust to suit your new cravings. This works for me, good luck.

    I eat all the foods i love - wine - chocolate - pasta, etc, all while staying within my calorie range. You don't have to deny yourself these foods while losing weight. Eating these foods isn't cheating.