momma's of young kids looking to lose it big time!



  • :love: Wow such a great response from so many awesome people. Reading your posts about your goals and triumphs is a real motivator! Keep up the good work all of you hot momma's!
  • padieane
    padieane Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all! I am momma to an Angel 4/07 and my sweet Rainbow baby who is a week away from 11 months. Between my 2 pregnancies I lost 70 pounds on my own by following a 1200 cal diet and exercising in the gym 6 days a week. It took me 9 months to take it off and during my 9 months of pregnancy I put it all back on! Now 11 months after baby, I am back to 290 pounds and I HATE it! Looking for support and understanding!
  • I am a mother of a 3 year old and a 6 month old and a full time student plus wife. It is hard for me to get time to go to the gym and workout, but since I got the PS3 move I have been doing the Zumba and it has helped alot, I do it when the children are in bed. I am looking to lose ALOT of weight so I could use the encouragement from others in the same position as me! Please feel free to add me as a friend. Thanks
  • autumnus88
    autumnus88 Posts: 1 Member
    I am SO with you!! I have a 4 1/2 month old and while I weigh less than I did before I became pregnant (currently: 5' 1", 126 lbs.), I am nowhere NEAR where I want to be physically. For me, the hardest part is not focusing on the number (weight or clothes size) and just focusing on how I FEEL (fit, toned, energetic, and overall healthy). I am quickly earning that some things will never be what they were before I had my baby (hello hips!!), but I want to be healthy and happy so that I can be the best mom I can be to my little one! : )
  • jlmnk1313
    jlmnk1313 Posts: 207 Member
    I am a mom of 3 kiddo's, 6 yr old son, 3 yr old daughter, 8 month old son!!! I am so ready to get this weight off! It is time for me! I would love to share support with you! Feel free to add me as a friend! Good luck on your weightloss journey!
  • Hello everyone! I'm a mother of two - a three year old and a three month old. With my first pregnancy the weight just seemed to come off by itself, but it's not coming off this time. I'm looking for other moms going through similar struggles to share this weight loss with. I want to be a good example for my kids and to feel better about myself. Work it ladies!!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old! Looking to lose 50 pounds, maybe more!
  • Hey mommas,

    I am a mother of a 2yr old and a 4month old. I gained a LOT of weight during my first pregnancy and before I got pregnant the 2nd time I still had another 20 pounds to lose. I am only currently 2 pounds away to what I was before my 2nd child so I am very proud of that!! Anyways it is very hard to find meals that are healthy that all my family wants to eat. My husband is very physically fit so it doesn't mind to him but my son is a very picky eater so I have trouble with that a lot and also I have time issues!!! Finding time between taking care of my house, cooking, my kids, my husband and helping him with college is very hard and at the end of the day I would rather sleep than workout!! Anyways anyone feel free to add me!!! take care!!
  • hey, i know exactly what you mean. i have a 3 yr old and a baby thats 2 1/2 months....... oh and the big baby my hubby lol. My boss is my baby girl i could only work out when she lets me, and she has me on a short leash . I hope to loose 36 more lbs.
  • I have 8 kids, too! The oldest is 17 and the baby is 20 months. I'd love to have more 'friends' on here! I'm trying to lose about 75 lbs.
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I have two children ages two and four and I have lost over 100 lbs so far! I have 10 or 15 to go. My husband is also in the Army and deploys every other year. He's in Iraq right now.

    At some point I decided to make ME a priority & I haven't looked back since!

  • I'm in much the same boat as you ladies. I have a 3 year old who wants ALL my attention, I go to university full time, work 25 hours a week & have a house (and husband! hehe) to look after. I've started this in my time off from uni but I go back next tuesday & I'm so worried how I'm going to fit all my exercise in as well as everything else.

    Feel free to add me would be nice to speak to other mums who know how it feels!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I'll friend you I have to kids a 15 year old son and a 3 year old daughter
  • Please feel free to add me as a friend!

    I am a momma to a little boy who turns 3 this year! I used to go to the gym a few times a week and since having him have done nothing! 3 years on I am at my heaviest ever!

    I am now taking hold of the reigns and sorting myself out. I need some time spent on me, and for once I need to put myself first! So Wed I sign on the dotted line at my local gym! I can't wait!

    I started MFP yesterday and nearly died at my calorie intake! Here's hoping it just gets better!
  • I have a 6 year old and 4 year old, would love to stay in touch :happy:
  • Hey! ! Momma here of 3! All boys to top it off! The are 9,5 and 2! It is not easy to workout and eat right with children pulling at our apron strings but If we get through everyday with small children then this weight loss thing should be a piece of cake! Right?! LOL!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I no how it is my kids are 8,5 and 2.

    I have kids who are 10,8,6,and 3 and I just ran a marathon a few months takes as much dedication from your support system but we have made it work. I joke that my kids separtely are not over sceheduled..however their mother is terribly over have to make yourself a priority or it just doesn't work...and it is a great example for them to learn healthy attitude and habits
  • Prov31Lady
    Prov31Lady Posts: 14 Member
    This is an awesome topic "momma's of young kids looking to lose it big time"!!! I know that my reply is late, but I can relate to everyone here. I have 4 sons ages 14, 13, 11 years, and a 19 month old. And, to top it off, a husband to clean up and look after just as much as I do the boys. I find that a lot of times I have neglected to take care of myself, as much as I do my family. During my pregnancy with the baby I gained 22lbs. After I had the baby, I lost 38 lbs( baby wieght, plus)! Now, I've got 25lbs left to go.I'm going to win this fight!!!
  • Loracoss
    Loracoss Posts: 16
    I'm a mother of a 7,8,an 9 year old. Its hard to focus on myself caring for them but I can to a point that I need to do this for myself an need all the support I can get. Good luck to u an all the other mommies put there.
  • I"m stuck too. I have a 6 year old and twin 4 year olds and i'm at my FULLY pregnant weight while i was pregnant with my first child! Struggling to figure out how to lose the weight!
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