Too fat to go to the gym?



  • seamandi
    seamandi Posts: 25 Member
    I feel your pain! I absolutely hate the gym, and always have. Even when I was one of the "skinny minnies", I just always felt out of place. I use to get so anxious and it would just ruin my work out. I was embarrassed by not knowing how to use any of the machines, and would tend to only stay for 20 minutes tops. I wish I could tell you that I overcame all of that, but I didn't. I opt to work out in the comfort of my own home. I walk and run at a nearby park. I also go hiking and kayaking a lot. I have been considering joining the YMCA near my house so I can go swimming, but I doubt I'd use the gym part of the membership. My advise is that if you feel like your anxiety is negatively affecting your motivation to work out, find a more enjoyable way to exercise. I love talking my dog to the park getting a few miles in, but I hate the treadmill with a passion. I would much rather spend an entire day kayaking on the lake than spend 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Yeah, when it rains it's more challenging to get a work out in, but those days I do extra kettlebell work outs and yoga at home. Ultimately, you need to find an exercise method you'll be able to stick with. Another idea is to look for individual classes in your area. I know in my town there are tons of Zumba classes for around $5 a class.
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    This. Gym regulars are a pretty tight knit group. If they are eyeing you it's because you are new, it has nothing to do with your weight. As most of us were the newbie with some weight to lose at one point in time.
    Just keep going. It will pass. Everyone always looks at the new person in every situation in life. The gym is no different. There is no one too fat for the gym. Respect for everyone who goes to the gym and tries to better them self.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I feel your pain! I absolutely hate the gym, and always have. Even when I was one of the "skinny minnies", I just always felt out of place. I use to get so anxious and it would just ruin my work out. I was embarrassed by not knowing how to use any of the machines,

    Didn't your gym have "new member" services like a meeting with an instructor to teach you the machines?

    To the OP, if your gym offers anything like that, definitely take advantage. When I first thought about joining, that was one thing I asked about because I had no clue. After meeting with the coach and having her go through each machine with me I didn't feel nearly as awkward and out of place for my first time by myself
  • seamandi
    seamandi Posts: 25 Member
    I feel your pain! I absolutely hate the gym, and always have. Even when I was one of the "skinny minnies", I just always felt out of place. I use to get so anxious and it would just ruin my work out. I was embarrassed by not knowing how to use any of the machines,

    Didn't your gym have "new member" services like a meeting with an instructor to teach you the machines?

    To the OP, if your gym offers anything like that, definitely take advantage. When I first thought about joining, that was one thing I asked about because I had no clue. After meeting with the coach and having her go through each machine with me I didn't feel nearly as awkward and out of place for my first time by myself

    I've been a member at a few different gyms, and when I asked how to use the equipment they were nice enough to show me, but there wasn't a "program" or anything (of course there was an offer to pay for a personal trainer). But that was never really the main issue with me. I just hate gyms. I hate the smell, i hate the atmosphere in general. I'm not a member at any gym now, nor do I want to be.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    OP, you are not too fat to go to the gym. The gym is for people to get stronger and healthier. From wherever they start. I just signed up with a personal trainer at the gym on my work campus. I still work out at home with my Barre3, still wear my fuel band to record calorie burn, but go to the gym 2-3 times a week at 6 am. Those people are serious health nuts. I am at goal weight but they, no matter what weight, can lift more, run or walk or step or pedal longer and hard than me. But they all want to get healthier. Just like me. For me, it is 30 minutes of can I do what the PT asks me to do every time. I am now more scared of me than anyone at the gym.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    I got myself a gym membership on the weekend and I have been once, but the whole time I was very anxious, scared and intimidated that all the other members were looking at me. Especially the gym junkies and skinny Minnie's.

    How do I get past this feeling so that I can just go to the gym? Or should I put my membership on hold until I lose some more weight?

    You're concerned about being too fat to go to the gym, due to judgmental patrons, but you refer to those that aren't overweight disparagingly?

    Look at it this way: The other members are probably commenting on you as much as you comment on them.
  • feydevilwoman
    feydevilwoman Posts: 49 Member
    I get shy and weird about public gym time, mostly cause my fitness level isn't where it should be and i feel like everyone is judging me. But realistically, if i am there to work out, sweat, improve... what are the odds the majority of other ppl aren't there for the same reasons? Am trying to be less self conscious; because i inhibit myself when i am. And the self degredation does me no favors in the intake dept or anywhere else. MFP has been amazing so far, because its easy to find others struggling the same way i am
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    "Too fat to go to the gym" is called a nice excuse to sit at home and watch TV. If fitness is one of your goals, suck it up and go to the gym.
  • juneduggan1981
    juneduggan1981 Posts: 36 Member
    Have you thought maybe they are looking at you with admiration. They may know how anxious and difficult you have found it to even step into the gym and if they havent well to hell with them. You have as much right to be there as them. Make sure you know how to use the machines and get your earphones in and go for it ........... you can do it!!!
  • dazwan
    dazwan Posts: 81 Member
    If you want to talk about self conscious, I've been cycling to work these last few months. I started out wearing baggy shorts and tshirts etc. However, there was a wet day a few weeks ago where the shorts were just too much (sticking to me and slowing me down) after this I've switched to full blown MAMIL mode and now wear Lycra bib shorts. They look horrendous (I look like a bad 80's UK wrestler - Big Daddie anyone?).

    Initially I was very aware that people might be looking, but now I think, Who cares! I'm still going to get to work quicker than you and save money in the process! (must have passed at least 200 queuing cars on my commute today. Seriously, talking about 3-4 miles of stood traffic and I just rolled past it all :tongue:)
  • zamphir66
    zamphir66 Posts: 582 Member
    There's a quote I can't quite remember, along the lines of "People would worry a lot less about what others thought of them if they realized how infrequently others think of them."

    Coco Chanel said: "I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all."
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Swimming and water jogging is a great cardio/resistance workout, and there are people that are overweight who do it,,and they don't seem to care, same thing in zumba, spin, kickboxing, machines. I see them out walking/riding their bike, skating, etc, and they don't care, so just enjoy yourself and forget about everyone.
  • engagedprincess
    engagedprincess Posts: 59 Member
    "Too fat to go to the gym" is called a nice excuse to sit at home and watch TV. If fitness is one of your goals, suck it up and go to the gym.

    No actually, it's called working out at home rather than in front of everyone.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I got myself a gym membership on the weekend and I have been once, but the whole time I was very anxious, scared and intimidated that all the other members were looking at me. Especially the gym junkies and skinny Minnie's.

    How do I get past this feeling so that I can just go to the gym? Or should I put my membership on hold until I lose some more weight?
    inspire someone, keep going!:wink: When I see someone overweight at the gym working out I'm so proud of them...when I see anyone workout at the gym I know how much hard work it is to keep a commitment and I'm proud of them for doing it.

    I'm overweight and honestly have no clue what anyone thinks of me when I'm working out with the machines or in the pool... I have no clue because I simply grab my bag head to the gym and do my workout. I focus on working out harder than the last time.

    Those feelings you shared are within you when you are at the gym (and most likely everywhere you go), not everyone is focusing on you but more likely their own workout. If someone glances my way I smile, they smile and we continue working.

    Don't let fear stop you from doing what you want, what you need! It's the inside we need to change in ourselves as well as the outside.:flowerforyou:

    Have a great workout at the gym tomorrow:wink:
  • Liliansamata
    Liliansamata Posts: 102 Member
    I promise you 95% of the people at the gym are not worried about you or what you look like, they are there to work out, struggling to make one more set, 10 more minutes, whatever. I also assure you a lot of the people there were also once out of shape and are not judging you. Just do it! Maybe go late at night or in the middle of the day, when most people are at work. Maybe find a gym with a ladies only section.
    PS: calling someone a gym junkie or a skinny minnie sounds a little judgemental, i will NEVER be a skinny minnie i will be a healthy, strong woman you don't want to be judged, so don't judge others.

    I totally agree with you!!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    "Too fat to go to the gym" is called a nice excuse to sit at home and watch TV. If fitness is one of your goals, suck it up and go to the gym.

    No actually, it's called working out at home rather than in front of everyone.

    If you have the setup to do the same workout at home as you could do at the gym, then there's no problem with working out at home. But I wouldn't settle for a second rate workout just because you can't be bothered to go to the gym. You may have some anxiety now, but honestly no one cares what you look like or that you aren't lifting hundreds of pounds of weight. If your goals require heavy weight lifting and you aren't prepared to furnish a home gym, the gym is your best bet.
  • lizzybathory
    Gyms aren't exclusively intended for people who have already achieved their goals. They're also for people who have goals they'd like to achieve! I totally understand feeling a little anxious about comparing yourself to people who have been at it a while, but you never know - maybe they looked a lot like you when they started. If you pay your membership dues, you have exactly the same right to be there that they do.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I got myself a gym membership on the weekend and I have been once, but the whole time I was very anxious, scared and intimidated that all the other members were looking at me. Especially the gym junkies and skinny Minnie's.

    How do I get past this feeling so that I can just go to the gym? Or should I put my membership on hold until I lose some more weight?

    So get in shape to be able to go to the gym? Thats an oxymoron right. Thats like I won't ever cook a meal for my kids til I learn how to cook. Or no one will give me a job because you lack the experience, can't get the experience til get a job. Just do it, no one will say anything behind your back or make fun. Unless you sit there and take space on a machine texting.
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    Many people here who are fit were once overweight.
    Same may be true at your gym Some of those skinny, fit people may have started where you are.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I got myself a gym membership on the weekend and I have been once, but the whole time I was very anxious, scared and intimidated that all the other members were looking at me. Especially the gym junkies and skinny Minnie's.
    Body shaming doesn't help anyone.

    Neither does projecting like that.