Eating out help!!


Please could someone give me some advice on how i track what i eat in a restaurant? Tonight i am going to an indian restaurant for my fiance's birthday and the food is quite complicated, and involves lots of different foods and flavours. Its not overly unhealthy compared to some other restaurants and i am comfortable that i can make the best possible choice from the menu.

My problem is how the hell do i put the food i eat into MFP? its not a chain restaurant I have checked and the restaurant isn't already logged into MFP. (ive already looked at the menu).

Ive only been using this for a couple of days and Im just getting used to it. Does anyone have any advice on how i handle this?

Thanks for your help! X


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You have a number of approaches.

    1. Do a "quick add" of say 1,000 calories.
    2. Find something close in the database - I'm sure I've seen Indian Buffet as an entry, and there are lots of curry type dishes.
    3. Ignore it - make a note in the bottom of your diary, and dont plress the diary-close button.

    Make sure you get lots of water over the next few days, and enjoy your night out!
  • Tomm88
    Tomm88 Posts: 733 Member
    When i first read the title for this i totally got the wrong idea....

    You'll just have to try your best and guess, save alot of calories for when you go to the place. Try not to each to much through the day. Hope this helps a little.
  • RedHotMamaGirl
    RedHotMamaGirl Posts: 7 Member
    When I eat out, I "quick add" 1,000 calories no matter where I go. And I really do try and eat healthy, but It's really easy to get there in a restaurant. If you overshoot by 200 calories or so, well, that's not a problem for your weight loss goal. If you under estimate the calories you consume, that's a problem for your weight loss goal.
  • sradams1
    sradams1 Posts: 69 Member
    Have a great time and enjoy the company. Just try not to overeat and use portion control. Easier said than done though!
  • LanceDuvall
    LanceDuvall Posts: 66 Member
    Eating out....I avoid any sauces.....stick to grilled....mainly chicken.....I wish someone could invent a diet wine.....
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    there is a good variety of indian dishes available on MFP - not sure on accuracy of macros / calories but still....
    eyeball portions you eat and track as best as you think.
    Worst comes to worst level out on a caloric deficit over the next couple of days if you feel you have gone over!
  • indieb23
    Thanks all! Really appreciate the help. I think i will go with a "quick add" that some of you suggested.

    Thanks again!
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    there is another option,

    depending on where you live , uk its certainly true.

    restaurants are required to be able to provide, upon request, nutritional information for the food they are serving.

    now im not saying demand it from the waiter when he takes your order, but maybe privately ask, or phone the restaurant in advance. if you can view there menu online etc?

    now i fully appreciate that this version of the solution is probably the most laborsome .. but potentially.. the most accurate.

    might be worth a shot if youre a stickler for accuracy

    good luck and enjoy your meal
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    they did LOL wine spritzer, not nearly as good