Drinking water



  • africanmasq
    Tea is also a good option. It's hard for me to drink tons of water too, especially during the winter, but herbal teas are a really good source.
  • mcppsl
    mcppsl Posts: 179 Member
    homemade vitamin water

    jmv7117 could I ask what you put in your water please?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I can see Mio being not so great to water (after all it is antifreeze, yum yum), but what is wrong with crystal light?
  • hoy1974
    hoy1974 Posts: 4

    I don't like the taste of plain water either and so to encourage myself to drink more, I flavor it with fresh fruit or cucumber.
  • Shaquana2
    Water is very Important. I was never a big water drinker but i still would drink some because water is good for you. It flushes your body. I bought a pretty big cup that i take to work and drink over 7 1/2 cups of water. And i put in my head that i know that i at least have to fill that cup up twice. And i literally make myself drink it. I've also seen people add fruit and some veggies for natural flavor and i do crystal lights sometimes plain water does get boring. I know that water has a major effect on the body. Once when i was younger i didn't drink anything but water for a month. My skin was very smooth as well as my skin tone . I normally have very bad cramps around my period I didn't have the first cramp. So that goes to show how important water is. Hope this helps
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Lemon, cucumber or an orange slice help but yes flavored water counts.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Anyway, to answer the question for weight loss, plain water is better than water flavoured with artificial anything (eg. Mio, Crystal Lite).

    In what way is it better for weight loss? What is it that you think plain water does?

    Being able to skip artificial additives that have either sugar or sugar replacements in them for most people actually is better for weight loss. Things like aspartame can actually make you crave real sugar and sweeter things, which are often calorie laden .

    I'm not saying don't drink them if that's the only way you're going to get in enough water per day, but be conscious of them.

    Also, remember that water is also in just about anything you drink, plus the fruits and veggies you eat!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I personally would stay away from Mio though. When they transport it, they are required to have hazardous materials placard. One of the major ingredients is ethylene glycol. That is what it is in antifreeze.

    We are all adults and I don't want to say you shouldn't drink it, but many people do not realize that is a main ingredient. The choice is up to each person but I won't drink it. Would you add antifreeze to your water and drink up?

    Okay back to positivity. I know lots of people use Chrystal light, I personally think it is a but too sweet. I like using the juicer to make juices from citrus fruits or other fruits. I make enough to last a few days and store it In the refrigerator. That way if I need flavor I can add to my taste. Just a bit time consuming. If low on time I will buy fruit concentrate to use in a pinch. I love mixing different fruits to make tons of varieties of flavors.

    I usually don't like plain water either so flavor it to trick myself into drinking it lol.
    Isn't Mio propylene glycol?
    Yes, it's a "food grade" version of it, but it's not food, as far as I'm concerned.
    ETA: and it only has the propylene glycol in the U.S., since it's banned other places...
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Drink when you are thirsty .. not according to some fake science.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    homemade vitamin water

    jmv7117 could I ask what you put in your water please?

    Sure. I have a pitcher with diffuser so for homemade vitamin water I put berries with a sprig of mint or citrus slices or cucumber slices in the diffuser and cold filtered water in the pitcher.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I can see Mio being not so great to water (after all it is antifreeze, yum yum), but what is wrong with crystal light?

    Crystal light has artificial sweetener, colour and flavour. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to impede weight loss and trigger cravings. While artificial colours and flavours likely don't affect weight loss, they are not something many folks want to ingest.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Water is very Important. I was never a big water drinker but i still would drink some because water is good for you. It flushes your body. I bought a pretty big cup that i take to work and drink over 7 1/2 cups of water. And i put in my head that i know that i at least have to fill that cup up twice. And i literally make myself drink it. I've also seen people add fruit and some veggies for natural flavor and i do crystal lights sometimes plain water does get boring. I know that water has a major effect on the body. Once when i was younger i didn't drink anything but water for a month. My skin was very smooth as well as my skin tone . I normally have very bad cramps around my period I didn't have the first cramp. So that goes to show how important water is. Hope this helps

    Plain water is one of the best things you can do for healthy skin!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • LessofBrian
    LessofBrian Posts: 44 Member
    I was at my company Christmas party in 2012, Diet Coke in hand, when I realized I was drinking so much soda (diet) that my head was foggy. I decided right then and there to cut out soda, and I haven't looked back. I began drinking water, lots of it, and I've found now that it's the only thing that really quenches my thirst. I do drink tea and almond milk, but not as thirst quenchers.

    I know many people who say, "Oh, I could never give up my soda!", and I completely understand, since I was once one of them. But it was just a (bad) habit that I needed to break, and I did. Do I miss soda? Not in the least. It's very similar to how I feel about giving up all the sweets and junk food; making a positive change and seeing the results makes it easy.

    In short, it's hard to make a lifestyle change without the change.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    yes you can. I get ill from water alone so I add Mio like stuff, but the 0cal Kool-Aid versions. But I do love my water

    I am not knocking any ones choice of drinks, but I personally will not touch Mio. The main ingredient in Mio is propylene glycol. That also happens to be used as anti-freeze as a replacement for ethylene glycol. While the FRA says it is safe, the department of transportation still requires large shipments of it to have a hazardous materials placard. When the product Mio is transported, it also must have the hazmat placard. I personally stay away from it for that reason. Everyone is free to make their own choice though.
  • aimeebass
    water is the goal.. not just any liquid, most other liquids come standard with sugar, salt, carbs and other additives for color, flavor and w/e that are absolutely terrible for you. I like MIO or the Crystal Light with 0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 carbs. Hydration is a huge part of losing weight, especially if your are doing exercise too not just the diet part but even if it is just the diet part, water helps burn calories and keeps your muscles hydrated so they burn at their max efficiency. Good Luck!