1200 calories...more than just veggies & protein?

So I've been TRYING to stay within my calories and I have yet to accomplish this. It seems the only way to do it is to eat strictly protein and veggies. Is there any other way? Once you stray away from those things the calories add up, even if you eat something simple like a WASA cracker. So someone PLEASE tell me: How the heck do you stay within 1200 calories?


  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    I don't know. Being on this site has been very educational for me. I learned that I just don't love chips and salsa that much (600+), baked chicken, veg and potatoes, steak and potatoes. a sandwich, the stuff my grandparents ate seems to work. But, today I was really surprised to find the veggie, fruit, almond milk smoothie I was eating was a thousand calories!! Whatever, Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I couldn't do 1200 calories. Are you sure that it's an appropriate goal for you? You're just starting out and you've got a long way to go, so in my opinion you should set up a plan that you can see yourself being able to stick to long term. Read this link for starters:

  • zenabby
    zenabby Posts: 24 Member
    There are a ton of really low cal, high quality food that can be prepared at home, or chosen carefully. I am Indian and vegetarian and gosh, there are so many options that I am just realizing.

    1 cup cooked rice is only 200 or so calories. Add some veggies, seasoning to make it a thai, chinese or indian dish.
    Indian rotis or most tortillas are low in calories and can be high in fiber
    Add veggies, cheese, eggs and various sauces to tortillas to make super yummy wraps.
    Crepes made of various lentils are very good. I am Indian, so it translates to food such as rice crepes, green gram crepes etc (called dosas)
    Take some garbanzo beans in a can, drain and rinse. Throw it in a skillet with a little bit of oil and salt (and any seasoning you like) to make a very tasty and healthy snack. You can do the same with any kind of beans - kidney beans, black beans etc.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    So someone PLEASE tell me: How the heck do you stay within 1200 calories?

    The short answer is you don't (unless you are literally 4'11" or 5', totally sedentary and aged like 65+).
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    a lot of people will say that you will do nothing but starve at 1200 calories... but that'about what i eat most days and while i do eat a lot of fruit, veggies and fish... but i also eat bread, wraps, rice, quinoa, cheese (i love me some cheese), crackers, etc... just tonight i made homemade guacamole and served it up with tortilla chips.. for me, it's about portions. before, i would have eaten half the bag of chips or more... cause they tasted good and it wasn't a matter of being hungry.... but 13 chips was plenty, topped with yummy, healthy guacamole.
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    that's not what i was implying. the OP asked a question - 'how do YOU do it-, and i answered it.
  • I am not particularly good at this myself, but the days that I do manage it are the days where i get off my butt and go workout.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    With 100lbs to lose, it's really not necessary to stick to 1200 cal. You could do like 1600 and lose at a good rate, I'd guess.

    I eat at 1500/day, and the only times I've felt like I could have been satisfied at 1200 are days that are primarily made up of veggies and lean protein, with no treats whatsoever. That's really not sustainable for me. I'd much rather eat at 1500 and be satisfied and get to eat peanut butter now and then.
  • JLoescher01
    JLoescher01 Posts: 48 Member
    a lot of people will say that you will do nothing but starve at 1200 calories... but that'about what i eat most days and while i do eat a lot of fruit, veggies and fish... but i also eat bread, wraps, rice, quinoa, cheese (i love me some cheese), crackers, etc... just tonight i made homemade guacamole and served it up with tortilla chips.. for me, it's about portions. before, i would have eaten half the bag of chips or more... cause they tasted good and it wasn't a matter of being hungry.... but 13 chips was plenty, topped with yummy, healthy guacamole.

    I agree with this. I stay around 1200 and have a variety of food, too. Portion control is a big thing.
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    I've been doing it for a little over a week, feel free to check out my diary. It could be that 1200 is just too low for you and you should add a few hundred. Either way, good luck!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    don't forget low fat dairy
    drink lots

    and yes, 1200 may not be appropriate for you.

    Whenever I go that low (very rarely and for very short time periods) I do just eat protein and veg as all I'm focused on is getting enough protein (while being in a large deficit) to maintain LBM.
  • I have been eating 1200 calories, I actually like staying around 1300 calories. And no I don't starve myself. I actually eat quiet a lot. But I do love salads and veggies. But you also have to give yourself allowances. If you want something, portion it out. The idea isn't about starving yourself to lose the weight. It's about changing your life. The way you eat for the rest of your life. There will be days your gonna want a slice of pizza or chesseburger. Your just going to need to learn how to limit your portions. After doing this for a while it does get easier.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    So someone PLEASE tell me: How the heck do you stay within 1200 calories?

    The short answer is you don't (unless you are literally 4'11" or 5', totally sedentary and aged like 65+).

    ^^ This.

    As a short person (4'9 and now maintaining) who works damn hard to be able to eat lots of food, if you are taller and are able to eat more and lose - do it.

    Stupid short genes... :grumble: :laugh:

    That said, if you are adamant about sticking to 1200, portion control is key, low-fat dairy is good and get a decent level of protein and fats in your diet.
  • Perhaps 1,200 is too low for you, considering your activity levels and already feeling tired. I would suggest contacting your doctor and having your bloodwork checked, just to be sure everything is okay. It could be that you are low in something and by taking a supplement you could feel much better. I'm learning low cal ideas from my friends, and you can try the same. It's interesting to look at your friends' food diary. Take care.
  • answer? exercise the difference off....
  • Considering the site is telling me in order to lose 2lbs a week I should only eat 1400. I don't see the problem with it. It's not always what you eat. I don't eat junk food. But I do enjoy beer and steak. But last I knew its not the food you make that makes the man.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Considering the site is telling me in order to lose 2lbs a week I should only eat 1400. I don't see the problem with it. It's not always what you eat. I don't eat junk food. But I do enjoy beer and steak. But last I knew its not the food you make that makes the man.

    If your ticker is current, the site is vastly underestimating your maintenance cals. Or alternatively, you are grossly underestimating your actual intake.

    As an example, my current intake averaged 2300 last week (the lowest yet) and I weight 173lbs. Strength 4x a week, ridiculously slow LISS on a bike while I watch TV.
  • Well I'm only 5'2" so yes, I'm short. My job has me sitting all day 5x a week but I exercise about 3x a week. I have found the only time I lose is when I exercise. (But it comes right back when I don't so I'm on a yo-yo.) So it seems that 1200 is right, but only with exercise. Which led to my question of what the heck do you eat? I can't keep going with just veggies and protein, it's too hard.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Honestly? Experimentation! And realistic goals. I'd rather up cals to 1300 1400 and get in some good exercise and losses be a bit slower than try to live on the 1200. LOL But there are days I get close even though that isn't my goal (mine is 1600). But it can be done if you are willing to experiment and have a good idea of what you want each meal to be. For me, it's easier to say that MOST of the time, I want each meal and each snack to be a certain calorie amount. Since my cals are 1600, that equals out to 3 meals at 400 and 2 snacks at 200. That means every time I go to make a meal, I measure out the dense foods first to get my numbers. Meats and fats. Then I add on my breads fruits and veg and rebalance from there. So, at breakfast, I know that 3 servings of egg whites are 75. I know I will use butter for my bread and that is 50. I'm at 125. I know my veg (1c mixed) is 60. 2 slices of toast 120. Total is 305. I then have room for coffee with cream (30) and some peach mango preserves (50). 385 of YUM. If I needed to stay at the 300, I could go down to only 1 slice of toast. You can do it; you just have to play with it and experiment with what will work. I don't blame you for not wanting to give up all the good stuff! You just have to take meals you like and focus on what you NEED nutritionally with each meal (for me that's protein typically), and what you NEED taste wise to feel satisfied. Just about any meal can be shaved down or switched around a bit to make it work.