Too fat to go to the gym?



  • engagedprincess
    engagedprincess Posts: 59 Member
    Calling people gym junkies and skinny minnies is kinda being hypocritical in a way. I mean, if you walk in and immediately place them into one of those two categories...then get upset if they may judge you as a "fatty patty" or some other equally as insulting's the same thing.

    All that being said, I don't go to the gym for the same reason you don't (intimidation). I might "get over it" some day and just say to heck with it and GO...hopefully sooner rather than later.

    I do like the idea someone else offered of going when the gym is the least busy. You could call them or go in and speak with them about when their slowest hours usually are (I might do that myself). =)
    it was a joke.... Just saying

    Well you don't like the idea that people are judging you, so why make a joke that implies judgment of others?

    It's fairly natural to assume other people think similarly to the way you yourself do, though this assumption is often wrong.

    People dissatisfied with their weight are judgmental about their weight may start judging others weight as well as their own (if only as a benchmark against which to fault themselves), and then project that others are thinking in the same manner.

    Unlabeled sarcasm doesn't translate well on the web. No point jumping on a web-neophyte by taking deliberate offense to something that wasn't intended to offend.

    There's a quote I can't quite remember, along the lines of "People would worry a lot less about what others thought of them if they realized how infrequently others think of them."
    I would never judge another's weight. It's none of my business.

    Plus, you never know why someone is overweight/underweight. Thyroid/metabolism/medications and illness come into it a lot.
  • engagedprincess
    engagedprincess Posts: 59 Member
    It is a 24 hour gym so I have decided that I will just work out at night when most people have gone. For the encouraging peeps, thanks.
  • mandymack14
    mandymack14 Posts: 100 Member
    Just keep going. It will pass. Everyone always looks at the new person in every situation in life. The gym is no different. There is no one too fat for the gym. Respect for everyone who goes to the gym and tries to better them self.

    ^^^ This!

    Be bold, and brave. Even if there are some pinheads at the gym they'll soon respect your discipline and effort - not to mention your courage. You'll soon be part of the furniture ... if you can make yourself get started on a regular program. Good luck.

    BTW I just rejoined the gym today too! I first signed up a year ago but bunked out after the first week (I don't want to even know how much money I wasted!) This time I.Will.Do.It!
  • MysteriousDreamer
    Most people are too worried about themselves at the gym. I know when I go there I'm too in my head to notice anyone else around me. You can never be too fat to go to a gym, go, take the first step, once you have done that the next time it's so much easier!!! I believe in you :)
  • juliebccs
    OP it is okay to feel a bit worried at first. But many might even just be looking in a respectful way, thinking something like "go for it" or "well done". The more they see you there the more they are impressed at your commitment. Just a possibility. However I am not a gym fan. Even at home I like privacy still when I work out. Might change one day but I find I can really focus on pushing that bit extra where it might be a little gross to witness, ie body bits jiggling much more vigorously, guttural noises etc I would refrain from in public.
  • juliebccs
    OP it is okay to feel a bit worried at first. But many might even just be looking in a respectful way, thinking something like "go for it" or "well done". The more they see you there the more they are impressed at your commitment. Just a possibility. However I am not a gym fan. Even at home I like privacy still when I work out. Might change one day but I find I can really focus on pushing that bit extra where it might be a little gross to witness, ie body bits jiggling much more vigorously, guttural noises etc I would refrain from in public.
  • Towiefoyd3
    Towiefoyd3 Posts: 1 Member
    I felt just like that when I would start going to the gym. I would get all excited and tell myself that I was about to change my life, but as soon as I stepped foot in that gym and saw all of those "fit" people, it discouraged me. I ended up wasting my money and time. As I have lost and gained weight in my life, I have just realized that sometimes you have to just do things for you and forget what other people think. Look at it like this: if I go to the gym today, I will only walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes because I feel anxious. Just try to reach for that goal. I promise you, you will probably do even more than that. Just try it! If after the 15 minutes, you just can't go on then leave. ANY movement is better than no movement at all. Just take it one day at a time. You will get there. We are all right here with you. :):wink:
  • KelseyBee2014
    KelseyBee2014 Posts: 188 Member
    I started going to the gym at 232 lbs and am still going at 210 lbs. The gym is my biggest motivator. I usually go at night, about an hour to an hour and a half before they close. I do that mainly because it's the best time that works for me. It's the only time I've ever gone. If you go at the same time every day/night then you will get used to being around the same people. I see the same people night after night and by now we don't even register each other. We just do what we are there to do and to get as much accomplished before they close!
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    most people dont care that anyone else is there other than themselves.

    a lot of people are just as nervous and self conscious as you.

    a few might be people watching and making judgements... but that happens everywhere.

    personally, i go, and i run and my flab jiggles, and people can see my weird fat that squeezes out the sides of my sports bra, and i like to pretend that everyone behind me is watching me and waiting for me to fail, and then i have to prove them wrong. and when i think about how few people stick with a plan to go to the gym, and that all the people who work there know it and count on it too... and i prove them wrong too and go 4-5 days a week... for almost 6 months now....

    use your self consciousness to motivate you if it helps, until you no longer care. at this point i am THIS close to not giving a crap and actually being confident because i know i am strong, and have endurance. as long as i dont so any classes that require grace or coordination or push ups.
  • Juliarosemary66
    Juliarosemary66 Posts: 64 Member
    You should feel really proud of yourself for taking the first steps towards a happy and healthier you! I understand what you mean about feeling judged; I did myself when I started at the gym 3 years ago- but stick with it, as the weight falls and you get fitter you'll find the buzz you get from that beats the buzz you got from your unhealthy food choices! I admire people who are overweight but work hard to make positive changes- just like I did. Don't feel intimidated just do it! Good luck!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I joined the gym but cancelled it because it wasn't working for my life circumstances. If I could go I would in heart beat. I got myself a fitbit and bought myself an exercise bike. As I lose more weight I am buying myself workout equipment as a reward!?!

    It finally came down that my life circumstances were not going to be an excuse anymore. So no your not too fat for the gym. Wish you the best!1

    I go to the gym because I would always find a distraction at home--at the gym the focus is to work out. Getting there is half the battle. No one really stares, it is in your imagination. Lots of overweight and obese people at the gym, me included. It's like not going to the doctor's office when you are sick because the people who work there are well.....just saying.
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    Just keep going. It will pass. Everyone always looks at the new person in every situation in life. The gym is no different. There is no one too fat for the gym. Respect for everyone who goes to the gym and tries to better them self.

    This ^^

    The thing that helps me out the most are headphones. Once they're in, it's just me and my workout.
  • komitra
    Hi Everyone :)

    lets make a BBM group for weight loss tips and success stories... lets be more connected

    My BBM pin is - 764EC9A2
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    If they are looking at you it is probably more because you are new than because you are fat. They are like ... oh I aint seen her in here before. Not like ewww what's this fat person doing here. There may be one or two people who think like that. *kitten* exist after all. But most people will also think ... well done at least you're here doing something about it.

    i understand your position completely though. I was exactly the same. Now I've lost nearly 8 stone am starting to show some muscle and they wanna make me gym member of the month. The worm turns does it not?
  • CorrieLA
    CorrieLA Posts: 51 Member
    Any person there who is there to be healthier and/or in better shape will never think anything negative regarding anyone who is there for the same reason. Anyone who is there for any other reason won't have an opinion worth worrying about. Once you've gone a few times and have a good routine going and feel confident with the equipment, you won't even give those people another thought. They're not likely to stick around long anyway.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    they're probably looking at you and thinking how great it is what you're doing. :3 good for you!
    this negative thinking is in your head! people like people who have the same goals right? x3
  • dazwan
    dazwan Posts: 81 Member
    I'm not exactly small, but when I've been a member at the gym, I occasionally see someone who is on the larger side and think how great it is that someone has taken the plunge to actively do something to improve themselves (just remember we aren't all overweight due to overeating, there are conditions that can make you pile on the pounds).

    Its a HUGE commitment to get out and make such a radical change to your lifestyle, just get on with it, if anyone stares, they're not working hard enough! It always makes me chuckle when you see a gaggle of ladies on the cycles, looking like they're out on a Sunday afternoon ride chatting or reading books whilst I'm struggling on the treadmill barely able to breath and with sweat running down my face. I know who's working the hardest and I know who's getting their money's worth out of the gym.

    Enjoy and keep it up!
  • engagedprincess
    engagedprincess Posts: 59 Member
    I'm not exactly small, but when I've been a member at the gym, I occasionally see someone who is on the larger side and think how great it is that someone has taken the plunge to actively do something to improve themselves (just remember we aren't all overweight due to overeating, there are conditions that can make you pile on the pounds).

    yeah I know first hand :( in 2011 I lost 40 lbs but gained it all back cos I've been in and out of hospital non stop for the past 2 years, I am also on meds which **** with my metabolism and have pcos
  • MaryHuckleberry
    MaryHuckleberry Posts: 19 Member
    I am a gym noob and was kinda worried about falling dead from a heart attack if I worked out because I am so big. That's why I love the Biggest Loser--it showed me that bigger folks can work out too. I was totally intimidated the first time but I asked the guy who sold me the membership when the non peak hours were. And I bought 3 pairs of very comfortable capri style work out pants and a new pair of shoes. I already had some very comfy t shirts and I put all of my work out clothes in a laundry basket so I have a set ready to go at all times. I also have Amazon prime so I have made a few playlists of varying lengths all hip/hop and dance music. The very first time I went I was on the elliptical for 38 minutes and it felt really easy. What I have found is that I am the one people watching--not in a judgemental way--it's just as another person said---when you are on a machine for a long time it's just something that happens. But mostly I have my music turned up and really that is what I'm concentrating on. It feels incredible when you work out hard and you leave the gym feeling like a boss! (I walked with my dog for miles and miles all summer so I was probably ready for 38 minutes on the elliptical--if you are just starting out exercising go slow).
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    If they are looking at you it is probably more because you are new than because you are fat. They are like ... oh I aint seen her in here before. Not like ewww what's this fat person doing here. There may be one or two people who think like that. *kitten* exist after all. But most people will also think ... well done at least you're here doing something about it.

    i understand your position completely though. I was exactly the same. Now I've lost nearly 8 stone am starting to show some muscle and they wanna make me gym member of the month. The worm turns does it not?

    Very much this ^ ^ ^

    Also, when you are doing something that provides you with time to look around, you will notice that there are all sizes and types at the typical gym. Mine even has a couple of regulars who I am guessing have cerebral palsy or something similar and they are there with their assistants doing whatever they can.