Hello there!

I just found this forum today, and I'm so excited to see what it has to offer!

A little bit about me:
I am currently trying to lose weight.
My starting weight was 185 lbs. I'm 5' 2", and according to the BMI standards, I was obese.

I was in church when the idea came to me; that was on August 3, 2014. I was going to start on my diet that day, I even told my parents about it, and asked them to help me get the food I needed to make the weight loss come true. They were skeptical because I have tried so many diets before, but I have never been able to keep up with it (mostly because there is always a lot of food available at my house).

About a month later (today), my current weight is 165 lbs. (20 lbs. off and I'm very excited). My diet mainly consisted of fruits (watermelon, melon, and pineapple), boiled eggs, and lots of 90 calories yogurt (my total calorie intake per day is about 300-500 calories). It was very hard to keep up with the diet (I almost gave up one week in because my parents bought a lot of my favorite foods...). My exercise routine was shaky at the beginning. I was very sedentary before my diet - just sat around most of the day, never really did any exercise before. I tried doing some of the workout videos on Youtube, and felt really bad when I was already exhausted after their warm up. I had to find different alternatives. What I found that worked, for me at least, was walking 1-3 hours a day. I started slow of course, 1 hour of walking was already very exhausting. Then I started to push myself a little bit more into doing 2 hrs. Now I can easily do 2 hrs of walking with no problem. Most days, I can walk maybe 30-60 mins. more.

I'm looking to lose more weight, hopefully around 30 more lbs. But, school/college is about to be back in session, and it would be hard to find 2-3 hours for walking, and to stay away from comfort food at the end of the day. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding exercise regime that is doable for someone with my weight and height/healthy food ideas that tastes good but doesn't really have a lot of calories? or before/after pics for me to get inspiration from (hopefully around my current weight and height)


  • yankeehen
    Hi, Congratulations on what you have accomplished. If you have access to a DVD I would suggest a basic stepping tape. It would mean getting a step but I don't think they are expensive. Make sure you get a beginner's one. I suggest stepping because they get your heart rate up in a short period of time and 20 or 30 minutes should do it. I had a Leslie Sansone tape called basic stepping. Unfortunately it is so old you can only get it in VHS format now.