Found this 1300 Calorie Diet...



  • toolzz
    toolzz Posts: 163 Member
    To Nicsflyingcircus: Not to be rude or anything, but your sample diet is not very healthy. First of all, you are not giving yourself the nutrition you need in the morning and because of this, you end up consuming most of your calories of the evening. I understand that this diet may work for you, but for most people it just wouldn't cut it. Also, there are just way too many unhealthy food choices...nobody needs a hamburger AND a chicken breast at one meal. Most days, your calorie count exceeds 1300 calories, so it wouldn't be appropriate for somone needing a 1300 calorie diet.

    There was nothing unhealthy in that diet, she was meeting her macro goals and meal timing means nothing. And judging by her successful weight loss to date I'd say she's doing just fine.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,756 Member
    To Nicsflyingcircus: Not to be rude or anything, but your sample diet is not very healthy. First of all, you are not giving yourself the nutrition you need in the morning and because of this, you end up consuming most of your calories of the evening. I understand that this diet may work for you, but for most people it just wouldn't cut it. Also, there are just way too many unhealthy food choices...nobody needs a hamburger AND a chicken breast at one meal. Most days, your calorie count exceeds 1300 calories, so it wouldn't be appropriate for somone needing a 1300 calorie diet.

    I was at a bbq/social gathering yesterday. I prefer not to eat in the morning, personal choice. My kid had a soccer game out in the 98 heat at 12:30.Ate the Quest bar then. Added the beef jerkey on the way to the bbq because I was hungry and didn't want to get there and chow on Dorito's. Once the food was cooked, I had a burger on lettuce wrap with tomato and onion, and about half a cored, sliced apple. About an hour and a half later, the chicken was cooked and I was a bit hungry, so I chose a smallish piece over potato salad, chips, or massively iced Walmart cupcakes.

    On the way home, I knew I'd underate a bit, so around 8:30 I had my yogurt and fruit(lots of fruit) snack. So yes, yesterday looks strange and imbalanced, but it worked and I made choices that work -for me-. I was outside about 6hrs in 95-100+ heat(hooray shade) so I drank a ton of water, had a good time, met my macros and slept like a log later.

    Meal timing is irrelevant, but yesterday was out of the ordinary anyway.

    Cheers to all! :drinker:

    ETA: I was 1300ish and under when I first replied to this thread, I have since adjusted my macros in such a way as to add up to 1352.
  • lillilanda
    lillilanda Posts: 27 Member
    300 cal dinner? I think not. Frequent small snacks do not help with weight loss; this was an idea floated decades ago that is thoroughly debunked in the medical literature. Some people may like that approach and find it helpful and that's great - but there's no reason to deliberately try to snack frequently.

    Use MFP, we are lucky to have it and it eliminates the need for this type of complicated and regimented plan that has zero flexibility and would require you to make yourself a separate dinner than what your friends/family are eating.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Without naming specific brands, this won't work. For example, what is "puffed cereal"? What brand is it? The calorie content will vary depending on what "puffed cereal" is and what brand you're choosing. The same for everything else.
  • this is very helpful. thank you!!
  • of course you have to check but it is a great framework.