Counting calories forever



  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I like planning my day's food intake. I dont know if I will count calories strictly forever, but I eat better when I write it down.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I will keep track of my calories for the rest of my life. I want to be the exception, not the rule when it comes to regaining weight.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    I hope to stop after I have lost the weight and have mantained for awhile (3 months) but I will weigh myself weekly and if the weight goes above 5lbs over my goal weight then the logging will start again.
  • lambchoplewis1
    lambchoplewis1 Posts: 156 Member
    I lost the weight and maintained for over a year. Then I stopped logging and weighing myself. The weight came back on. Slowly but in a year, I have gained most back. I am. Ow back to logging and weighing myself. For me, I will have to be accountable forever. It helps
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I'm less than 10 pounds away from my goal weight. 7 pounds to be exact. Which got me I have to count calories forever? I am used to counting my calories of MFP so it's not a big deal if I continue to count calories. I'm just wondering if everyone is going to count calories forever if not, when do you plan on stopping?

    I don't know...have you managed to actually learn anything while you were logging or did you just obsess about the scale?

    I've been maintaining for 16 months plus and don't log...logging and keeping a diary is like training wheels on a're supposed to actually learn to ride without's kind of the point. If you truly turn that corner and make a lifestyle change then logging isn'e necessary. If you just revert back to old ways and the SAD then good luck..and'll have to log forever....which really, c' realistic is that?

    The only time I would consider logging is to actually drop weight...maintaining weight is really ****ing easy without logging so long as you're eating right and rocking your fitness...really ****ing easy.

    I disagree with this.

    If not logging works fine for you that's great.

    But I dont think there is any 'supposed to learn to live without training wheels' deal.
    Some people have likened it more to cleaning your teeth - you don't eventually learn to keep your teeth clean without brushing- more like brushing takes a few minutes a day and you plan on doing it indefinitely.

    Myself I use a maitenance version of logging called approximate loose logging - I still log daily but I don't weigh and measure everything; every mandarine is just a small or medium mandarine, every subway sandwich is just logged as the same one, I don't count lettuce or measure the amount of milk in my coffee.

    This keeps me accountable without getting obsessed over it or spending much time on it.

    100% Agree! Whether people continue to log or not is a very individual thing. Great teeth brushing analogy!

    I use the same "loose logging" approach. no more food scales, just general tracking of food to keep an eye on my macros and micros.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm less than 10 pounds away from my goal weight. 7 pounds to be exact. Which got me I have to count calories forever? I am used to counting my calories of MFP so it's not a big deal if I continue to count calories. I'm just wondering if everyone is going to count calories forever if not, when do you plan on stopping?

    I don't know...have you managed to actually learn anything while you were logging or did you just obsess about the scale?

    I've been maintaining for 16 months plus and don't log...logging and keeping a diary is like training wheels on a're supposed to actually learn to ride without's kind of the point. If you truly turn that corner and make a lifestyle change then logging isn'e necessary. If you just revert back to old ways and the SAD then good luck..and'll have to log forever....which really, c' realistic is that?

    The only time I would consider logging is to actually drop weight...maintaining weight is really ****ing easy without logging so long as you're eating right and rocking your fitness...really ****ing easy.

    I disagree with this.

    If not logging works fine for you that's great.

    But I dont think there is any 'supposed to learn to live without training wheels' deal.
    Some people have likened it more to cleaning your teeth - you don't eventually learn to keep your teeth clean without brushing- more like brushing takes a few minutes a day and you plan on doing it indefinitely.

    Myself I use a maitenance version of logging called approximate loose logging - I still log daily but I don't weigh and measure everything; every mandarine is just a small or medium mandarine, every subway sandwich is just logged as the same one, I don't count lettuce or measure the amount of milk in my coffee.

    This keeps me accountable without getting obsessed over it or spending much time on it.

    100% Agree! Whether people continue to log or not is a very individual thing. Great teeth brushing analogy!

    I use the same "loose logging" approach. no more food scales, just general tracking of food to keep an eye on my macros and micros.

    brushing your teeth is essential to your health. Proper nutrition and fitness are essential to your overall health and well being....nutrition and fitness and living a healthful lifestyle is like brushing your teeth. Logging isn't at all necessary for your overall health and wellbeing...logging isn't like brushing your teeth at all. It is a training tool.

    How long to you intend to live...I'm, looking at hopefully another 40 - 50 years if not more. I some how find the entire idea that I would be logging in a food diary for the next 40 - 50 years laughable...I mean maybe you will, but somehow I doubt it. It's really not realistic at all.

    I don't know, maybe I'm weird...but I can be mindful about what I'm eating and keep a rough tally in my head without logging it on paper...that's just one of the things I learned while I was logging.
  • wampahoofus
    wampahoofus Posts: 38 Member
    I think the best thing is to have a plan. Logging daily is a good plan maintain weight. I think it is also a good idea to visit the scale at least once a week. It should go right into your moring routine along with brushing your teeth. If you can maintain your weight, within a range, without logging then you are doing great. However, some routine of measurement and evaluation needs to happen regularly or it is likely nature will take back over and you will return to the original "normal".
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    No, and I seldom log now.

    Here is my current opinion....

    Ultimately I think the goal for most people (perhaps not everyone) should be to learn to establish habits such that minimal or no logging is required.

    Additionally, if people can log over the long term without it effecting their relationship with food or without it having a negative impact on their life then I don't see any problem with it. But I do think there are many people for whom this does cause some issues, and those people should seek to establish proper eating habits to hopefully get to a place where no or minimal logging is required.

    It's not something that can be approached without strategy though. In that, for most people I don't think just "stop logging" is going to likely lead them to being able to maintain weight or to continue to lose weight. I think it requires some attention to habit forming and establishing a general set of guidelines around eating habits/etc.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    Wait wut? This site is for counting calories? I'm just here for the nudes, inappropriate threads because I just need to know if the next poster is going to bang, lick or pass me based on a stamp sized avatar.

    In a nut shell what SideSteel said about "establishing habits such that minimal or no logging is required."

    Oh and pics :wink:

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    I'm less than 10 pounds away from my goal weight. 7 pounds to be exact. Which got me I have to count calories forever? I am used to counting my calories of MFP so it's not a big deal if I continue to count calories. I'm just wondering if everyone is going to count calories forever if not, when do you plan on stopping?

    I don't know...have you managed to actually learn anything while you were logging or did you just obsess about the scale?

    I've been maintaining for 16 months plus and don't log...logging and keeping a diary is like training wheels on a're supposed to actually learn to ride without's kind of the point. If you truly turn that corner and make a lifestyle change then logging isn'e necessary. If you just revert back to old ways and the SAD then good luck..and'll have to log forever....which really, c' realistic is that?

    The only time I would consider logging is to actually drop weight...maintaining weight is really ****ing easy without logging so long as you're eating right and rocking your fitness...really ****ing easy.

    I disagree with this.

    If not logging works fine for you that's great.

    But I dont think there is any 'supposed to learn to live without training wheels' deal.
    Some people have likened it more to cleaning your teeth - you don't eventually learn to keep your teeth clean without brushing- more like brushing takes a few minutes a day and you plan on doing it indefinitely.

    Myself I use a maitenance version of logging called approximate loose logging - I still log daily but I don't weigh and measure everything; every mandarine is just a small or medium mandarine, every subway sandwich is just logged as the same one, I don't count lettuce or measure the amount of milk in my coffee.

    This keeps me accountable without getting obsessed over it or spending much time on it.

    100% Agree! Whether people continue to log or not is a very individual thing. Great teeth brushing analogy!

    I use the same "loose logging" approach. no more food scales, just general tracking of food to keep an eye on my macros and micros.

    brushing your teeth is essential to your health. Proper nutrition and fitness are essential to your overall health and well being....nutrition and fitness and living a healthful lifestyle is like brushing your teeth. Logging isn't at all necessary for your overall health and wellbeing...logging isn't like brushing your teeth at all. It is a training tool.

    How long to you intend to live...I'm, looking at hopefully another 40 - 50 years if not more. I some how find the entire idea that I would be logging in a food diary for the next 40 - 50 years laughable...I mean maybe you will, but somehow I doubt it. It's really not realistic at all.

    I don't know, maybe I'm weird...but I can be mindful about what I'm eating and keep a rough tally in my head without logging it on paper...that's just one of the things I learned while I was logging.

    Cleaning your teeth was an analogy - not exactly the same, I agree.
    A better analogy perhaps is writing out a shopping list - some people might think writing a list is a tool or training wheels until you learn to shop without one - others might continue to use a list long term.

    I dont know if I would log forever but I do plan on doing it indefinitely - have done so thus far for nearly a year (in maitenance)
    I agree doing it long term is not for everyone - as I said before, if not logging works for you, that is great.

    My version is working for me and at this stage I have no intentions of changing that.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I am a different sort of person, because I could eat at a deficit forever and not feel hungry. I am a recovered bulimic who purges by exercise. I don't log not to eat too much; I log not to eat too little. Maybe someday I will be able to stop, but it won't be while I have kids to chase and a life to live. Like my dad needs AA, I need to log my food. I'm not going to stop eating or exercising; therefore, I am not going to stop logging.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm less than 10 pounds away from my goal weight. 7 pounds to be exact. Which got me I have to count calories forever? I am used to counting my calories of MFP so it's not a big deal if I continue to count calories. I'm just wondering if everyone is going to count calories forever if not, when do you plan on stopping?

    I reached my goal weight then dropped a couple more pounds. I do not feel it is in my best interest to count calories unless I am actively trying to lose weight. I am tracking certain micro nutrients right now otherwise would not be logging at all.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    November will mark 3 years since I reached my goal, and I'm still logging.
    The main difference is that NOW I don't care all that much if I go over my calorie budget. I can get back on track in a couple of days.
    I also don't measure to the 'nth' degree. Estimation is close enough.
    As others have said, you should be able to guess at calorie content, within reason anyway.
    Logging is not a major chore. I will have my laptop in my lap while watching TV, so why not be somewhat productive instead of reading mindless posts on Facebook?
    Yes, I plan to continue logging.
  • Rachelwin65
    Rachelwin65 Posts: 55 Member
    I suspect I will need to log in some way forever. I am not the same as a normal person. If I was, I wouldn't be over 100 lbs. overweight. For me, a willingness to do some simple things to keep my health in check is worth it. A diabetic has to test every day. And I will likely have to log every day. I hope I will be willing to do it to stay healthy.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    So far I've been tracking calories irregularly but weighing myself every few days, and am maintaining just fine, but I haven't been doing it all that long. I suspect I'll have to try harder in winter when I'm not enjoying so many wonderful fresh fruits and veggies.
  • cassique
    cassique Posts: 164 Member
    I'm trying to figure that out now. Just started maintenance, and I hope I don't have to log everything I eat for the rest of my life. I'm hoping an occasional reality check week or month will suffice. Right now I am behaving the way I feel like behaving with regards to food and exercise and logging it probably more accurately than I was while I was losing. I'm actually weighing and measuring which I was kind of lax with during the weight loss phase. I want to be able to gauge my lifestyle throughout a typical year so I have a better understand of what I need to look out for in the future.

    My goal is to be able to live my life without logging, but to pay enough attention to know when I need to start again to keep where I want to be. My biggest concern right now is that I know my couch potato months are coming up. So I know that at least until next summer I will probably have to keep on logging daily while I learn my patterns.
  • etiapef
    etiapef Posts: 13 Member
    i think what would balance it is to keep working out, everyone of us has a good idea after counting calories for such a long time and you can just give an estimate to your intake in a day and if you miss calculate then work out will take care of the difference and turns out that ur keeping an even much better life style by working out for good and making it your second nature instead of counting calories for good
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i think... i know myself well enough to never pretend i know hat i will be doing forever.

    i intend to reach goal in about a year and a half from now, give or take. hen i do i hope i continue to count calories but maybe not as obsessively. maybe i will have an idea of how many calories each meal and snack should be, and try to keep it there.

    i would like to say i will forever, and it would be cool if i do... but who really knows about forever.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i can say that barring injury i will probably work out forever though, and over time i will probably get more and more atheletic and my workouts more and more intense. i am pretty in love with fitness now and dont see that changing.