Weigh your self - how often?

I am curious to see how often others weigh themselves.

This week I weighed my self everyday, which is probably too often, but the first few days I saw a steady drop and them the last two days were a lb increase. (Weighed at the same time everyday)

I have been staying really disciplined so I'm not sure why the increase? I know it could be water weight, but maybe I should only weigh in once a week because this is frustrating.


  • radcas11
    radcas11 Posts: 76 Member
    I am extremely OCD so I only weigh once a week on the same day. If I were to weigh everyday, the fluctuations would kill me!
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    Most often, I weigh in twice per week. If I did it more often than that, I'd probably go bonkers from the fluctuations.
  • roundy22
    roundy22 Posts: 15 Member
    i weigh myself every morning naked with an empty bladder for consistency
  • lemonsurprise
    lemonsurprise Posts: 255 Member
    I weigh every morning. It's something that I look forward to, but at the same time it doesn't affect my day at all if I've gone up a lb or 2. If/when that does start happening is when I'll stop weighing daily.
  • radimage
    radimage Posts: 99
    As they say on The Biggest Loser: The scale is your enemy.

    As you exercise, you gain muscle, which weighs more than fat...so weighing yourself can give you bad information. The best way to track progress is inches lost.

    I only weigh myself once a week...for the MFP check-in.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Every morning ..but only log once a week ...I've had a couple of times when I have maintained from one week to the next but it tends to drop the next week

    I enjoy seeing the daily fluctuations, they can be fascinating ...in fact this morning I got up at 7.30am because I needed the bathroom, hopped on the scale and I weighed a lb heavier than I did thurs, fri and sat..I went back to sleep and got up properly 10 mins ago ...out of interest I hopped on the scales again and that extra lb had gone (digital scales that I balance before each weigh)
  • Oxmarqt
    Oxmarqt Posts: 378 Member
    1) Muscle does not weigh more than fat, A pound of each still weighs 16oz. You may lose a lb of fat and gain a lb of muscle and show no loss on the scale.
    2) I weigh every morning after getting up and using the facilities.
    3) I also weigh myself every afternoon when I get home from work and change clothes.
    4) I only log my weight on Saturday mornings.

    I have found that weighing myself twice a day has helped me understand how my body works related to the foods I eat. After a little more than a month of this I know that most days my weight will fluctuate 2.5lbs to 3lbs from morning to afternoon. I also have learned that on days it increases more than that I have eaten foods that are higher in sodium. Knowing that on the days I will be doing that I drink significantly more water.

    If you don't think you can handle all the fluctuations then only weigh once a week. I can do it because I am a logic based numbers guy. If I wasn't I wouldn't have been able to handle the 8 days it didn't change but .5lb and then the 3 days later it had gone down another 2.5! Hello water retention!!

    You are making a lot of mental changes along with the physical changes. Do what will keep you comfortable and know that there will be up and down days when weighing yourself frequently. As time goes by, if you are following a consistent plan, a pattern will develop. This whole thing is about averages. I have had big losses in a week and small losses in a week but I am averaging about 2.5lb a week which is fine.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    once a week first thing in the morning after taking a ****
  • MelKnight77
    MelKnight77 Posts: 25 Member
    I weigh everyday. For my feedback with my coach, we take an overall weekly average. Doesn't affect me at all. I'm starting to really get to know and understand my body doing this.

  • Pumpkin1513
    I weigh myself 1x a week typically (most twice a week, at least biweekly), undressed after going to the bathroom in the morning. I try to keep the time of day and everything as consistent as possible to increase accuracy. Though if I eat a very salty meal the night before my usual day, I will wait a day or two to resume weighing myself.
  • donnabullen
    donnabullen Posts: 47 Member
    I use to weigh in every morning but 2 weeks ago I lost 3lb one day and put 4lb on the following day so not weighing in until the end of Sept when I will also measure for inch loss.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    This is a personal preference choice. I do so every morning out of curiosity. I like to take a hand in my fluctuations. I kinda know now when I'm retaining water and work to flush it out. And I like seeing how the scale moves. But some people see it go up by a lb and immediate panic if your that type then probably 1/week is best.
  • cmn12rbp
    cmn12rbp Posts: 19 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, right when I wake up, after using the bathroom. Yes, you'll see some fluctuation in weight... but I would rather know that I went up a little, and work harder to get the weight back down; rather than not knowing and not weighing in.
  • kmsnyg
    kmsnyg Posts: 100 Member
    I used to weigh myself 2 or 3 times a week, but I've decided to stick with once a week from now on. I've had too many weeks where I've had a mid week water gain, gotten stressed, then lost by my normal weigh in. I'm not very good at seeing the fluctuations, so it's better that I don't look.
  • southernbuttercup
    southernbuttercup Posts: 61 Member
    I weigh myself every morning, but only record my weigh-in amount on Sunday morning. Throughout the week I see fluctuations which is to be expected and I can see bigger fluctuations in days when I've eaten late, ate something salty, time of month, etc.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I weigh every morning, same place, same bat channel. I only record once a week though.
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    I weigh myself everyday. It's like a science experiment to see what affects my body and how. I try not to get caught up on the constant changes because I know that's normal.