Not seeing much results

I have been on a mission since June to eat healthier and be more active, but I'm frustrated right now because of a lack of results.

At the end of June, I had dental surgery and could not eat really anything solid for three weeks, and in that three weeks, I lost 18 pounds. Granted, at a heavy weight, it came off quick when I was eating just a few bites of cottage cheese every few hours before the pain kicked in. Since then, I have lost 7 pounds, and all of it was in the first two weeks of August. Since then, I have started working out 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes each day. Primarily on the elliptical, treadmill, or stationary bike. I have seen progress in my "athletic" ability, but my weight has been stuck since I started working out. I am at a calorie deficit every day and burning 500 calories or so each day that I work out. I have lost a few inches in my hips and and one inch in my waist, but my belly isn't going anywhere, which is another frustration for me.

How do you stay motivated? How do I stay the course when I am feeling like I am doing this all for nothing with very little change?


  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Wait - you lost 25 pounds in the last 3 months! I don't see how you could be upset with that. Loss always slows down a bit when you introduce exercise, but you seem to be doing just fine! You've got your measurements so that's great too. Just keep working. It seems like you're on the right path to me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I think your expectations need some major tuning if you think 25 Lbs in a few months isn't results. Please....

    News flash...three months is jack ****...this takes time...maybe focus on your overall health and well being...that's what this should be about anyway.
  • lorgrube
    It may seem stupid, but in my mind I keep seeing the initial 18 pounds as something separate because I wasn't watching my intake and working out, but you're absolutely right. I can look at it with a different perspective now. Every time I've ever tried to lose weight, it has been a half - hearted effort and I quit pretty fast. This time I've been really putting the effort in and I guess I've gotten discouraged because of that.