Tmi !!!

So today is the 3rd Saturday I weighed myself and I'm still 172. Started at 173 and my diet is set to loose 2lbs a week. I've been badly constipated and gassy so could this be why the scale isn't moving ? My clothes feel a bit diff and my friend said my face was a bit smaller so has anyone else been threw this ? What can I do


  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Constipation can definitely prevent the scale from budging. Try drinking lots of water and see if that flushes you out. You could try some kind of a laxative if its really bad. Another alternative is to try some xylitol. Its a natural sweetener similar to sugar but to people who aren't used to it it has a laxative effect. A cup of coffee with a tsp of xylitol will get things moving lol
  • Totally feeling same way.. my scales are down like almost 6 and i have pushed the limits a couple of days... of course as always the weight did not come on overnight but I sure would like for it to leave overnight.....
  • Thats a great idea!! thanks
  • sunnymae
    sunnymae Posts: 57 Member
    Constipation can definitely prevent the scale from budging. Try drinking lots of water and see if that flushes you out. You could try some kind of a laxative if its really bad. Another alternative is to try some xylitol. Its a natural sweetener similar to sugar but to people who aren't used to it it has a laxative effect. A cup of coffee with a tsp of xylitol will get things moving lol

    Thanks. I didn't start having these issues until I have birth to my son. It's been a whole year and still having bathroom problems. Went to the dr and had test done and everything is fine. Dnt know why I'm still having issues
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Do you like Prunes? I eat 4 prunes a day warmed in the microwave for a few seconds. I had problems with constipation for a while too after I was diagnosed with Celiacs Disease and had to go on a Gluten free diet. Having 4 prunes a day works and it's a good way to get more fruit into a balanced diet.