anyone on mirena iud on here trying to lose weight?



  • cateycake
    first of all, thanks you so so much!! your advice has been so helpful :)
    my doctor actually recommended it very strongly today, which does seem a little odd seeing as ive never had kids.. probably wont get it now that i know how painful it can be!
    thanks again!! :)
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I recommend the copper IUD. I had it for years and it was brilliant. Obviously you still have to deal with periods but I didn't find them any worse than normal.

    I am always a little concerned with the hormones in birth control, I just think it is difficult to know how it will affect you in the longterm.

    I definitely don't recommend the Injection, I put on 30 Ibs while on it because I couldn't stop grazing and just felt constantly hungry. After I came off it, the hunger and the grazing stopped.

    I've always wanted Mirena but my insurance doesn't cover it. I am actually doing the Depo injection. I got my first shot in August of last year...within days of starting this website....and I've lost 39 lbs since then so I may be the exception to this rule of weight gain. I actually had the nurse in awe when I told her how much I'd lost when I got my 3rd injection a few days ago. lol
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i had one inserted jan 18th 2011. when i first got on it in january i did gain 5 pounds from bloating and eating poorly. i could feel myself bloated though. It went away within a couple of weeks and now i'm down 14 pounds in feb
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    I'm 22 and have had my Mirena for a little over a year. Overall I LOVE it! I've never had kids before so it the process of them putting it in was really painful, but I think it's totally worth it in order to not have to deal with birth control on a regular basis. I can't use the pill because I have a higher risk for blood clots than most people and this was pretty much the only other option I had. When I was younger I had to go on the pill because I had heavy periods and terrible cramps (which pretty much cleared up completely when I started taking the pill). I was afraid Mirena wouldn't do the same for me. Since getting Mirena, my periods last just 1 day and are incredibly light and my cramps are very light too!

    As far as weight goes, I got mine put in during a stressful time in college and I wasn't eating the best and not working out much. In the course of 2 months after getting Mirena I gained about 10 pounds. I believe it's from Mirena because the bulk of weight I put on in college was in that 2 month period and the other 10 pounds was spread throughout the rest of the 4 years. However, that could just be a coincidence.
  • chevyyyyy
    I know I'm posting this a bit late but hopefully it helps. I am on my 2nd one and I absolutely loved them. Until recently. I have extreme fatigue, migraines, irritable, my hair is falling out and I have been going to the gym 2 times a day 5 days a week to lose this weight that I have gained and I cannot lose it. All of which is part of the side effects that mirena can cause. Google UK side effects list and or Canada the us doesn't list all of them :-( I have tried every thing for the energy level and the hair lose blood tests all come back normal. Also I found out that they use the same active ingredient in mirena that they used in the now banned norplant.
  • trixiefromtoronto
    I have been on it for a year. Immediately gained five pounds, which was no biggie. But I find I can absolutely not lose weight whereas I used to lose very easily. I have been on Weight Watchers/My Fitness Pal for more than a month, and have only gone over my allotted points/calories once (honestly, and all in one day, pretty much) and I have only lost one pound. The only thing I can thing of that's changed since the last time I lost 10 pounds (quite easily on WW), is that I now have an IUD.

    It has helped my other problems, however. I am 50 and am in perimenopause and was having crazy heavy and prolonged periods. So you take the good with the bad, I suppose. Would still like to get back to a weight in which I feel my best, and it doesn't seem possible while on the Mirena.
  • crsawinton
    crsawinton Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 32, I had mirena for about 4 years, I ended up removing it because it caused cysts on my right ovary, it hurt quite a bit I wouldn't suggest it. I have met a lot of other moms on facebook that have had issues with mirena, but there were others that had no issues.
  • fortynineandahalf
    Hi, I'm 49 and have had Mirena for about 18 months - what a godsend! Stopped all monthly probs and apart from a little spotting have almost no periods. Can't claim my weight problem is related - too many years sat at a desk and not making me a priority. I have a son - didn't think Mirena was suitable if you've not had kids... Uncomfortable having fitted but worth every second -