So whats your extreme.......?

saimabhaidani Posts: 145 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey MFPers,

Tonight as I lay here in my bed with this little hungry feeling, I know it won't be easy falling asleep, just like it wasnt exactly easy completing my workout today.
I know sometimes its hard, and sometimes its even harder. Hard enough to make me want to quit, but I come through it because I know I am doing the right thing. I know thats what it will take to show results and there is no easy ways out. (and my results have been slow, sometimes really slow, but constant.) I do not want to mislead me by all that "I am overly obsessing with it, and I can have a little of this or that" crap anymore. So I will go through with it! But it would be nice to know what you all go through when you wait for that monster feeling to just pass.

Here are a couple more:

I pop in a piece of gum in my mouth when we(I, kids and hubby) get to MarbleSlab so I wont be trying their icecream every couple of mins. and I do this also when I buy my kids french fries so that I wont be able to snack on them constantly while they are not looking (I know its sad!)

I increase the tv volume and try to focus more to tune out the sound of growling in my tummy
(FYI: I do not undereat, I am on a 1500 cal plan and I eat half of my exersise cals, but I eat most of them earlier in the day so I am almost always left with a small dinner :(

Also, I never delete the VS fashion show from my DVR so I can catch a glimse at the first thought of missing my workout :)

So what do you do, whats your trick?


  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Herbal tea. Fennel, rooibus, peppermint- whatever tastes good with nothing sweet added to it!
  • safetyscott
    safetyscott Posts: 66 Member
    I upped my protien intake to 45%...i never have a snack that doesnt include some form of protien....I am never hungry....somedays its hard to eat all 1660 cals - lots of chicken breast.
  • jedday
    jedday Posts: 119
    Herbal tea. Fennel, rooibus, peppermint- whatever tastes good with nothing sweet added to it!

    THat sounds so good thanks now i wish i had tea
  • I chew gum most of the time.This way I trick my brain into thinking that I'm eating. I also have been drinking more green tea and water. Make me feel more full. Now, when I start to get that grumble in my tummy I try to drink at least 8oz of water and wait a couple of minutes to see if I was actually hungary. I have a very speacial - reward - in my head if I complete my goals. I'm trying to have a baby and the only way to do that is to lose some weight. So, nothing is going to stop me from doing it. Keep the goal in mind!!
  • sleeping pills lol i knw it bad but it works to this day ive always had sleeping issues since 8 finally went to doc. i take it and in 30 mins im going lol not suggesting pills bu it works fo me! i also have low fat sheber before bad oe skinny cow icecream it helps and feels so good
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok no laughing...but my secret is Smarties!
    You know the stupid little candies... 1 roll is 25 calories... I feel like I get a sweet treat without alot of calories. And its a pallate cleanser, so I dont taste onions, garlic or anything else I ate for dinner!
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    Lots and lots of fiber! Helps keep the hungry monster away. Gum and I get busy. There has been tons of "spring cleaning" going on! lol
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    There have seriously been some days that I just have had to give in, but if I always did that, I wouldn't be successful, lol.

    Some days there is just nothing I can do to distract myself or make the cravings pass, but I'm still too damn stubborn to give in. These days have been few and far between, but usually it just leaves me in tears. I've learned to cope and deal with it and sometimes I just let the tears happen. When the cravings do pass or the next day comes, I feel very strong and capable knowing that I conquered a very hard day.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I graze/binge at nite so I eat dinner at 9 pm and then have a snack before bed (or sometimes 2 snacks if I get the munchies). Keep it all in my calorie count though
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I drink tea constantly. No sugar but at the beginning of the day I pour a cup of skim milk in a cup in the fridge so that I know that I'm only using one cup of milk throughout the day.

    Also soft boiled eggs are the best breakfast ever, I am never hungry before lunch ever
  • I upped my protein, as well. Those little Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt with blueberry on the bottom are only 90 calories. I eat one of those and a banana and I'm good for a LONG time.

    And I miss Smarties! LOL I'd completely forgotten about them, but for 25 calories, I might just have to grab a few of those at the store. :D
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    To decrease your hunger you have to eat a larger volume. You can't reach that volume if you're eating foods rich in calories.

    Fiber also curbs hunger as well, so you could try eating more veggies.
  • saimabhaidani
    saimabhaidani Posts: 145 Member
    There have seriously been some days that I just have had to give in, but if I always did that, I wouldn't be successful, lol.

    Some days there is just nothing I can do to distract myself or make the cravings pass, but I'm still too damn stubborn to give in. These days have been few and far between, but usually it just leaves me in tears. I've learned to cope and deal with it and sometimes I just let the tears happen. When the cravings do pass or the next day comes, I feel very strong and capable knowing that I conquered a very hard day.

    failure doesn't mean falling down, it means the unwillingness to get up again......... I had completely forgotten about it, but your post reminded me of that :)
  • Thanks for reminding me that I'm not the only one that struggles with this whole thing. Hang in there.
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