Advice- healthy filling foods?

I just had a baggie of cereal to tie me over for dinner...and I hardly ahve enough calories in my "budget" to eat dinner now!!!!
Anyone have suggestions of food that is healthy (particularly concerned about calories and sugar) but FILLING? I try salads but I'm hungry. I'm a major carb eater. Not looking for anything to extreme (I just want to lose about 10 lbs) but I wuold love some advice so I can eat dinner tomorrow!! Haha. Thanks!


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    It took me two weeks to kick the carbs. Carbs will leave you hungry. I also don't feel up too well on salads. I also have to load them up with chicken and hard boiled eggs. Try eatin oatmeal and fruits.
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    old fashion oatmeal with fruit or honey in it.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    When I don't have a lot of calories left over for dinner, I cook a bag of frozen California Blend (carrots, cauliflower & broccoli) for my husband and I (around 30 calories per cup) and use lots of pepper. I also do a salad to start the meal (usually caeser -- but with just Romaine lettuce, pepper, a bit of lemon juice and light dressing -- no croutons, cheese or bacon). And lots of water!
  • Squash97
    I like to eat an apple. It has a lot of fiber and helps with the sweet craving (this is the kind of sugar that is okay), not all sugars are equal. If I have the calories, then I will eat it with a tablespoon of peanut butter. But I think that an apple is very filling. You can also drink a lot of water, exercise (it kills the hunger because the blood rushes to your muscles and leaves your stomach), or drink a glass of fat free milk. Good luck! It's much hard to lose when you are close to your goal weight! Just don't expect the weight to drop too quickly. Be patient and you'll be successful! :)
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    You'll fill up more on things that have protein, but you probably know that. Most cereal [at least the good snacking kind!] is just air. Try a couple of boiled eggs, or some sliced turkey, or some cheese. Crunchy veggies like celery and cucumbers will make your mouth feel like it's doing more and will be satisfying. Oatmeal, or whole wheat bread with some peanut butter is also good.
  • bode1all
    I have a new found love of protein. It fills you up, but leave you satisfied so much longer then carbs will. I love cottage cheese, or yogurt. One of my new favorite things is also the target brand protein bars. They taste just like a candy bar but have 12-14 grams of protein in them so they leaving you feeling full and satisfied. You can find them in the section where they have the rest of the protein and nutrition bars.
  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    I have been slicing up onions, peppers and zuccini along with 4 oz of boneless skinless chicken breast....put it in a pan with a little bit of your favorite suace or dressing...veggies first until somewhat soft then adding the chicken...very low cal, filling and amazingly delicious!
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Vegetables! They are fill you up with only a few calories and they are full of vitamins. I like the frozen bag (lazy)
    Oats, brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, etc. The low GI makes it a better source of carb and the fiber content keeps you full.
    Flax, Fish, etc
    Protein -- Natural & Supplement form. Your body has to work to process protein and it's very filling. Protein Shakes are great! Also, I like to make homemade Protein cookies & bars. Egg whites are great! As far as brands of bread Ezekiel bread is very yummy.
    Low fat string cheese is a great snack as well.
  • K_Delavar
    Costco frozen blueberries thawed out to your liking is a great food to tie you over. Apples work well too. Piece of Turkey (not processed) or Chicken. Celery or Carrots with Hummus. Hope this helps.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    ooh i love Greek yogurt, a slice or two of turkey, light string cheese. pair that with a small piece of fruit and i'm good to go!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    If you want to fill up add fiber to your salad. Have some salad with tuna, beans, cheese, hard boiled eggs, nuts etc.. You don' t need to put all of them on there, but it will make the salad more filling. I don't know how many calories you are looking for, but you could have a good salad with some tuna for around 200 calories.
  • amysambora
    Protein works for me! Tuna, cottage cheese, beans, nuts, lean meats, eggs etc.
  • Brooke13Walker
    Brooke13Walker Posts: 3 Member
    Any veggies do the trick - filling because they contain water and fiber - not just salad, so try and find some veggies you love - you can pretty much eat them all day and they won't work against you. Also, I just ate a TON of watermelon for not very many calories... it fills me up and tastes great. Some old standby's for me are also cereal (Multigrain Cheerios are my fave!) and milk (which is very filling, but stick with skim milk). Other favorites:

    - Aunt Millie's Healthy Goodness Whole Wheat Bread
    - Eggbeaters
    - Fiber One Pancakes
    - Tuna in water with light mayo (on bread referenced above)
    - Jello Sugarfree puddings (I love the pistachio)
    - Activia yogurt (there is a peach and cereal kind I think is great)

    I find that if I stay away from carbs, I tend to get a little frantic and end up blowing my diet all in one sitting, so I just try and stick with "good carbs" and don't deny myself. Good luck! Essentially, you just have to find what works for you =) Oh - carbonated diet pops can having a "filling" effect with zero calories...
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Protein works for me! Tuna, cottage cheese, beans, nuts, lean meats, eggs etc.

    Yes, protein will keep you full longer than that cereal. If I eat just cereal, I'll be starving in 30 minutes!!

    Cottage cheese, beans (and other high fiber foods), chicken breast (3oz has just 90 calories but will keep you full longer than the cereal!), plain yogurt, almonds or peanut butter.

    Veggie scramble (eggs or eggwhites/ eggbeaters) loaded w/ more veggies (spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, etc) can be very filling w very little calories.
  • blazin_j
    Grits help fill me up for awhile and fight off hunger pangs. 1/4 cup dry plus 1 cup of water in the microwave for 3 mins makes a bowl and it's only 130 cals. Sprinkle some cinnamon on it for flav or add some wheat germ for extra fiber (2 Tbsp = 50 cals).
  • esthertsivia
    esthertsivia Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone! I just had a few perogies and some apple juice... I only went over about 30 on calories but WAYYYYY Over on sugar. These sugar goals are a little too much. Two apples, and then you only have a few grams left. So I guess that needs to be my next goal. I 'll be thinking of this my next trip to the grocery store--- my fridge needs a makeover!