Looking for friends!

Hello MFP world!

I am a returning member to this site. about 4 years ago I was so dedicated to MFP and lost almost 50 lbs using this site faithfully. In 4 years, I gained a lot of the weight back. I've been back on MFP for a while now, but haven't been using it everyday. Now that summer is winding down and my schedule is more organized, I want to get back to logging, running, and losing the jiggle. I've got a husband to think about now, (who probably needs to GAIN weight). I don't want us to be those newly weds that gain weight after marriage, so it's time to start now! I'm looking for friends who post on MFP daily. Seeing everyone's posts and sharing in others' successes and failures really motivates me to stay on track, even when I fail. I've reached out a few times on here to find some more friends, and no one responded. (It could be because I posted at 5AM) so PLEASE ADD ME!!!
