Weight Watchers

I have been logging on MFP for about 3 weeks. I am considering switching to WW to get more guidance on what foods to eat (versus just counting calories). For those of you who have done WW, what is the difference between going to meeting and using etools versus doing WW Online (aside from attending meetings)?


  • jimmydeanbakker
    WW has been around a long long time. When i was a kid, my mother used WW. If you have absolutely no clue about good foods or bad foods or whatever, then WW is a good choice. Maybe if you do WW for a year, you'll have a good understanding about what foods to eat.

    MFP is all I need because I grew up eating pretty decent foods. I've always had a lot of veggies, lean meats, and fruits in my diet. I doubt I would ever pay somebody to tell me to eat what I already eat, so MFP is perfect for allowing me to see how much I eat. Anyway, good luck to you.
  • crobertson1916
    I tried WW and I lost ten pounds in 3 months. After I had my second child, I tried WW online. I still did not lose weight. All that WW did for me was show me that I could continue to eat whatever I wanted and not have to worry about working it off. I attended the meetings with a friend of mine who lost over 30 lbs. She has since gained it all back. I would suggest that if you are seriously considering WW, you attend WW meetings and not just do it online by yourself. While WW does show you many tools of proper foods to eat, I've learned in just my little time on MFP (3 weeks also) that there are more people on here to give support than I could've hoped for. I have lost 63 lbs on my own - without the WW plan. It can be achieved. If you would like someone to support you, please friend request me, and I would be glad to help you out. I wish you the best of luck!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I lost the majority of my weight with WW.....if you work it, it will work for you ;)

    I'm doing the new Points+ now & reviewing it for a local magazine (and TV station). I have 3 months so we'll see!
  • TexasTKD9
    My mom uses Weight Watchers and has lost a TON of weight..... but she does every time she uses WW an then normally ends up gaining it back. I used to think being able to eat whatever you wanted was a good thing but to me it just makes me crave unhealthy food even more.
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    Weight watchers essentially assigns a point value to each type of food (which is why they can say "you can still eat everything you want"). I remember when I did it a light beer and a banana were both 2 "points".

    I think WW works for a lot of people, so you might look into it.

    What I didn't love about WW (or what DIDN'T work for me) was the fact that all foods were accessible! Yes you could have pizza, but like half a slice. Same with crackers, etc.

    I recently adopted "clean eating" (by Tosca Reno, you can get teh book cheap on Amazon) and that taught me more about food and eating right than any "diet" program.

    She basically brings it down to the basics. If you eat the right foods, then you can eat as much as you want. Sure, it's not fun to all of a sudden eat veggies and fruits and cut out sugar and processed foods (the first 2 weeks are tough) but it's AMAZING how fast my body adjusted. Now I actually crave the good stuff! That's because your body is smart and knows what's best for it ;)

    Anyway, I think lots of different programs work for lots of different people. If you need to try a different one to find success, then keep shoppin!