Looking for some new friends

aj7x Posts: 84 Member
Hello everyone, I'm AJ. I'm back after a long summer vacation and I'm looking for some new friends. Here is my story: I moved to Spain in 2012 to teach ESL. The first year I was there I was so lonely and overwhelmed living in a new country without any friends that I turned to food. I would eat a whole bag of chips before a meal and then two or three chocolate bars after. The pounds packed on QUICKLY. After a few months, I found myself at my highest weight ever. I felt things jiggle that never jiggled before, I was tired all the time, and I stopped going out with my friends. Now, I was lonely, self-conscience and depressed.

In 2013, I started running with a friend. I could hardly run for a minute straight as my friend could go and go and go. I was embarrassed and I hated it, but night after night I kept going. Eventually I was running 3 miles a day and I felt more energized. I changed my eating habits and joined MPF; the weight melted right off. I became OBSESSED with running. I would run 5, 6 even 7 miles everyday. I even joined a gym and started weight training. I was in the best shape of my life and weighed less then I did in high school! I was really happy and proud of myself.

About two months ago I moved back to the USA and I am struggling BIG TIME. I have already gained about 15 pounds back in a short amount of time. I stopped exercising and I treated myself to the foods I hadn't had in 2 years. I am finding that fruits and veggies here aren't as tasty here then there were there and they are EXPENSIVE. Also, I am working two waitressing jobs and spend 12 hours on my feet all day. I don't have time to cook anymore and I find myself grazing all day. A french fry here, a cup of soup there. My friends always go to the bar after work. Also, there is SO MUCH processed food here. I am struggling big time finding time to work out and eat healthy when it is just so convenient and cheap to eat at work. I am facing new challenges here and I am looking for some new friends to motivate each other!


  • Ameenah2014
    Looking to add friends to help with my accountability. :-) I sent you a request.
  • jytinner
    jytinner Posts: 5 Member
    Awesome story! I actually plannd on moving to Spain to teach ESL last year this time but life happened as usual. We all have different stories and all have different journeys! Having a friend, accountability, motivation and consistency partner would help make things a little easier. Let's swap stories and tips.
  • losingit152
    I just joined MFP and would love some new friends to help with motivation and accountability. sent a request :)
  • theEffingPanda
    Sending you a request!
  • ericmccreary
    I just joined MFP today too and I'm looking for people who need help with accountability! Sound like you then friend me:).
  • theycallmearth
    theycallmearth Posts: 196 Member
    First, thanks for sharing your story. Second, I understand what you mean about healthy foods being so expensive. It's ridiculous how much more affordable junk food is.

    Anyways, if you want to send a friend request feel free. I always welcome new friends and especially those that are looking to help hold each other accountable.