Breakfast ideas?

Hi guys! Just curious as to what some of your favorite (healthy) breakfasts are! Breakfast is such a hard meal for me, as I tend to feel guilty for eating early in the day... Breakfast for me is usually some type of fruit and an iced tea. I need to get past the mental block that eating early on will make me "fat" and that it is a "bad" thing, because I know this is not true! Anyway...:wink:


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal. I usually have coffee with 1 cup of milk in it (I use a big mug obviously), a fruit and/or raw veggie, 150-200 calories of protein ( yogurt, cottage cheese, or eggs), and a slice of bread or a Kashi bar. If it's the weekend I might have bacon.
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    I have a protein shake every morning! its sweet so it takes care of my sweet tooth for the day. Its chocolate protein powder, almond milk, pb2, 1 frozen banana Boom!
  • StenSrm
    StenSrm Posts: 19 Member
    Only reason I go to sleep, is to have breakfast :D But my favorite is 250g of cottage cheese, large banana, 15g of peanut butter (sometimes a bit sweetener). I mix them all up and it's just wonderful and takes care of my sweet tooth.
  • I have a protein shake every morning! its sweet so it takes care of my sweet tooth for the day. Its chocolate protein powder, almond milk, pb2, 1 frozen banana Boom!

    Sounds damn good! need to try it!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i'm so seriously in love with grape nuts right now.

    my favorite breakfast is a green smoothie, or a straight-up beet smoothie. i love smoothies. sometimes a fistful of trail mix and 1 cup of kefir. sometimes a banana, too.

    i also like egg(s) with hot peppers on toast, but i'm not having toast right now. i got a li'l carried away with the toast.

    yogurt & granola with fresh fruit...

    and always a strong cup of coffee with 1T cream
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I make my own breakfast sandwiches with multigrain english muffins, bacon, an egg, and a half slice of cheese of my choice. Full of protein and good stuff to keep me fueled all morning, and helps me net a good amount of calories in the morning.
  • I don't have a whole lot of time in the morning, so I make refrigerator oatmeal in a small canning jar before bed. Then throw it, a spoon, and usually a piece of fruit in my bag when I head to work.

    1/2 c. rolled oats
    1/2 c. almond milk
    1 tsp. pure maple syrup
    1 Tbs. chopped pecans
    1 Tbs. raisins
    sprinkle of cinnamon.

    Just mix it all up in a jar and stick it in the fridge. Ready to eat by morning, and it doesn't have the slimy texture of cooked oatmeal.
  • breakfast is my favorite and usually, my biggest meal of the day. As a vegan, I like to eat acai bowls with granola, seeds, and sliced fruit on top, avocado toast (fave), coconut yogurt parfait with granola and fruit, whole grain bread with peanut butter and banana, or sometimes even a mono meal of all fruit. I usually like to pair my breakfasts with grapefruit and a cup of water with lemon. xx
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Lately I've been making my own granola. It's really good mixed into greek yogurt with fruit and protein powder. Kind of a calorie bomb though.

    I love to bake so there's usually banana bread, muffins, scones, or something similar around for breakfast as well. And I usually have either a protein shake or bar with it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Thanks for this topic, I'm in the market for a new breakfast since my usual daily breakfast this morning made me hurl so it's likely I've developed an intolerance for something in it, or else am just sick and tired of it. Sick. And. Tired.:grumble:
  • donnylou
    donnylou Posts: 46 Member
    I usually do 2 eggs (any way - fried, scrambled with spinach added in, poached , I hard boil 6 on Sunday for quick grabs during the week) with a 100 calorie english muffin and coffee. Otherwise it steel cut oats (made the night before ) with a whole cup of fruit, usually blueberries or raspberries and coffee of course!
  • hhindsle
    hhindsle Posts: 43 Member
    bump for later
  • CameronMaude
    CameronMaude Posts: 8 Member
    My favourite breakfasts are either
    1/4 cup of plain Greek yogurt + 1/4 cup of granola
    100ml of granola + 60 ml of almond milk
    1/4 cup of oats + 1/4 cup frozen fruit
    2 eggs, made however.
    I try to keep my breakfasts under 150 calories to leave room for the rest of the day, so the measurements are a little weird, but those are all under or about 150. The first is 100 I think... And the 2 eggs are a little more.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    1 cup of Fage and 1/2 cup of almond and honey granola has been my go-to breakfast this week.

    In the winter I like doing oatmeal with flax meal and a bit of honey or brown sugar.

    I also mill my own cream of wheat from wheat berries, so it's really really whole grain. I am usually kind of bad with it and add a teaspoon of turbinado sugar and some evaporated milk.
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    Stir oats and nuts into yogurt of choice, keep in fridge overnight. Devour in AM.
  • jenversuslife
    jenversuslife Posts: 57 Member
    Quaker Oats, Bran cereal, or a smoothie bowl (thickly blended fruit in a bowl) topped with various doodahs like; almond butter, chia seeds, unsweetened dessicated coconut, cinnamon, honey, raisins, sultanas, banana, berries, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, flaxseed etc. I have a Graze subscription and they send like seed mixes all the time which work well.

    Alternatively eggs cooked anyway with some form of vegetable like spinach, maybe some turkey bacon thrown in for good measure.
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    My favorite breakfasts are either eggs with crumpets & marmite with tomatoes and mushrooms (maybe a veggie sausage as well) or an oat based breakfast. Either baked or overnight oats with a mashed banana, almond butter, and either honey/maple syrup/cocoa etc..

    Sometimes I have a cheese omellette for a change. Occassionally I'll have a glass of orange juice as well, lately I've been skipping it due to wanting to save the calories for later though.
  • tshutshien
    tshutshien Posts: 13 Member
    My favourite Go-To breakfast every morning is a slice of whole wheat bread with 1 tbsp of natural PB and an apple. That's for days when I need a quick fix and also to bite on something fuller.

    Other than that I never get bored of oats. :)

    Normal guilt-free recipe
    30g Oats
    1 scoop Protein Powder (Chocolate flavour is the best because I love Chocolate Oats!)
    Half or Whole Banana
    A handful of Bluberries
    100 ml Almond/Soy/Low Fat Milk
    A few dashes of cinnamon!

    If my oats feels too thick I'll just add water.

    You can play around a lot with oats topping like add almond nuts, peanut butter, stir in your favourite healthy jam, stir in egg whites in your hot oats for extra protein.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I tend to feel guilty for eating early in the day...
    Feeling "guilty" about having breakfast is a messed up thought process.

    Given that you do feel this way you should redirect your guilt.
    Deal with it by hitting the weight room.

    Eat big. Work out hard Sleep well.
  • NicoleSchimmel
    NicoleSchimmel Posts: 162 Member
    Every day I eat an english muffin or toast with Jiff Natural Peanut Butter and some coffee. Yum!! Oh, and 8 oz of coffee. I usually have a snack around 11am, and eat lunch at 1 or 2.