Going over calories....

How will going over my calories affect my weight loss?
Let's say in order to lose 2 pounds a week I eat 1900 cals a day, and I stick to it all week, and on Saturday I eat pizza and ice cream, clearing blowing my calories out of the water. How will that affect my weight loss? I'm coming from the atkins diet where if I ate over my limit I would have to cut back to a small amount for 2 weeks to get to losing weight again, but how is this different with calories?


  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Well to lose a pound you would need to have a deficit of 3500 calories. So, it depends on how far you blew it out of the water.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    It's all calories in vs. calories out. If you went over your limit for the day just move on. It's possible you've slowed your weightloss. Especially if you're just starting out. But everyone messes up, just move on and try and stay within your calorie goal the next day.

    With calories you need to burn more that you ingest to lose weight.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You get 13,300 calories a week. Was the weekly total over or under?

    MFP is kind of set up as a daily guide. You get a daily calorie total. You eat up or down to that number. People who use the numbers count all their calories strictly, trying to get the best approximation possible.

    There is no punishment, lol. If you blow it, you're encouraged to get back on track. You might choose to eat a few less for the next few days, but there isn't a rule. It's not a diet, it's a dieting tool.

    If you eat too much, you gain. If you eat too little, you lose. So, burn more than you take in and Hello, weight loss.

    Was it yummy? :)
  • warriorqueenkate
    I only have a day left for the weekly amount and i'm only allotted about 300 more calories. i may just take a fasting day tomorrow with lots of water lol
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    Don't beat yourself up for having a cheat day. If you want to have a 'fast day' that's ok. Or just continue eating your daily allowance and not going over. We all have days where we want to eat something extra special. Maybe you could do extra exercise to repay your sins.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You will lose weight slower or maintain for that week. Either way, no worries! Everyone deserves a break from time to time.
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    If you've set MFP up to lose 2lbs a week, that is a 1000 calorie deficit a day, 7000 calorie deficit a week. So if your pizza was 7000 calories then you've just eaten at maintenance for this week. If it was less, you're still in a deficit and will still lose weight (although this might be small and not measure able by your scales, mine only goes in half pounds, or it might be masked by the water weight gained as a result of increased sodium in the pizza).

    But really, don't sweat it. You have done the right thing, and logged it. For me the acceptance of a 'cheat meal' for want of a better phrase, is the importance thing. Now put it behind you and treat today as though yesterday didn't happen. I would advise against 'fasting' today, I think that could lead to a binge/restrict cycle.
  • triumpet
    triumpet Posts: 29 Member
    Just draw a line under it, back on track!!
    I personally save a couple hundred cals a day to use at the weekend "simples"
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Depends on how much over you go. I overate last Sunday and undid all my deficit for the week.

    Another option is to include what you like in moderation during the week so you're less tempted to binge on week ends.
  • Perazzi
    Perazzi Posts: 5
    Don't feel guilty, just continue on with your program. I just did that with that beautiful pastrami on rye with hot mustard at the French Laundry in Fenton, Michigan! Sometimes, you've just got to be BAD!
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    Everyone here is right on the money: If you go a little over, you lose a little less than the 2lbs you have set. In the grand scheme of things, the deficit your body sees is not a 24 hour thing. Over a period of time, the deficit is the weight loss. Easy to get back on track. As said above: Don't sweat it. Just don't do it too often or you will get discouraged, quit, and come back in a year with 30 more lbs you didn't want ;)
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Don't fret about daily.

    Add up your calories you've ate all week. Subtract your BMR calories then your burned calories. Divide the total by 3500 and I bet you're still at a weekly loss.

    Don't worry too much. One day won't kill you. I have had the over days in the last 3 weeks and I'm still losing weekly.
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Don't fret about daily.

    Add up your calories you've ate all week. Subtract your BMR calories then your burned calories. Divide the total by 3500 and I bet you're still at a weekly loss.

    Don't worry too much. One day won't kill you. I have had the over days in the last 3 weeks and I'm still losing weekly.

    Can you explain this to me? I am trying to use your formula but I am somewhat confused! Can you add me as a friend and message me?
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    Whenever this happens, just do the math. Calculate your average caloric intake for the week, then calculate your average caloric output for that same week. Subtract the intake from the output. As long as you've got a positive number there (as in, intake is less than output), you're fine. Yes, of course going over your designated calories will slow down your weight loss. But, it won't void it unless you end up consistently eating as much as you burn or more than you burn.

    Worry less :-)