10 pounds lost... 5 to go (for now)


I'm 49 and the results of my last doctor's appointment really scared me. I've made some lifestyle changes and am trying to lose weight. I've lost 10 lbs. so far, but find the overall weight loss i need daunting (100 lbs), so I'm just focusing on 5 pounds at a time. I'm eating 1200 calories a day and sometimes eat my 100 exercise calories. I've just started to exercise and have to start slow (15 minutes a day walking) due to health concerns. Hopefully with my next appointment in October, I'll be released to do more. A fellow manager told me, "I thought your food groups were cokes, candy and cigarettes." I've changed my eating dramatically to include primarily fruits, vegetables and lean meats.



  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member

    I'm 49 and the results of my last doctor's appointment really scared me. I've made some lifestyle changes and am trying to lose weight. I've lost 10 lbs. so far, but find the overall weight loss i need daunting (100 lbs), so I'm just focusing on 5 pounds at a time. I'm eating 1200 calories a day and sometimes eat my 100 exercise calories. I've just started to exercise and have to start slow (15 minutes a day walking) due to health concerns. Hopefully with my next appointment in October, I'll be released to do more. A fellow manager told me, "I thought your food groups were cokes, candy and cigarettes." I've changed my eating dramatically to include primarily fruits, vegetables and lean meats.

    Sounds like you are off to a great start. Key is to consistently do the "right" things, not perfection, because perfection doesn't exist. If you know you can't live without chocolate, as I can't, then don't try to make it off-limits. Make sure to fit it into your day. Patience is really important, too. Don't get into a mind set that you are going to do everything perfectly and lose your weight in a month. It can take a long time, so just be mentally prepared for a long haul. Good luck!
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Good advice from mactaffy84; baby steps. Take your time - your goal setting that you have done is key. Log everything and stay the course. Accountability. Allow yourself room for failure - you will stumble. Dust off and push on when it happens. Looking forward to hearing of your successes.
  • Thanks for the encouragement. I've been experimenting with a lot of recipes because my #1 rule is, "It must taste good." I'm not leaving anything out, but moderating "bad" things like white bread. Again, I appreciate the advice and the encouragement.