Okay time to smarten up.

hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I have slacked. I was all ready to give it my all then I got all worried about certain things (I posted about them elsewhere). Now that I'm pain-free in that aspect, I am going to smarten up and refocus myself on health and fitness goals. I'm still going to consult with a doctor about it though. I'm somewhat worried about that appointment on Tuesday because a) it's a new doctor I've never been to before, and b) I'm still very turned off by how ignorant the receptionist was to me when I made the appointment.

Okay I lied. I am not pain-free. I worked out hard Friday night, and my muscles are so sore. But it's a good sore :)


  • AmyJopp
    AmyJopp Posts: 57 Member
    HAHAHA......some people are just ridiculous!!! Welcome back.....and the best of luck!!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I hate ignorant medical staff. Bleh. I've just recently found myself a doctor who was totally open to everything I said at my consultation and it was *so* nice.

    Welcome back and good luck!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Thanks, I'll see how it goes, and if I'm still getting bad vibes, I can leave I guess....
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