smoking & sugar

astarth Posts: 15 Member
has anyone tried quitting smoking & sugar at the same time? Like, a holistic health-reboot?


  • artdragon1013
    I quit smoking back in 2006 when I started losing weight the first time. I used the patches and I only got through a box and a half when I realized I didn't have the desire to smoke anymore and I stopped using them. Fast forward 4 years. Got with my fiancé and picked it back up. Now I smoke like a chimney :( I really need to quit again. But I'd suggest the patches. They can be pretty expensive, but they really help vs cold turkey. When I try to consciously go without a cigarette for like an hour, I go nuts. But when I'm busy doing something and not even paying attention, I can go an hour or 2 without one. The weight loss and need to lose kinda combatted the desire to eat from not smoking.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Quitting sugar isn't something that I wish to do. I love my fruit. :)

    I did quit smoking and it was very difficult. Each of the first four days is a little easier than than the previous one. Each week gets easier. After a couple months, it wasn't hard. A year later, I could hardly believe I'd ever done that or needed it or had it be such a big part of my life.

    Good luck!
  • astarth
    astarth Posts: 15 Member
    I meant sugar as in processed foods, I couldn't quit fruits for anything :)
    Just wondering how hard it would be to quit smoking and processed foods at the same time...I guess i'm in a rush to kickstart a healthy lifestyle :)

    Quitting and restarting is harder to quit I've heard, but it's worth a try for everyone!
  • artdragon1013
    Yeah, I'm almost afraid of what I'll go through. I get headaches daily and I'm just concerned that it may make them worse? But I really need to do it for myself. I miss how healthy I was 8 years ago. I felt amazing. Right now, I just feel like crap
  • astarth
    astarth Posts: 15 Member
    But a rock-bottom phase is the BEST time to get back up and restart!
    You can totally do it: Just not smoke another one and deal with the symptoms as a temporary illness that will go away in a month. From what I see you have a baby and that can be your most awesome motivation :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Quit smoking 6 weeks ago tomorrow after 30 years. I don't believe there is any purpose to give up sugar.
  • astarth
    astarth Posts: 15 Member
    Wow, congrats! How did it go the first weeks?

    Well..I kinda have to quit processed foods and sugar, as I'm insulin resistant (pcos) and junk only makes the problem worse :p