Am I eating right? What am I doing wrong?

This is what I eat
breakfast- 1 piece of toast with fruit or I have 2 eggs with a banana
snack- applesauce
lunch- A turkey sandwich with carrots
snack- banana
dinner- chicken breast with rice,soup,salad ect.

I've been eating healthy for a week and I just feel like I've been starving myself.


  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Because you have been.

    Try hitting your calorie goal. Weigh, measure and log everything.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I would be starving too :noway:
  • CrunchyDad
    CrunchyDad Posts: 66 Member
    What does that all add up to, 800 calories? O.o Definitely not more than 1,000. You need to establish how many calories you actually need per day, and eat them.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I would starve on that.

    Today I've had two slices of bacon, baked apples with granola, a banana, a cup of grapes, spaghetti and meat sauce, steamed broccoli, a slice of angel food cake, a homemade mini pizza made with flatbread, pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese. I still have room for a homemade chocolate pumpkin muffin. 1450 calories.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Not eating enough, and you've only been at it a week.

    I can see that you're looking for a fad diet approach to weight loss. This will not work for you long-term. Calculate your TDEE from a few websites and subtract 20%, compare to your MFP net intake + exercise calories logged.

    Also... if you're exercising and logging it, please be eating back your calories. You're probably at a too-low deficit so at this point you could eat them back 100% instead of 50%/75% most people do.

    And just to prove even further that your caloric needs are very individual, I would starve on the 1450 calorie limit posted above! I eat 2100 a week on average (1 maintenance day and 6 days at 2026, together adds up to ~2100 a day/week)
  • desidieter
    desidieter Posts: 195
    If that's how you're eating every single day, then, yes, as others have already stated, you're probably not eating enough. You should consider opening up your diary so people can give you feedback on a day-to-day basis.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    For comparison, I typically have something like this:

    2 eggs, 3 bacon, 100g melon, tea with real cream in it, vitamin

    Large salad in a serving-size bowl rather than an individual-size bowl, with chicken on top and some kind of crunchy thing (crisp noodles, nuts...) and regular dressing.

    a chicken burger on a bun with guacamole, lettuce, and onions
    a green vegetable.

    each meal is somewhere around 500-600 calories, totals up in the 1800-2000 calorie range.

    And I exercise around 4000 calories per week (commonly 600-700 calories/day with 1-2 days off)

    If I've exercised a lot and I'm hungry I'll have dark chocolate, extra fruit, a glass of milk...just staying anywhere below my daily calorie target as adjusted for any exercise I do. If I'm hungry, I exercise to cover the calories so I can eat more.

    Sometimes I eat tater tots. Or ice cream. As long as I'm within the day's target, it's not a problem.
  • ReneeDollarhide
    Ugh! Please don't do what I did when I first started, save yourself the trouble! I started out undereating as you are when I first started and thought that would lead to faster weight loss....wrong answer! It just put my body into starvation mode and I ended up hanging on to the weight and slowing down my metabolism. Also, no energy for strenuous exercise which would of been more productive in the long run....and then ultimately I rebelled against the extreme calorie limitation and ended up binging and feeling like crap! Much more effective to choose a moderate calorie least 1,400 calories, if not 1,600 and sometimes more. You will loose more weight and feel more satisfied. Remember...this is NOT a fad diet for quick weight's about being able to sustain this for a life time. You need to be realistic. Best of luck to you!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Time to start at the beginning, recalculate all of your numbers and go from there. MFP calculates a daily caloric intake goal that includes the deficit required to meet your weekly planned loss. If you want to lose one pound per week, MFP includes a 500 calorie per day deficit in the numbers. That caloric target does not include any exercise activity. MFP expects you to track and eat those back to remain on plan .... we'll worry about if you should eat exercise calories back or not after getting the basics of your intake fixed.

    Based on what you posted, the simple reason you feel deprived and starving is because you are starving and depriving yourself. Develop a menu plan that reaches your caloric goal each day. If you need help with that, ask. If MFP says to eat a hypothetical 2000 calories per day ... eat that many calories and strive to reach your macronutrient goals because your body needs those for basic functions.