i have had a bad day

I have had a very very stressful day. gonna label it most stressful day in the past like six years. So heres what i ahve eaten- two sugar cookies, a muffin, french fries, two chicken tenders fried, two ounces of coke, a side salad with no dressing, chocolate chip, two biscuts with butter na djelly, one biscut without jelly, a sausage biscut, and white chocolate chips, and a can of sprite from mexico (it was good). mhm so what do i do now that i have had a bad day. im afrad to even try to log that into my food.


  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I say log it, check my food diary out today, i had a terrible day, and just gave up. I logged it, and...yes it was bad, but at least i know what i did, so next time i feel down and crappy, i can look back and say oh man, i do NOT want to do that again...
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    This is just my opinion and what I would do, but I would skip logging it all and forget about the day. Wake up tomorrow and start fresh! Two things, though, if you logged it, and saw the calorie intake, it may be a motivator, in the future, to help keep you motivated to not have a day like that again. Or it could work in the reverse and depress you. Personally it would motivate me to never see those numbers again.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    Always log, even when you're afraid to see the numbers. You shouldn't hide! But you shouldn't beat yourself up over it, either. Tomorrow is a new day, and you can start right again in the morning. Everyone has bad days now and then. :smile:
  • DoneWithTheFatGirl
    I had a bad food day myself, I logged it in and even though it was under my daily calorie goal, I know the food was crap and it motivates me to do that much better tomorrow!
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    Crap happens. Log it, don't beat yourself up, and do better tomorrow. One crazy day won't ruin your diet :)

    By the way, I love your Audrey icon.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I'm sorry you've had such a terrible day!

    I would say log it all. In the past I have always been horrible about keeping up with my logging, especially when I would have a bad day, I would just fall apart, not log anything and eventually just get completely off track.

    So one of my goals is to make sure I keep up with my log, no matter what I eat, I need to keep myself accountable.

    That's just what I'd do, but do what you think will be best to motivate you to start over tomorrow, good luck!
  • paulagabay
    I totally agree with everything that is been said here.
  • rawnfitnyc
    LOG IT! Logging it and SEEING what you are eating is a huge motivator... especially when you see those numbers not looking so good. Try to eat more fruits and veggies through the day and then at night you can have whatever you want for dinner. Actually....don't TRY... JUST DO IT! Successful people always DO what they need to do to become successful.... and if hey have slip up days, they dust themselves off and keep pushing... so don't beat yourself up for today... tomorrow is another chance for you to have a better day! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • kmard81
    kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
    we ALL havebad days...its okay :)

    The other day was my sons 4th birthday...I had donuts and greasy Chuck E Cheese pizza, LOL! Decided TODAY was the day to get back into gear!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    Log it and then move on, starting now! You've just messed up 1/365th of a year, that's it!! That's nothing. It's actually good for your metabolism to have a large calorie influx every once in awhile anyway. It keeps it guessing. Think of it that way :)
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Log it! Two reasons... It helps you to see how much you actually ate and remain true to yourself and those you surround yourself wiht for support and secondly its kind of grieving process. It helps you come to terms with it and NOT beat yourself up. Nothing you can do but keep going tomorrow! :) BE happy. Your not dead and your healthier now then you were a week ago right? So why stop keep going. And always log your food it keeps you committed and consistent.

    I had a bad day on Sat it happens to all of us and Ive been doing this for over a year!
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    I totally agree with Fgillies! Log it! Even if you do go over, at least you can look back. Definately log it!

  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I was just about to post something like this. 2 bad days this weekend. Friday and Saturday I went over board with the treats. Trying to catch-up today. I didn't fit in any exercise all weekend. :(

    So for dinner tonight I mad stir-fry. Lots of veggies, no rice.

    Cross your fingers I can survive next week while I am traveling.
  • happy1964
    log it and move on to tomorrow. Today is over.
  • sciencediver1
    Yes- Log it. Log everything no matter how bad. It will serve as good motivation to avoid it in the future. Don't get down about it and keep hitting it! Everyday is a new day. It happens to all of us. Keep up the good work. Its good that it stresses you out. It shows you care and its great motivation to keep going and improving. Take it a week at a time. Don't quit!